For further details, please consult the manual:
+* Version 0.6.2 on 2022-10-15
+** Added a Prolog indicating the Prolog is running under ~sweep~
+=sweeprolog.el= now creates a boolean Prolog flag ~sweep~ set to ~true~ when
+initiating Prolog, to allow users to customize their Prolog init file
* Version 0.6.0 on 2022-10-10
** Added integration with Flymake
(add-to-list 'sweeprolog-init-args "--stack-limit=512m")
+#+CINDEX: sweep Prolog flag
+The default value of ~sweeprolog-init-args~ is set to load the Prolog
+helper library and to create a boolean Prolog flag ~sweep~, set
+to ~true~, which indicates to SWI-Prolog that it is running under ~sweep~.
#+VINDEX: sweeprolog-init-on-load
To inhibit =sweeprolog= from initializing Prolog on load, set the user-option
=sweeprolog-init-on-load= to nil.