(interactive "P")
;; Don't use save-some-buffers-default-predicate, because we want
;; to ask about all the buffers before killing Emacs.
- (save-some-buffers arg t)
+ (if (use-dialog-box-p)
+ (pcase (x-popup-dialog
+ t `("Unsaved Buffers"
+ ("Close Without Saving" . no-save)
+ ("Save All" . save-all)
+ ("Cancel" . cancel)))
+ ('cancel (user-error "Exit cancelled"))
+ ('save-all (save-some-buffers t)))
+ (save-some-buffers arg t))
(let ((confirm confirm-kill-emacs))
(or (not (memq t (mapcar (lambda (buf)
character. This is not possible when using `read-key', but using
`read-key' may be less confusing to some users.")
+(defun use-dialog-box-p ()
+ "Say whether the user should be prompted with a dialog popup box."
+ (and (display-popup-menus-p)
+ last-input-event ; not during startup
+ (listp last-nonmenu-event)
+ use-dialog-box))
(defun y-or-n-p (prompt)
"Ask user a \"y or n\" question.
Return t if answer is \"y\" and nil if it is \"n\".
((and (member str '("h" "H")) help-form) (print help-form))
(t (setq temp-prompt (concat "Please answer y or n. "
- ((and (display-popup-menus-p)
- last-input-event ; not during startup
- (listp last-nonmenu-event)
- use-dialog-box)
+ ((use-dialog-box-p)
(setq prompt (funcall padded prompt t)
answer (x-popup-dialog t `(,prompt ("Yes" . act) ("No" . skip)))))