*** New user option 'project-list-file'.
+** xref
+*** Prefix arg of 'xref-goto-xref' quits the *xref* buffer.
+So typing 'C-u RET' in the *xref* buffer quits its window
+before navigating to the selected location.
** json.el
(defun xref-goto-xref (&optional quit)
"Jump to the xref on the current line and select its window.
-Non-interactively, non-nil QUIT means to first quit the *xref*
- (interactive)
+Non-interactively, non-nil QUIT, or interactively, with prefix argument
+means to first quit the *xref* buffer."
+ (interactive "P")
(let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
(xref (or (xref--item-at-point)
(user-error "No reference at point")))