(define-obsolete-function-alias 'indented-text-mode #'text-mode "29.1")
+(defvar text-mode--fullwidth-table nil)
+(defun text-mode--get-fullwidth-table ()
+ "Return translation table for converting half-width characters to fullwidth."
+ (or (and (char-table-p text-mode--fullwidth-table)
+ text-mode--fullwidth-table)
+ ;; Create the translation table.
+ (let ((tbl (make-char-table 'translation-table))
+ (rev-tbl (make-char-table 'translation-table))
+ (ch ?!))
+ (while (<= ch ?~)
+ ;; ! -> !, 0 -> 0, A -> A, etc.
+ (aset tbl ch (+ ch #xFEE0))
+ (aset rev-tbl (+ ch #xFEE0) ch)
+ (setq ch (1+ ch)))
+ (set-char-table-extra-slot tbl 0 rev-tbl)
+ (set-char-table-extra-slot tbl 1 1)
+ (set-char-table-extra-slot rev-tbl 1 1)
+ (put 'text-mode--fullwidth-table 'translation-table tbl)
+ (setq text-mode--fullwidth-table tbl)
+ tbl)))
+(defun fullwidth-region (from to)
+ "Convert ASCII characters in the region to their fullwidth variants.
+This converts 1 to 1, A to A, etc.
+When called from Lisp, FROM and TO are character positions that define
+the region in which to convert characters."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (translate-region from to
+ (text-mode--get-fullwidth-table)))
+(defun halfwidth-region (from to)
+ "Convert fullwidth characters in the region to their ASCII variants.
+This converts 1 to 1, A to A, etc.
+When called from Lisp, FROM and TO are character positions that define
+the region in which to convert characters."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (translate-region from to
+ (char-table-extra-slot (text-mode--get-fullwidth-table)
+ 0)))
+(defun fullwidth-word (arg)
+ "Convert fullwidth characters in word at point, moving over the word.
+This converts fullwidth characters to their ASCII variants:
+1 to 1, A to A, etc.
+With numerical argument ARG, convert that many words starting from point.
+With negative argument, convert previous words, but do not move point.
+If point is in the middle of a word, the part of that word before point
+is ignored when converting forward, and the part of that word after
+point is ignored when converting backward."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let* ((pt (point-marker))
+ (beg pt)
+ (end (progn
+ (forward-word arg)
+ (point))))
+ (fullwidth-region beg end)
+ (or (> arg 0) (goto-char pt))))
+(defun halfwidth-word (arg)
+ "Convert characters in word at point to fullwidth, moving over the word.
+This converts ASCII characters to their fullwidth variants:
+1 to 1, A to A, etc.
+With numerical argument ARG, convert that many words starting from point.
+With negative argument, convert previous words, but do not move point.
+If point is in the middle of a word, the part of that word before point
+is ignored when converting forward, and the part of that word after
+point is ignored when converting backward."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let* ((pt (point-marker))
+ (beg pt)
+ (end (progn
+ (forward-word arg)
+ (point))))
+ (halfwidth-region beg end)
+ (or (> arg 0) (goto-char pt))))
(provide 'text-mode)
;;; text-mode.el ends here