(make-directory . tramp-sh-handle-make-directory)
;; `make-directory-internal' performed by default handler.
(make-nearby-temp-file . tramp-handle-make-nearby-temp-file)
- (make-process . ignore)
+ (make-process . tramp-sh-handle-make-process)
(make-symbolic-link . tramp-sh-handle-make-symbolic-link)
(process-file . tramp-sh-handle-process-file)
(rename-file . tramp-sh-handle-rename-file)
(set-file-times . tramp-sh-handle-set-file-times)
(set-visited-file-modtime . tramp-sh-handle-set-visited-file-modtime)
(shell-command . tramp-handle-shell-command)
- (start-file-process . tramp-sh-handle-start-file-process)
+ (start-file-process . tramp-handle-start-file-process)
(substitute-in-file-name . tramp-handle-substitute-in-file-name)
(temporary-file-directory . tramp-handle-temporary-file-directory)
(tramp-set-file-uid-gid . tramp-sh-handle-set-file-uid-gid)
;; We use BUFFER also as connection buffer during setup. Because of
;; this, its original contents must be saved, and restored once
;; connection has been setup.
-(defun tramp-sh-handle-start-file-process (name buffer program &rest args)
- "Like `start-file-process' for Tramp files."
- (with-parsed-tramp-file-name (expand-file-name default-directory) nil
- (let* ((buffer
- (if buffer
- (get-buffer-create buffer)
- ;; BUFFER can be nil. We use a temporary buffer.
- (generate-new-buffer tramp-temp-buffer-name)))
- ;; When PROGRAM matches "*sh", and the first arg is "-c",
- ;; it might be that the arguments exceed the command line
- ;; length. Therefore, we modify the command.
- (heredoc (and (stringp program)
- (string-match-p "sh$" program)
- (string-equal "-c" (car args))
- (= (length args) 2)))
- ;; When PROGRAM is nil, we just provide a tty.
- (args (if (not heredoc) args
- (let ((i 250))
- (while (and (< i (length (cadr args)))
- (string-match " " (cadr args) i))
- (setcdr
- args
- (list (replace-match " \\\\\n" nil nil (cadr args))))
- (setq i (+ i 250))))
- (cdr args)))
- ;; Use a human-friendly prompt, for example for `shell'.
- ;; We discard hops, if existing, that's why we cannot use
- ;; `file-remote-p'.
- (prompt (format "PS1=%s %s"
- (tramp-make-tramp-file-name v nil 'nohop)
- tramp-initial-end-of-output))
- ;; We use as environment the difference to toplevel
- ;; `process-environment'.
- env uenv
- (env (dolist (elt (cons prompt process-environment) env)
- (or (member elt (default-toplevel-value 'process-environment))
- (if (string-match-p "=" elt)
- (setq env (append env `(,elt)))
- (if (tramp-get-env-with-u-option v)
- (setq env (append `("-u" ,elt) env))
- (setq uenv (cons elt uenv)))))))
- (command
- (when (stringp program)
- (format "cd %s && %s exec %s env %s %s"
- (tramp-shell-quote-argument localname)
- (if uenv
- (format
- "unset %s &&"
- (mapconcat 'tramp-shell-quote-argument uenv " "))
- "")
- (if heredoc (format "<<'%s'" tramp-end-of-heredoc) "")
- (mapconcat 'tramp-shell-quote-argument env " ")
- (if heredoc
- (format "%s\n(\n%s\n) </dev/tty\n%s"
- program (car args) tramp-end-of-heredoc)
- (mapconcat 'tramp-shell-quote-argument
- (cons program args) " ")))))
- (tramp-process-connection-type
- (or (null program) tramp-process-connection-type))
- (bmp (and (buffer-live-p buffer) (buffer-modified-p buffer)))
- (name1 name)
- (i 0)
- ;; We do not want to raise an error when
- ;; `start-file-process' has been started several times in
- ;; `eshell' and friends.
- tramp-current-connection
- ;; We do not want to run timers.
- timer-list timer-idle-list
- p)
- (while (get-process name1)
- ;; NAME must be unique as process name.
- (setq i (1+ i)
- name1 (format "%s<%d>" name i)))
- (setq name name1)
- ;; Set the new process properties.
- (tramp-set-connection-property v "process-name" name)
- (tramp-set-connection-property v "process-buffer" buffer)
- (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
- (unwind-protect
- ;; We catch this event. Otherwise, `start-process' could
- ;; be called on the local host.
- (save-excursion
- (save-restriction
- ;; Activate narrowing in order to save BUFFER
- ;; contents. Clear also the modification time;
- ;; otherwise we might be interrupted by
- ;; `verify-visited-file-modtime'.
- (let ((buffer-undo-list t)
- (buffer-read-only nil)
- (mark (point-max)))
- (clear-visited-file-modtime)
- (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max))
- ;; We call `tramp-maybe-open-connection', in order
- ;; to cleanup the prompt afterwards.
- (catch 'suppress
- (tramp-maybe-open-connection v)
- (setq p (tramp-get-connection-process v))
- ;; Set the pid of the remote shell. This is
- ;; needed when sending signals remotely.
- (let ((pid (tramp-send-command-and-read v "echo $$")))
- (process-put p 'remote-pid pid)
- (tramp-set-connection-property p "remote-pid" pid))
- (widen)
- (delete-region mark (point-max))
- (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max))
- ;; Now do it.
- (if command
- ;; Send the command.
- (tramp-send-command v command nil t) ; nooutput
- ;; Check, whether a pty is associated.
- (unless (process-get p 'remote-tty)
- (tramp-error
- v 'file-error
- "pty association is not supported for `%s'" name))))
- ;; Set query flag and process marker for this
- ;; process. We ignore errors, because the process
- ;; could have finished already.
- (ignore-errors
- (set-process-query-on-exit-flag p t)
- (set-marker (process-mark p) (point)))
- ;; Return process.
- p)))
+(defun tramp-sh-handle-make-process (&rest args)
+ "Like `make-process' for Tramp files."
+ (when args
+ (with-parsed-tramp-file-name (expand-file-name default-directory) nil
+ (let ((name (plist-get args :name))
+ (buffer (plist-get args :buffer))
+ (command (plist-get args :command))
+ (coding (plist-get args :coding))
+ (noquery (plist-get args :noquery))
+ (stop (plist-get args :stop))
+ (connection-type (plist-get args :connection-type))
+ (filter (plist-get args :filter))
+ (sentinel (plist-get args :sentinel))
+ (stderr (plist-get args :stderr)))
+ (unless (stringp name)
+ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'stringp name)))
+ (unless (or (null buffer) (bufferp buffer) (stringp buffer))
+ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'stringp buffer)))
+ (unless (consp command)
+ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'consp command)))
+ (unless (or (null coding)
+ (and (symbolp coding) (memq coding coding-system-list))
+ (and (consp coding)
+ (memq (car coding) coding-system-list)
+ (memq (cdr coding) coding-system-list)))
+ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'symbolp coding)))
+ (unless (or (null connection-type) (memq connection-type '(pipe pty)))
+ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'symbolp connection-type)))
+ (unless (or (null filter) (functionp filter))
+ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'functionp filter)))
+ (unless (or (null sentinel) (functionp sentinel))
+ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'functionp sentinel)))
+ (unless (or (null stderr) (bufferp stderr) (stringp stderr))
+ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'stringp stderr)))
+ (let* ((buffer
+ (if buffer
+ (get-buffer-create buffer)
+ ;; BUFFER can be nil. We use a temporary buffer.
+ (generate-new-buffer tramp-temp-buffer-name)))
+ (stderr (and stderr (get-buffer-create stderr)))
+ (tmpstderr (and stderr (tramp-make-tramp-temp-file v)))
+ (program (car command))
+ (args (cdr command))
+ ;; When PROGRAM matches "*sh", and the first arg is
+ ;; "-c", it might be that the arguments exceed the
+ ;; command line length. Therefore, we modify the
+ ;; command.
+ (heredoc (and (stringp program)
+ (string-match-p "sh$" program)
+ (string-equal "-c" (car args))
+ (= (length args) 2)))
+ ;; When PROGRAM is nil, we just provide a tty.
+ (args (if (not heredoc) args
+ (let ((i 250))
+ (while (and (< i (length (cadr args)))
+ (string-match " " (cadr args) i))
+ (setcdr
+ args
+ (list
+ (replace-match " \\\\\n" nil nil (cadr args))))
+ (setq i (+ i 250))))
+ (cdr args)))
+ ;; Use a human-friendly prompt, for example for
+ ;; `shell'. We discard hops, if existing, that's why
+ ;; we cannot use `file-remote-p'.
+ (prompt (format "PS1=%s %s"
+ (tramp-make-tramp-file-name v nil 'nohop)
+ tramp-initial-end-of-output))
+ ;; We use as environment the difference to toplevel
+ ;; `process-environment'.
+ env uenv
+ (env (dolist (elt (cons prompt process-environment) env)
+ (or (member
+ elt (default-toplevel-value 'process-environment))
+ (if (string-match-p "=" elt)
+ (setq env (append env `(,elt)))
+ (if (tramp-get-env-with-u-option v)
+ (setq env (append `("-u" ,elt) env))
+ (setq uenv (cons elt uenv)))))))
+ (command
+ (when (stringp program)
+ (format "cd %s && %s exec %s %s env %s %s"
+ (tramp-shell-quote-argument localname)
+ (if uenv
+ (format
+ "unset %s &&"
+ (mapconcat 'tramp-shell-quote-argument uenv " "))
+ "")
+ (if heredoc (format "<<'%s'" tramp-end-of-heredoc) "")
+ (if tmpstderr (format "2>'%s'" tmpstderr) "")
+ (mapconcat 'tramp-shell-quote-argument env " ")
+ (if heredoc
+ (format "%s\n(\n%s\n) </dev/tty\n%s"
+ program (car args) tramp-end-of-heredoc)
+ (mapconcat 'tramp-shell-quote-argument
+ (cons program args) " ")))))
+ (tramp-process-connection-type
+ (or (null program) tramp-process-connection-type))
+ (bmp (and (buffer-live-p buffer) (buffer-modified-p buffer)))
+ (name1 name)
+ (i 0)
+ ;; We do not want to raise an error when `make-process'
+ ;; has been started several times in `eshell' and
+ ;; friends.
+ tramp-current-connection
+ ;; We do not want to run timers.
+ timer-list timer-idle-list
+ p)
+ (while (get-process name1)
+ ;; NAME must be unique as process name.
+ (setq i (1+ i)
+ name1 (format "%s<%d>" name i)))
+ (setq name name1)
+ ;; Set the new process properties.
+ (tramp-set-connection-property v "process-name" name)
+ (tramp-set-connection-property v "process-buffer" buffer)
- ;; Save exit.
- (if (string-match-p tramp-temp-buffer-name (buffer-name))
- (ignore-errors
- (set-process-buffer p nil)
- (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
- (set-buffer-modified-p bmp))
- (tramp-flush-connection-property v "process-name")
- (tramp-flush-connection-property v "process-buffer"))))))
+ (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
+ (unwind-protect
+ ;; We catch this event. Otherwise, `make-process' could
+ ;; be called on the local host.
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ ;; Activate narrowing in order to save BUFFER
+ ;; contents. Clear also the modification time;
+ ;; otherwise we might be interrupted by
+ ;; `verify-visited-file-modtime'.
+ (let ((buffer-undo-list t)
+ (buffer-read-only nil)
+ (mark (point-max)))
+ (clear-visited-file-modtime)
+ (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max))
+ ;; We call `tramp-maybe-open-connection', in
+ ;; order to cleanup the prompt afterwards.
+ (catch 'suppress
+ (tramp-maybe-open-connection v)
+ (setq p (tramp-get-connection-process v))
+ ;; Set the pid of the remote shell. This is
+ ;; needed when sending signals remotely.
+ (let ((pid (tramp-send-command-and-read v "echo $$")))
+ (process-put p 'remote-pid pid)
+ (tramp-set-connection-property p "remote-pid" pid))
+ (widen)
+ (delete-region mark (point-max))
+ (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max))
+ ;; Now do it.
+ (if command
+ ;; Send the command.
+ (tramp-send-command v command nil t) ; nooutput
+ ;; Check, whether a pty is associated.
+ (unless (process-get p 'remote-tty)
+ (tramp-error
+ v 'file-error
+ "pty association is not supported for `%s'"
+ name))))
+ ;; Stop process if indicated.
+ (when stop
+ (stop-process p))
+ ;; Set sentinel and filter.
+ (when sentinel
+ (set-process-sentinel p sentinel))
+ (when filter
+ (set-process-filter p filter))
+ ;; Set query flag and process marker for this
+ ;; process. We ignore errors, because the
+ ;; process could have finished already.
+ (ignore-errors
+ (set-process-query-on-exit-flag p (null noquery))
+ (set-marker (process-mark p) (point)))
+ ;; Provide error buffer. This shows only
+ ;; initial error messages; messages arriving
+ ;; later on shall be inserted by `auto-revert'.
+ ;; The temporary file will still be existing.
+ ;; TODO: Write a sentinel, which deletes the
+ ;; temporary file.
+ (when tmpstderr
+ ;; We must flush them here already; otherwise
+ ;; `insert-file-contents' will fail.
+ (tramp-flush-connection-property v "process-name")
+ (tramp-flush-connection-property v "process-buffer")
+ (with-current-buffer stderr
+ (insert-file-contents
+ (tramp-make-tramp-file-name v tmpstderr) 'visit)
+ (auto-revert-mode)))
+ ;; Return process.
+ p)))
+ ;; Save exit.
+ (if (string-match-p tramp-temp-buffer-name (buffer-name))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (set-process-buffer p nil)
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (set-buffer-modified-p bmp))
+ (tramp-flush-connection-property v "process-name")
+ (tramp-flush-connection-property v "process-buffer"))))))))
(defun tramp-sh-handle-process-file
(program &optional infile destination display &rest args)
;; remote host, set this environment variable to "/dev/null" or
;; whatever is appropriate on your system.
-;; For slow remote connections, `tramp-test42-asynchronous-requests'
+;; For slow remote connections, `tramp-test43-asynchronous-requests'
;; might be too heavy. Setting $REMOTE_PARALLEL_PROCESSES to a proper
;; value less than 10 could help.
;; Cleanup.
(ignore-errors (delete-process proc))))))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test30-interrupt-process ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test30-make-process ()
+ "Check `make-process'."
+ :tags '(:expensive-test)
+ (skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
+ (skip-unless (tramp--test-sh-p))
+ (skip-unless (tramp--test-emacs27-p))
+ (tramp--test-instrument-test-case 0
+ (dolist (quoted (if (tramp--test-expensive-test) '(nil t) '(nil)))
+ (let ((default-directory tramp-test-temporary-file-directory)
+ (tmp-name (tramp--test-make-temp-name nil quoted))
+ kill-buffer-query-functions proc)
+ (should-not (make-process))
+ ;; Simple process.
+ (unwind-protect
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (setq proc
+ (make-process
+ :name "test1" :buffer (current-buffer) :command '("cat")
+ :file-handler t))
+ (should (processp proc))
+ (should (equal (process-status proc) 'run))
+ (process-send-string proc "foo")
+ (process-send-eof proc)
+ ;; Read output.
+ (with-timeout (10 (ert-fail "`make-process' timed out"))
+ (while (< (- (point-max) (point-min)) (length "foo"))
+ (accept-process-output proc 0.1)))
+ (should (string-equal (buffer-string) "foo")))
+ ;; Cleanup.
+ (ignore-errors (delete-process proc)))
+ ;; Simple process using a file.
+ (unwind-protect
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (write-region "foo" nil tmp-name)
+ (should (file-exists-p tmp-name))
+ (setq proc
+ (make-process
+ :name "test2" :buffer (current-buffer)
+ :command `("cat" ,(file-name-nondirectory tmp-name))
+ :file-handler t))
+ (should (processp proc))
+ ;; Read output.
+ (with-timeout (10 (ert-fail "`make-process' timed out"))
+ (while (< (- (point-max) (point-min)) (length "foo"))
+ (accept-process-output proc 0.1)))
+ (should (string-equal (buffer-string) "foo")))
+ ;; Cleanup.
+ (ignore-errors
+ (delete-process proc)
+ (delete-file tmp-name)))
+ ;; Process filter.
+ (unwind-protect
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (setq proc
+ (make-process
+ :name "test3" :buffer (current-buffer) :command '("cat")
+ :filter
+ (lambda (p s)
+ (with-current-buffer (process-buffer p) (insert s)))
+ :file-handler t))
+ (should (processp proc))
+ (should (equal (process-status proc) 'run))
+ (process-send-string proc "foo")
+ (process-send-eof proc)
+ ;; Read output.
+ (with-timeout (10 (ert-fail "`make-process' timed out"))
+ (while (< (- (point-max) (point-min)) (length "foo"))
+ (accept-process-output proc 0.1)))
+ (should (string-equal (buffer-string) "foo")))
+ ;; Cleanup.
+ (ignore-errors (delete-process proc)))
+ ;; Process sentinel.
+ (unwind-protect
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (setq proc
+ (make-process
+ :name "test4" :buffer (current-buffer) :command '("cat")
+ :sentinel
+ (lambda (p s)
+ (with-current-buffer (process-buffer p) (insert s)))
+ :file-handler t))
+ (should (processp proc))
+ (should (equal (process-status proc) 'run))
+ (process-send-string proc "foo")
+ (process-send-eof proc)
+ (delete-process proc)
+ ;; Read output.
+ (with-timeout (10 (ert-fail "`make-process' timed out"))
+ (while (process-live-p proc)
+ (accept-process-output proc 0.1)))
+ (should (string-equal (buffer-string) "killed\n")))
+ ;; Cleanup.
+ (ignore-errors (delete-process proc)))
+ ;; Process with stderr.
+ (let ((stderr (generate-new-buffer (generate-new-buffer-name "stderr"))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (setq proc
+ (make-process
+ :name "test5" :buffer (current-buffer)
+ :command '("cat" "/")
+ :stderr stderr
+ :file-handler t))
+ (should (processp proc))
+ ;; Read stderr.
+ (with-current-buffer stderr
+ (with-timeout (10 (ert-fail "`make-process' timed out"))
+ (while (= (point-min) (point-max))
+ (accept-process-output proc 0.1)))
+ (should
+ (string-equal (buffer-string) "cat: /: Is a directory\n"))))
+ ;; Cleanup.
+ (ignore-errors (delete-process proc))
+ (ignore-errors (kill-buffer stderr))))))))
+(ert-deftest tramp-test31-interrupt-process ()
"Check `interrupt-process'."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
;; Cleanup.
(ignore-errors (delete-process proc)))))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test31-shell-command ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test32-shell-command ()
"Check `shell-command'."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
;; This test is inspired by Bug#23952.
-(ert-deftest tramp-test32-environment-variables ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test33-environment-variables ()
"Check that remote processes set / unset environment variables properly."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(funcall this-shell-command-to-string "set")))))))))
;; This test is inspired by Bug#27009.
-(ert-deftest tramp-test32-environment-variables-and-port-numbers ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test33-environment-variables-and-port-numbers ()
"Check that two connections with separate ports are different."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
;; We test it only for the mock-up connection; otherwise there might
(tramp-cleanup-connection (tramp-dissect-file-name dir)))))
;; The functions were introduced in Emacs 26.1.
-(ert-deftest tramp-test33-explicit-shell-file-name ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test34-explicit-shell-file-name ()
"Check that connection-local `explicit-shell-file-name' is set."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
;; `exec-path' was introduced in Emacs 27.1. `executable-find' has
;; changed the number of parameters, so we use `apply' for older
;; Emacsen.
-(ert-deftest tramp-test34-exec-path ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test35-exec-path ()
"Check `exec-path' and `executable-find'."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(skip-unless (or (tramp--test-adb-p) (tramp--test-sh-p)))
;; `exec-path' was introduced in Emacs 27.1. `executable-find' has
;; changed the number of parameters, so we use `apply' for older
;; Emacsen.
-(ert-deftest tramp-test34-remote-path ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test35-remote-path ()
"Check loooong `tramp-remote-path'."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(skip-unless (tramp--test-sh-p))
(setq tramp-remote-path orig-tramp-remote-path)
(ignore-errors (delete-directory tmp-name 'recursive)))))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test35-vc-registered ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test36-vc-registered ()
"Check `vc-registered'."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
;; Cleanup.
(ignore-errors (delete-directory tmp-name1 'recursive))))))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test36-make-auto-save-file-name ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test37-make-auto-save-file-name ()
"Check `make-auto-save-file-name'."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(ignore-errors (delete-file tmp-name1))
(ignore-errors (delete-directory tmp-name2 'recursive))))))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test37-find-backup-file-name ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test38-find-backup-file-name ()
"Check `find-backup-file-name'."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(ignore-errors (delete-directory tmp-name2 'recursive))))))
;; The functions were introduced in Emacs 26.1.
-(ert-deftest tramp-test38-make-nearby-temp-file ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test39-make-nearby-temp-file ()
"Check `make-nearby-temp-file' and `temporary-file-directory'."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
;; Since Emacs 26.1.
(ignore-errors (delete-directory tmp-name2 'recursive))))))
(defun tramp--test-special-characters ()
- "Perform the test in `tramp-test39-special-characters*'."
+ "Perform the test in `tramp-test40-special-characters*'."
;; Newlines, slashes and backslashes in file names are not
;; supported. So we don't test. And we don't test the tab
;; character on Windows or Cygwin, because the backslash is
files (list (mapconcat 'identity files ""))))))
;; These tests are inspired by Bug#17238.
-(ert-deftest tramp-test39-special-characters ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test40-special-characters ()
"Check special characters in file names."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(skip-unless (not (tramp--test-rsync-p)))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test39-special-characters-with-stat ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test40-special-characters-with-stat ()
"Check special characters in file names.
Use the `stat' command."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
-(ert-deftest tramp-test39-special-characters-with-perl ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test40-special-characters-with-perl ()
"Check special characters in file names.
Use the `perl' command."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
-(ert-deftest tramp-test39-special-characters-with-ls ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test40-special-characters-with-ls ()
"Check special characters in file names.
Use the `ls' command."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
(defun tramp--test-utf8 ()
- "Perform the test in `tramp-test40-utf8*'."
+ "Perform the test in `tramp-test41-utf8*'."
(let* ((utf8 (if (and (eq system-type 'darwin)
(memq 'utf-8-hfs (coding-system-list)))
'utf-8-hfs 'utf-8))
(replace-regexp-in-string "[\t\n/.?]" "" x)))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test40-utf8 ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test41-utf8 ()
"Check UTF8 encoding in file names and file contents."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(skip-unless (not (tramp--test-docker-p)))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test40-utf8-with-stat ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test41-utf8-with-stat ()
"Check UTF8 encoding in file names and file contents.
Use the `stat' command."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
-(ert-deftest tramp-test40-utf8-with-perl ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test41-utf8-with-perl ()
"Check UTF8 encoding in file names and file contents.
Use the `perl' command."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
-(ert-deftest tramp-test40-utf8-with-ls ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test41-utf8-with-ls ()
"Check UTF8 encoding in file names and file contents.
Use the `ls' command."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
-(ert-deftest tramp-test41-file-system-info ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test42-file-system-info ()
"Check that `file-system-info' returns proper values."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
;; Since Emacs 27.1.
(ert-fail (format "`%s' timed out" (ert-test-name (ert-running-test)))))
;; This test is inspired by Bug#16928.
-(ert-deftest tramp-test42-asynchronous-requests ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test43-asynchronous-requests ()
"Check parallel asynchronous requests.
Such requests could arrive from timers, process filters and
process sentinels. They shall not disturb each other."
(ignore-errors (delete-directory tmp-name 'recursive)))))))
;; This test is inspired by Bug#29163.
-(ert-deftest tramp-test43-auto-load ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test44-auto-load ()
"Check that Tramp autoloads properly."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(mapconcat 'shell-quote-argument load-path " -L ")
(shell-quote-argument code)))))))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test43-delay-load ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test44-delay-load ()
"Check that Tramp is loaded lazily, only when needed."
;; The autoloaded Tramp objects are different since Emacs 26.1. We
;; cannot test older Emacsen, therefore.
(mapconcat 'shell-quote-argument load-path " -L ")
(shell-quote-argument (format code tm)))))))))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test43-recursive-load ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test44-recursive-load ()
"Check that Tramp does not fail due to recursive load."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
(mapconcat 'shell-quote-argument load-path " -L ")
(shell-quote-argument code))))))))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test43-remote-load-path ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test44-remote-load-path ()
"Check that Tramp autoloads its packages with remote `load-path'."
;; The autoloaded Tramp objects are different since Emacs 26.1. We
;; cannot test older Emacsen, therefore.
(mapconcat 'shell-quote-argument load-path " -L ")
(shell-quote-argument code)))))))
-(ert-deftest tramp-test44-unload ()
+(ert-deftest tramp-test45-unload ()
"Check that Tramp and its subpackages unload completely.
Since it unloads Tramp, it shall be the last test to run."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
;; * Investigate, why `tramp-test11-copy-file' and `tramp-test12-rename-file'
;; do not work properly for `nextcloud'.
;; * Fix `tramp-test29-start-file-process' on MS Windows (`process-send-eof'?).
-;; * Fix `tramp-test30-interrupt-process', timeout doesn't work reliably.
-;; * Fix Bug#16928 in `tramp-test42-asynchronous-requests'.
+;; * Fix `tramp-test31-interrupt-process', timeout doesn't work reliably.
+;; * Fix Bug#16928 in `tramp-test43-asynchronous-requests'.
(provide 'tramp-tests)
;;; tramp-tests.el ends here