(d-impure-idx (comp-data-container-idx d-impure))
(d-ephemeral (comp-ctxt-d-ephemeral comp-ctxt))
(d-ephemeral-idx (comp-data-container-idx d-ephemeral)))
- ;; Remove things in d-impure that are already in d-default.
+ ;; Remove entries in d-impure already present in d-default.
(cl-loop for obj being each hash-keys of d-impure-idx
when (gethash obj d-default-idx)
do (remhash obj d-impure-idx))
- ;; Remove things in d-ephemeral that are already in d-default or
+ ;; Remove entries in d-ephemeral already present in d-default or
;; d-impure.
(cl-loop for obj being each hash-keys of d-ephemeral-idx
when (or (gethash obj d-default-idx) (gethash obj d-impure-idx))