(cl-defstruct (comp-mvar (:copier nil) (:constructor make--comp-mvar))
"A meta-variable being a slot in the meta-stack."
- (id nil :type number
- :documentation "SSA number.")
(slot nil :type fixnum
:documentation "Slot position.")
+ (id nil :type number
+ :documentation "SSA number.")
(const-vld nil
:documentation "Valid signal for the following slot.")
(constant nil
(defvar comp-func)
+(defun comp-assign-op-p (op)
+ "Assignment predicate for OP."
+ (cl-find op comp-limple-assignments))
(defun comp-add-const-to-relocs (obj)
"Keep track of OBJ into the ctxt relocations.
The corresponding index is returned."
(slot-assigned-p (slot-n bb)
;; Return t if a SLOT-N was assigned within BB.
(cl-loop for insn in (comp-block-insns bb)
- for op = (car insn)
- when (and (cl-find op comp-limple-assignments)
+ when (and (comp-assign-op-p (car insn))
(= slot-n (comp-mvar-slot (cadr insn))))
do (return t))))
(add-phi i y)
(push y f)
;; Adding a phi implies mentioning the
- ;; correspondig slot so in case adjust w.
+ ;; corresponding slot so in case adjust w.
(unless (cl-find y defs-v)
(push y w)))))))))
(cl-loop for ed in out-edges
for child = (comp-edge-dst ed)
when (eq bb (comp-block-dom child))
- ;; Current block is the immediate dominator the recur.
+ ;; Current block is the immediate dominator then recur.
do (comp-dominator-tree-walker child pre-lambda post-lambda)))
(when post-lambda
(funcall post-lambda bb)))
-(defun comp-rename-mvars ()
- "Rename all mvar accoring to the new SSA rapresentation."
- ;; Originally based on: Static Single Assignment Book
- ;; Algorithm 3.3: Renaming algorithm
- (comp-dominator-tree-walker (gethash 'entry (comp-func-blocks comp-func)) nil
- (lambda (bb) (comp-log (format "\n%s" (comp-block-name bb))))))
+(cl-defstruct (comp-ssa (:copier nil))
+ "Support structure used while SSA renaming."
+ (frame (comp-new-frame (comp-func-frame-size comp-func)) :type vector
+ :documentation "Vector of mvars."))
+(defun comp-ssa-rename-insn (insn slot-n)
+ (cl-flet ((target-p (x)
+ ;; Ret t if x is an mvar and target the correct slot number.
+ (and (comp-mvar-p x)
+ (eql slot-n (comp-mvar-slot x)))))
+ (pcase insn
+ (`(,(pred comp-assign-op-p) ,(pred target-p) . ,_)
+ ;; If is an assignment make a new mvar and put it as l-value.
+ (let ((mvar (make-comp-mvar :slot slot-n)))
+ (setf (aref (comp-ssa-frame comp-pass) slot-n) mvar)
+ (setf (cadr insn) mvar)))
+ (_
+ (let ((mvar (aref (comp-ssa-frame comp-pass) slot-n)))
+ ;; Should we have to recur?
+ (cl-nsubstitute-if mvar #'target-p (cdr insn)))))))
+(defun comp-ssa-rename-in-blocks (n)
+ "Given slot number N rename in the blocks."
+ (comp-dominator-tree-walker (gethash 'entry (comp-func-blocks comp-func))
+ (lambda (b)
+ (cl-loop for insn in (comp-block-insns b)
+ do (comp-ssa-rename-insn insn n)))
+ nil))
+(defun comp-ssa-rename ()
+ "Entry point to rename SSA within the current function."
+ (comp-log "Renaming\n")
+ (cl-loop with comp-pass = (make-comp-ssa)
+ for n from 0 below (comp-func-frame-size comp-func)
+ ;; For every slot frame rename down to the dominator tree.
+ do (comp-ssa-rename-in-blocks n)))
(defun comp-ssa (funcs)
"Port FUNCS into mininal SSA form."
- (comp-log-func comp-func)
- (comp-rename-mvars))))
+ (comp-ssa-rename)
+ (comp-log-func comp-func))))
;;; Final pass specific code.