#include "frame.h"
#include "coding.h"
+#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
# define COLORSPACE_NAME NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace
- (void)dealloc
+ CGImageRelease(stippleMask);
[stippleMask release];
[bmRep release];
[transform release];
[super dealloc];
EmacsImage *copy = [super copyWithZone:zone];
+ copy->stippleMask = CGImageCreateCopy(stippleMask);
copy->stippleMask = [stippleMask copyWithZone:zone];
+#endif /* NS_IMPL_COCOA */
copy->bmRep = [bmRep copyWithZone:zone];
copy->transform = [transform copyWithZone:zone];
+/* Returns a cached CGImageMask of the stipple pattern */
+- (CGImageRef)stippleMask
+ if (stippleMask == nil)
+ {
+ CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (NULL, [bmRep bitmapData],
+ [self sizeInBytes], NULL);
+ CGImageRef mask = CGImageMaskCreate([self size].width,
+ [self size].height,
+ 8, 8, [self size].width,
+ provider, NULL, 0);
+ CGDataProviderRelease(provider);
+ stippleMask = CGImageRetain(mask);
+ }
+ return stippleMask;
/* Returns a pattern color, which is cached here. */
- (NSColor *)stippleMask
stippleMask = [[NSColor colorWithPatternImage: self] retain];
return stippleMask;
+#endif /* NS_IMPL_COCOA */
/* Find the first NSBitmapImageRep which has multiple frames. */
- (NSBitmapImageRep *)getAnimatedBitmapImageRep
if (s->stippled_p)
struct ns_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_DISPLAY_INFO (s->f);
+ /* On cocoa emacs the stipple is stored as a mask CGImage.
+ First we want to clear the background with the bg colour */
+ [[NSColor colorWithUnsignedLong:face->background] set];
+ r = NSMakeRect (s->x, s->y + box_line_width,
+ s->background_width,
+ s->height - 2 * box_line_width);
+ NSRectFill (r);
+ s->background_filled_p = 1;
+ CGImageRef mask =
+ [dpyinfo->bitmaps[face->stipple - 1].img stippleMask];
+ /* This part could possibly be improved, the author is
+ unfamiliar with NS/CoreGraphics and isn't sure if it's
+ possible to do this with NSImage */
+ NSGraphicsContext *ctx = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
+ [ctx saveGraphicsState];
+ /* Checkpoint the graphics state and then focus in on the area
+ we're going to fill */
+ CGContextRef context = [ctx CGContext];
+ CGContextClipToRect (context, r);
+ CGContextScaleCTM (context, 1, -1);
+ /* Stamp the foreground colour using the stipple mask */
+ [[NSColor colorWithUnsignedLong:face->foreground] set];
+ CGRect imageSize = CGRectMake (0, 0, CGImageGetWidth (mask),
+ CGImageGetHeight (mask));
+ CGContextDrawTiledImage (context, imageSize, mask);
+ [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
[[dpyinfo->bitmaps[face->stipple-1].img stippleMask] set];
goto fill;
+#endif /* NS_IMPL_COCOA */
else if (FONT_HEIGHT (s->font) < s->height - 2 * box_line_width
/* When xdisp.c ignores FONT_HEIGHT, we cannot trust font
[FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (s->f) set];
+#ifndef NS_IMPL_COCOA
+#endif /* !NS_IMPL_COCOA */
r = NSMakeRect (s->x, s->y + box_line_width,
s->height - 2 * box_line_width);
if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR)
[FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (s->f) set];
else if (s->stippled_p)
- [[dpyinfo->bitmaps[s->face->stipple - 1].img stippleMask] set];
+ {
+ /* On cocoa emacs the stipple is stored as a mask CGImage.
+ First we want to clear the background with the bg
+ colour */
+ [[NSColor colorWithUnsignedLong:s->face->background] set];
+ NSRectFill (NSMakeRect (x, s->y, background_width, s->height));
+ /* This part could possibly be improved, the author is
+ unfamiliar with NS/CoreGraphics and isn't sure if it's
+ possible to do this with NSImage */
+ CGImageRef mask = [dpyinfo->bitmaps[s->face->stipple - 1].img stippleMask];
+ CGRect bounds = CGRectMake (s->x, s->y, s->background_width, s->height);
+ /* Checkpoint the graphics state and then focus in on the
+ area we're going to fill */
+ NSGraphicsContext *ctx = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
+ [ctx saveGraphicsState];
+ CGContextRef context = [ctx CGContext];
+ CGContextClipToRect(context, bounds);
+ CGContextScaleCTM (context, 1, -1);
+ /* Stamp the foreground colour using the stipple mask */
+ [[NSColor colorWithUnsignedLong:s->face->foreground] set];
+ CGRect imageSize = CGRectMake (0, 0, CGImageGetWidth (mask),
+ CGImageGetHeight (mask));
+ CGContextDrawTiledImage (context, imageSize, mask);
+ [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
+ [[dpyinfo->bitmaps[s->face->stipple - 1].img stippleMask] set];
+#endif /* NS_IMPL_COCOA */
+ }
[[NSColor colorWithUnsignedLong: s->face->background] set];