;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
(defvar ats-accepting-connection nil
"UUID of connections being established.")
+(defvar-local ats-associated-process nil
+ "ATS process associated with this buffer.
+Such a process will be returned by `ats-read-connection' without
+prompting the user.")
(defun ats-address-to-hostname (address)
"Return the hostname component of the address ADDRESS."
:family 'ipv4
- :coding 'utf-8-emacs
+ :coding 'no-conversion
:sentinel #'ats-server-sentinel
:log #'ats-server-log)))
(setq ats-server process)
(defun ats-read-connection (prompt)
"Read an ATS connection from the user, with completion.
-PROMPT is the prompt displayed by `completing-read'.
-Value is a process representing such a connection."
- (let ((procs))
- (dolist (proc (process-list))
- (when (process-get proc 'ats-connection-details)
- (push (buffer-name (process-buffer proc)) procs)))
- (let ((buffer (completing-read prompt procs
- nil t nil 'ats-read-processes)))
- (get-buffer-process buffer))))
+If `ats-associated-process' is set in the current buffer, return
+this process if it remains alive. PROMPT is the prompt
+displayed by `completing-read'. Value is a process representing
+such a connection."
+ (or (and ats-associated-process
+ (eq (process-status ats-associated-process) 'open)
+ ats-associated-process)
+ (let ((procs))
+ (dolist (proc (process-list))
+ (when (process-get proc 'ats-connection-details)
+ (push (buffer-name (process-buffer proc)) procs)))
+ (let ((buffer (completing-read prompt procs
+ nil t nil
+ 'ats-read-processes)))
+ (get-buffer-process buffer)))))
(defun ats-disconnect (process)
"Disconnect from the ATS connection represented by PROCESS.
(ats-in-connection-context (get-process process) details
(delete-process process)))
-(defun ats-establish-connection (process details)
+(defun ats-establish-connection (process details &optional interactive)
"Finalize a connection represented by PROCESS.
DETAILS should be an alist of connection information to which
`ats-adb-host' is appended, with the following keys:
The port on the ADB host system mediating between the local
and the remote system.
+If INTERACTIVE, open a Lisp interaction buffer with
Value is PROCESS itself."
(process-put process 'ats-connection-details
(append `((host . ,ats-adb-host)
(message "Connection established to %s (on %s)"
(cdr (assq 'device details)) host))
- process)
+ (prog1 process
+ (when interactive
+ (ats-open-lisp-interaction-buffer process))))
-(defun ats-connect (device user &optional host)
+(defun ats-connect (device user &optional host interactive)
"Establish a connection to DEVICE on HOST executing as USER.
HOST, if nil, defaults to `ats-adb-host'.
If an instance of Emacs is already executing on DEVICE and the
user-alist nil t))))
(list device (or (cdr (assoc user user-alist))
(error "Unknown user: %s" user))
- host)))
+ host t)))
;; Terminate any existing instances of Emacs executing as this user.
(let* ((ats-adb-host host)
(emacs-aid (ats-get-package-aid device "org.gnu.emacs"))
(remote-port . ,remote-port)
(host-port . ,host-port)
(user . ,user)
- (device . ,device))))))
+ (device . ,device))
+ interactive))))
;; On failure, cease forwarding to this device, but permit
;; the connection to the host to remain.
(unless process
:buffer name
:host 'local
:service local-port
- :coding 'utf-8-emacs
+ :coding 'no-conversion
:sentinel #'ats-server-sentinel))
(process-send-string process "-ok\n")
(ats-establish-connection process
(local-port . ,local-port)
(host-port . ,host-port)
(user . ,user)
- (device . ,device))))
+ (device . ,device))
+ interactive))
(when process
;; Finalize the failed process as best as can be
;; (defvar ats-eval-tm 0)
-(defun ats-eval (process form &optional as-printed)
+(defun ats-eval (process form &optional as-printed raw)
"Evaluate FORM in PROCESS, which form must be printable.
Form should evaluate to a value that must be printable, or
signal an error. Value is (ok . VALUE) if no error was
-signaled, or (error . VALUE) otherwise.
+signaled, or (error . VALUE) otherwise. If RAW, instruct
+PROCESS not to attempt to decode the printed representation of
+FORM as multibyte text; this does not influence the decoding
+whatever value it returns.
Set AS-PRINTED to insist that the value be returned as a string;
this enables non-printable values to be returned in a meaningful
(ats-in-connection-context process details
- (let* ((str (prin1-to-string form))
+ (let* ((str (encode-coding-string
+ (prin1-to-string form) 'utf-8-emacs t))
(length (length str))
(serial (setf (alist-get 'eval-serial details)
(1+ (alist-get 'eval-serial details))))
(point (point))
size form)
(process-send-string process
- (format "-eval %d %d %s\n" serial
+ (format "-eval %d %d %s %s\n" serial
- (if as-printed "t" "nil")))
+ (if as-printed "t" "nil")
+ (if raw "nil" "t")))
(process-send-string process str)
;; Read the resultant form.
(while (not form)
(when (>= (- (point-max) (point-min)) size)
(narrow-to-region (point-min) (+ (point-min) size))
(goto-char (point-min))
- (setq form (read (current-buffer)))))))
+ (setq form (car (read-from-string
+ (decode-coding-string
+ (buffer-string)
+ 'utf-8-unix t))))))))
+;; Remote Lisp Interaction mode.
+(defvar ats-remote-eval-defuns
+ '(progn
+ (defalias 'ats-remote-eval-on-device
+ #'(lambda (form)
+ "Remotely evaluate a submitted form FORM.
+Collect FORM's standard output and return values, and return a
+where STANDARD-OUTPUT is any output the form has printed or
+inserted, VALUE is FORM's value, and VALUE-TRUNCATED is FORM's
+value after truncation as in the manner of `eval-expression',
+both as strings.
+If FORM should signal an error, value becomes (error ERROR),
+where ERROR is a cons of the error's symbol and of its data."
+ (condition-case error
+ (let ((standard-output
+ (get-buffer-create "*ats-standard-output*")))
+ (with-current-buffer standard-output
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (let ((value (eval form nil)))
+ (list 'ok (buffer-string)
+ (prin1-to-string value)
+ (let ((print-length eval-expression-print-length)
+ (print-level eval-expression-print-level))
+ (prin1-to-string value))))))
+ (error (list 'error error))))))
+ "Forms to be evaluated on the remote device before remote evaluation.")
+(defun ats-remote-eval-print-sexp
+ (value value-truncated output &optional no-truncate)
+ "Print VALUE and VALUE-TRUNCATED (a string) to OUTPUT.
+The manner of printing is subject to NO-TRUNCATE.
+Adapted from `elisp--eval-last-sexp-print-value' in
+ (let* ((unabbreviated value) (beg (point)) end)
+ (prog1 (princ (if no-truncate
+ value
+ value-truncated)
+ output)
+ (setq end (point))
+ (when (and (bufferp output)
+ (or (not (null print-length))
+ (not (null print-level)))
+ (not (string= unabbreviated
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))
+ (last-sexp-setup-props beg end value
+ unabbreviated
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))))
+(defun ats-remote-eval-for-interaction (process form &optional no-truncate)
+ "Evaluate FORM for Lisp interaction in a remote device.
+PROCESS represents the connection to the said device. Insert
+text printed by FORM to standard output and its return value on
+success, as would `eval-last-sexp', and signal an error on
+If NO-TRUNCATE, print FORM's value in full without truncation."
+ (let ((details (process-get process 'ats-connection-details))
+ rc)
+ ;; First, set up a utility function.
+ (unless (cdr (assq 'remote-eval-initialized details))
+ (setq rc (ats-eval process ats-remote-eval-defuns))
+ (when (eq (car rc) 'error)
+ (error "Could not initialize remote evaluation: %S"
+ (cdr rc)))
+ (process-put process 'ats-connection-details
+ (cons '(remote-eval-initialized . t) details)))
+ ;; Next, really evaluate the form, and also, recognize and convert
+ ;; errors in preparing to evaluate the form appropriately.
+ (let ((value (ats-eval process
+ `(let ((eval-expression-print-length
+ ,eval-expression-print-length)
+ (eval-expression-print-level
+ ,eval-expression-print-level))
+ (ats-remote-eval-on-device ',form)))))
+ (cond ((eq (car value) 'ok)
+ ;; The form was read successfully, but evaluation may
+ ;; nevertheless have terminated with an error.
+ (let ((value (cdr value)))
+ (cond ((eq (car value) 'ok)
+ (insert (cadr value))
+ (ats-remote-eval-print-sexp (caddr value)
+ (cadddr value)
+ (current-buffer)
+ no-truncate))
+ ((eq (car value) 'error)
+ (signal (caadr value)
+ (cdadr value))))))
+ ((eq (car value) 'error)
+ ;; The device could not decode the form.
+ (error "Error decoding form on device: %S" (cdr value)))))))
+(defun ats-remote-eval-print-last-sexp (process &optional arg)
+ "Evaluate sexp before point; print value into the current buffer.
+Evaluation transpires in the device controlled by the remote
+connection represented by PROCESS. ARG inhibits truncation of
+printed values, as in `eval-print-last-sexp'."
+ (interactive (list (ats-read-connection "Connection: ")
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (ats-remote-eval-for-interaction process (elisp--preceding-sexp)
+ arg)
+ (insert "\n"))
+(defun ats-remote-eval-last-sexp (process &optional arg)
+ "Evaluate sexp before point.
+Subsequently, print value and inserted text in the echo area.
+Evaluation transpires in the device controlled by the remote
+connection represented by PROCESS. ARG inhibits truncation of
+printed values, as in `eval-print-last-sexp'."
+ (interactive (list (ats-read-connection "Connection: ")
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (let ((sexp (elisp--preceding-sexp)))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (ats-remote-eval-for-interaction process sexp arg)
+ (message (buffer-string)))))
+(defun ats-remote-eval-defun (process)
+ "Evaluate defun around or after point.
+Evaluation transpires in the device controlled by the remote
+connection represented by PROCESS."
+ (interactive (list (ats-read-connection "Connection: ")))
+ (let ((standard-output t) form)
+ ;; Read the form from the buffer, and record where it ends.
+ (save-excursion
+ (end-of-defun)
+ (beginning-of-defun)
+ (setq form (read (current-buffer))))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (ats-remote-eval-for-interaction process form)
+ (message (buffer-string)))))
+(defun ats-remote-eval-region-or-buffer (process)
+ "Evaluate the forms in the active region or the whole buffer.
+Evaluation transpires in the device controlled by the remote
+connection represented by PROCESS."
+ (interactive (list (ats-read-connection "Connection: ")))
+ (let ((evalstring (if (use-region-p)
+ (buffer-substring (region-beginning)
+ (region-end))
+ (buffer-string))))
+ (ats-eval process `(with-temp-buffer
+ (insert ,evalstring)
+ (eval-buffer)))))
+(defvar ats-lisp-interaction-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map [remap eval-print-last-sexp]
+ #'ats-remote-eval-print-last-sexp)
+ (define-key map [remap eval-defun]
+ #'ats-remote-eval-defun)
+ (define-key map [remap elisp-eval-region-or-buffer]
+ #'ats-remote-eval-region-or-buffer)
+ (define-key map [remap eval-last-sexp]
+ #'ats-remote-eval-last-sexp)
+ map)
+ "Keymap applied in `ats-lisp-interaction-mode' buffers.")
+(easy-menu-define ats-lisp-interaction-mode-menu
+ ats-lisp-interaction-mode-map
+ "Menu for Ats Lisp Interaction mode."
+ '("Lisp-Interaction"
+ ["Complete Lisp Symbol" completion-at-point
+ :help "Perform completion on Lisp symbol preceding point"]
+ ["Indent or Pretty-Print" indent-pp-sexp
+ :help "Indent each line of the list starting just after point, or prettyprint it"]
+ ["Evaluate and Print" ats-remote-eval-print-last-sexp
+ :help "Evaluate sexp before point; print value into current buffer"]
+ ["Evaluate Defun" ats-remote-eval-defun
+ :help "Evaluate the top-level form containing point, or after point"]))
+(define-derived-mode ats-lisp-interaction-mode lisp-interaction-mode
+ `("Remote Lisp Interaction"
+ (:eval (unless (and ats-associated-process
+ (processp ats-associated-process)
+ (eq (process-status ats-associated-process)
+ 'open))
+ ,(propertize " disconnected" 'face 'error))))
+ "Variant of `lisp-interaction-mode' that executes forms remotely.
+This derivative of `lisp-interaction-mode' rebinds such commands
+as \\[eval-print-last-sexp] to variants which submit forms for
+execution on remote Android devices connected over `adb'. It
+also disables a number of features unsupported by remote
+execution facilities, such as edebug.")
+(defun ats-open-lisp-interaction-buffer (process)
+ "Open an Ats Lisp Interaction Mode buffer on PROCESS
+Create and display a buffer in `ats-lisp-interaction-mode'; that
+is, a mode akin to `lisp-interaction-mode' but which submits
+forms typed to a remote Android device over the connection
+represented by PROCESS."
+ (interactive (list (ats-read-connection "Connection: ")))
+ (ats-in-connection-context process details
+ (let ((device (cdr (assq 'device details)))
+ (user (cdr (assq 'user details))))
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create
+ (format "*Lisp Interaction in %s (on %s%s)*"
+ device
+ (or ats-adb-host "localhost")
+ (if (not (eq user 0))
+ (format ", as %d" user)
+ "")))
+ (ats-lisp-interaction-mode)
+ (setq ats-associated-process process)
+ (when (eq (buffer-size) 0)
+ (insert (format "\
+;; This buffer enables typed Lisp forms to be executed in the device `%s' on `%s'.
+;; View the doc string of `ats-lisp-interaction-mode' for specifics.\n\n"
+ device
+ (or ats-adb-host "localhost")))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (fill-region (point) (progn
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point)))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (fill-region (point) (point-max))))
+ (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))))
+;; ERT regression testing.
+(defvar ats-emacs-test-directory
+ (and load-file-name
+ (expand-file-name
+ (concat (file-name-directory load-file-name)
+ "../../")))
+ "Directory in which to locate Emacs regression tests, or nil otherwise.")
+(defun ats-upload-test (process dir test-name)
+ "Upload a test file and its resources to a remote device.
+PROCESS represents the connection to the device.
+TEST-NAME concatenated with \"-tests.el\" should identify a file
+in DIR implementing a series of ERC regression tests. If there
+is additionally a directory by the name TEST-NAME-resources in
+the same directory, upload it to the remote device also.
+Once uploaded, tests defined in the file may be loaded and
+executed by means of `ats-exec-tests'."
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((connection (ats-read-connection "Connection: "))
+ (dir ats-emacs-test-directory)
+ (test (completing-read "Test to upload: "
+ (ats-list-tests-locally dir)
+ nil t nil
+ 'ats-uploaded-tests)))
+ (list connection dir test)))
+ (let* ((dir-name (file-name-as-directory
+ (expand-file-name dir)))
+ (test-file
+ (concat dir-name test-name "-tests.el"))
+ (resources-directory
+ (concat dir-name test-name "-resources"))
+ ;; Strip all directories from the test name.
+ (default-directory (file-name-directory test-file)))
+ (unless (file-regular-p test-file)
+ (error "Not a regular file: %s" test-file))
+ ;; Create a compressed tar file. Though a cpio implementation
+ ;; exists in the sources for Android 2.2's command line tools, yet
+ ;; it is often deleted in release builds of the OS to reduce storage
+ ;; utilization, so it is best to resort to tar and gzip, which Emacs
+ ;; is able to decompress without command line utilities.
+ (let ((temp-file (make-temp-file "ats-" nil ".tar")))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (let ((bare-test-file (file-name-nondirectory test-file))
+ (bare-test-resources (file-name-nondirectory test-file)))
+ (let ((rc (if (file-directory-p resources-directory)
+ (call-process "tar" nil nil nil "cf" temp-file
+ bare-test-file bare-test-resources)
+ (call-process "tar" nil nil nil "cf" temp-file
+ bare-test-file))))
+ (unless (eq 0 rc)
+ (error "tar exited with code: %d" rc)))
+ ;; Compress this file.
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+ (let ((rc (call-process "gzip" temp-file '(t nil) nil
+ "-c" temp-file)))
+ (unless (eq 0 rc)
+ (error "gzip -c exited with code: %d" rc))
+ ;; Write this compressed data to the destination and
+ ;; decompress it there.
+ (let ((rc (ats-eval
+ process
+ `(with-temp-buffer
+ (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+ (insert ,(buffer-string))
+ (zlib-decompress-region (point-min)
+ (point-max))
+ (let ((dir
+ (concat (file-name-as-directory
+ temporary-file-directory)
+ "ats-tests/" ,test-name)))
+ (if (file-directory-p dir)
+ (let ((files (directory-files-recursively
+ dir ""))
+ (default-directory dir))
+ (mapc #'delete-file files))
+ (make-directory dir t))
+ (let ((default-directory dir))
+ (require 'tar-mode)
+ (tar-mode)
+ (tar-untar-buffer)))))))
+ (when (eq (car rc) 'error)
+ (error "Remote error: %S" (cdr rc)))
+ (message "Uploaded test `%s'" test-name))))))
+ (with-demoted-errors "Removing temporary file: %S"
+ (delete-file temp-file))))))
+(defun ats-list-tests-locally (dir)
+ "Return a list of tests defined in DIR.
+DIR ought to be the `test' directory in the Emacs repository or
+a likewise structured directory tree."
+ (let* ((default-directory (expand-file-name dir))
+ (start (length default-directory)))
+ (let ((dirs (directory-files-recursively
+ dir "^[[:alnum:]-]+-tests\\.el$"))
+ tests)
+ (dolist (dir dirs)
+ (let ((len (length dir)))
+ (push (substring dir start (- len 9)) tests)))
+ (nreverse tests))))
+(defun ats-list-tests (process)
+ "Enumerate those tests which have already been uploaded to PROCESS.
+Return a list of strings identifying tests which have been
+uploaded to the remote device represented by PROCESS, as by
+`ats-upload-tests', and which may be executed with
+ (let ((rc (ats-eval
+ process
+ `(let* ((dir (concat (file-name-as-directory
+ temporary-file-directory)
+ "ats-tests"))
+ (len (length (file-name-as-directory dir)))
+ (default-directory dir)
+ (is-test-directory '(lambda (dir name)
+ (file-regular-p
+ (format "%s/%s-tests.el"
+ dir name)))))
+ (let ((dirs
+ (directory-files-recursively
+ dir "" t
+ ;; Do not iterate into directories that are tests of
+ ;; themselves, or their resources.
+ (lambda (dir)
+ (let* ((name (file-name-nondirectory dir)))
+ (and (not (funcall is-test-directory name dir))
+ (not (string-suffix-p name "-resources")))))))
+ (tests nil))
+ (dolist (dir dirs)
+ (when (funcall is-test-directory
+ dir
+ (file-name-nondirectory dir))
+ (push (substring dir len) tests)))
+ (nreverse tests))))))
+ (when (eq (car rc) 'error)
+ (error "Remote error: %S" (cdr rc)))
+ (cdr rc)))
+(defun ats-run-test (process test &optional selector)
+ "Run tests defined in a single test TEST on a remote device.
+PROCESS represents the device on which to execute these tests.
+SELECTOR is an ERT test selector, as with `ert-select-tests'.
+\(You may upload tests beforehand by calling `ats-upload-test'.)
+Display the output of the tests executed in a buffer."
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((connection
+ (ats-read-connection "Connection: "))
+ (test
+ (completing-read "Test to execute: "
+ (ats-list-tests connection)
+ nil t nil 'ats-tests-executed)))
+ (list connection test)))
+ ;; Attempt to byte-compile this test file.
+ (let ((rc (ats-eval
+ process
+ `(progn
+ (let* ((dir (concat (file-name-as-directory
+ temporary-file-directory)
+ "ats-tests/" ,test))
+ (name ,(file-name-nondirectory test))
+ (testfile (concat (file-name-as-directory dir)
+ name "-tests.el")))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ((value (byte-compile-file testfile))
+ (byte-compile-log-buffer (buffer-name)))
+ (cond ((eq value 'no-byte-compile)
+ testfile)
+ (value
+ (byte-compile-dest-file testfile))
+ (t (list (buffer-string))))))))))
+ (device (cdr (assq 'device (process-get
+ process 'ats-connection-details))))
+ file-name)
+ (cond ((eq (car rc) 'error)
+ (error "Error during byte-compilation of `%s-tests.el': %S"
+ test (cdr rc)))
+ ((listp (cdr rc))
+ (error
+ "Encountered errors byte-compiling `%s-tests.el':\n%s"
+ test (cadr rc)))
+ (t (setq file-name (cdr rc))))
+ ;; Delete all tests, load the byte-compiled test file, and execute
+ ;; those tests just defined subject to SELECTOR.
+ (setq rc (ats-eval process
+ `(progn
+ (require 'ert)
+ (ert-delete-all-tests)
+ (load ,file-name)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
+ (set-message-function
+ (lambda (message)
+ (insert message "\n"))))
+ (insert ,(format "=== Executing %s on %s ===\n"
+ test device))
+ (let ((noninteractive t))
+ (ert-run-tests-batch ',selector))
+ (insert "=== Test execution complete ===\n")
+ (buffer-string))))))
+ (cond ((eq (car rc) 'error)
+ (error "Error executing `%s-tests.el': %S" test (cdr rc)))
+ (t (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Test Output*")
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert (cdr rc))
+ (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
(provide 'test-controller)
;;; test-controller.el ends here