;;; Dynamic registration
+(defun eglot--wildcard-to-regexp (wildcard)
+ "(Very lame attempt to) convert WILDCARD to a Elisp regexp."
+ (cl-loop
+ with substs = '(("{" . "\\\\(")
+ ("}" . "\\\\)")
+ ("," . "\\\\|"))
+ with string = (wildcard-to-regexp wildcard)
+ for (pattern . rep) in substs
+ for target = string then result
+ for result = (replace-regexp-in-string pattern rep target)
+ finally return result))
(cl-defun eglot--register-workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles (server &key id watchers)
"Handle dynamic registration of workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles"
(eglot--unregister-workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles server :id id)
((and (memq action '(created changed deleted))
(cl-find file globs
:test (lambda (f glob)
- (string-match (wildcard-to-regexp
+ (string-match (eglot--wildcard-to-regexp
(expand-file-name glob))