(insert "\n"))
(defun make-doctor-variables ()
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--typos)
+ (setq-local doctor--typos
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(put (car x) 'doctor-correction (cadr x))
(put (cadr x) 'doctor-expansion (car (cddr x)))
(you7re you\'re (i am))
(you7ve you\'ve (i have))
(you7ll you\'ll (i will)))))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor-sent) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor-found) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor-owner) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--history) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--inter) '((well\,)
+ (setq-local doctor-sent nil)
+ (setq-local doctor-found nil)
+ (setq-local doctor-owner nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--history nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--inter '((well\,)
(hmmm \.\.\.\ so\,)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--continue) '((continue)
+ (setq-local doctor--continue '((continue)
(go on)
(keep going)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--relation)
+ (setq-local doctor--relation
'((your relationship with)
(something you remember about)
(your feelings toward)
(some experiences you have had with)
(how you feel about)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--fears)
+ (setq-local doctor--fears
'(((doc$ doctor--whysay) you are (doc$ doctor--afraidof) (doc// doctor--feared) \?)
(you seem terrified by (doc// doctor--feared) \.)
(when did you first feel (doc$ doctor--afraidof) (doc// doctor--feared) \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--sure) '((sure)
+ (setq-local doctor--sure '((sure)
(absolutely sure)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--afraidof) '((afraid of)
+ (setq-local doctor--afraidof '((afraid of)
(frightened by)
(scared of)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--areyou) '((are you)
+ (setq-local doctor--areyou '((are you)
(have you been)
(have you been)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--isrelated)
+ (setq-local doctor--isrelated
'((has something to do with)
(is related to)
(could be the reason for)
(is caused by)
(is because of)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--arerelated) '((have something to do with)
+ (setq-local doctor--arerelated '((have something to do with)
(are related to)
(could have caused)
(could be the reason for)
(are caused by)
(are because of)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--moods)
+ (setq-local doctor--moods
'(((doc$ doctor--areyou) (doc// doctor-found) often \?)
(what causes you to be (doc// doctor-found) \?)
((doc$ doctor--whysay) you are (doc// doctor-found) \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--maybe) '((maybe)
+ (setq-local doctor--maybe '((maybe)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--whatwhen) '((what happened when)
+ (setq-local doctor--whatwhen '((what happened when)
(what would happen if)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--hello) '((how do you do \?)
+ (setq-local doctor--hello '((how do you do \?)
(hello \.)
(hello \.)
(hi \.)
(hi there \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--drnk)
+ (setq-local doctor--drnk
'((do you drink a lot of (doc// doctor-found) \?)
(do you get drunk often \?)
((doc$ doctor--describe) your drinking habits \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--drugs)
+ (setq-local doctor--drugs
'((do you use (doc// doctor-found) often \?)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) addicted to (doc// doctor-found) \?)
(do you realize that drugs can be very harmful \?)
((doc$ doctor--maybe) you should try to quit using (doc// doctor-found) \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--whywant)
+ (setq-local doctor--whywant
'(((doc$ doctor--whysay) (doc// doctor-subj) might (doc$ doctor--want) (doc// doctor-obj) \?)
(how does it feel to want \?)
(why should (doc// doctor-subj) get (doc// doctor-obj) \?)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) obsessed with (doc// doctor-obj) \?)
(why should i give (doc// doctor-obj) to (doc// doctor-subj) \?)
(have you ever gotten (doc// doctor-obj) \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--canyou)
+ (setq-local doctor--canyou
'((of course i can \.)
(why should i \?)
(what makes you think i would even want to \?)
(can you \?)
(maybe i can\, maybe i can\'t \.\.\.)
(i don\'t think i should do that \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--want) '((want) (desire) (wish) (want) (hope)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--shortlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--want '((want) (desire) (wish) (want) (hope)))
+ (setq-local doctor--shortlst
'((can you elaborate on that \?)
((doc$ doctor--please) continue \.)
(go on\, don\'t be afraid \.)
(you aren\'t being very talkative today\!)
(is that all there is to it \?)
(why must you respond so briefly \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--famlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--famlst
'((tell me (doc$ doctor--something) about (doc// doctor-owner) family \.)
(you seem to dwell on (doc// doctor-owner) family \.)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) hung up on (doc// doctor-owner) family \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--huhlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--huhlst
'(((doc$ doctor--whysay) (doc// doctor-sent) \?)
(is it because of (doc$ doctor--things) that you say (doc// doctor-sent) \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--longhuhlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--longhuhlst
'(((doc$ doctor--whysay) that \?)
(i don\'t understand \.)
((doc$ doctor--thlst))
((doc$ doctor--areyou) (doc$ doctor--afraidof) that \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--feelings-about) '((feelings about)
+ (setq-local doctor--feelings-about '((feelings about)
(apprehensions toward)
(thoughts on)
(emotions toward)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--random-adjective)
+ (setq-local doctor--random-adjective
(emotionally stimulating)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--whysay) '((why do you say)
+ (setq-local doctor--whysay '((why do you say)
(what makes you believe)
(are you sure that)
(do you really think)
(what makes you think)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--isee) '((i see \.\.\.)
+ (setq-local doctor--isee '((i see \.\.\.)
(i understand \.)
(oh \.) ))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--please) '((please\,)
+ (setq-local doctor--please '((please\,)
(i would appreciate it if you would)
(perhaps you could)
(would you please)
(why don\'t you)
(could you)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--bye)
+ (setq-local doctor--bye
'((my secretary will send you a bill \.)
(bye bye \.)
(see ya \.)
(talk to you later \.)
(ok\, have fun \.)
(ciao \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--something) '((something)
+ (setq-local doctor--something '((something)
(how you feel)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--thing) '((your life)
+ (setq-local doctor--thing '((your life)
(your sex life)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--things) '((your plans)
+ (setq-local doctor--things '((your plans)
(the people you hang around with)
(problems at school)
(any hobbies you have)
(your inhibitions)
(some problems in your childhood)
(some problems at home)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--describe) '((describe)
+ (setq-local doctor--describe '((describe)
(tell me about)
(talk about)
(tell me more about)
(elaborate on)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--ibelieve)
+ (setq-local doctor--ibelieve
'((i believe) (i think) (i have a feeling) (it seems to me that)
(it looks like)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--problems) '((problems)
+ (setq-local doctor--problems '((problems)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--bother) '((does it bother you that)
+ (setq-local doctor--bother '((does it bother you that)
(are you annoyed that)
(did you ever regret)
(are you sorry)
(are you satisfied with the fact that)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--machlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--machlst
'((you have your mind on (doc// doctor-found) \, it seems \.)
(you think too much about (doc// doctor-found) \.)
(you should try taking your mind off of (doc// doctor-found)\.)
(are you a computer hacker \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--qlist)
+ (setq-local doctor--qlist
'((what do you think \?)
(i\'ll ask the questions\, if you don\'t mind!)
(i could ask the same thing myself \.)
((doc$ doctor--please) allow me to do the questioning \.)
(i have asked myself that question many times \.)
((doc$ doctor--please) try to answer that question yourself \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--foullst)
+ (setq-local doctor--foullst
'(((doc$ doctor--please) watch your tongue!)
((doc$ doctor--please) avoid such unwholesome thoughts \.)
((doc$ doctor--please) get your mind out of the gutter \.)
(such lewdness is not appreciated \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--deathlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--deathlst
'((this is not a healthy way of thinking \.)
((doc$ doctor--bother) you\, too\, may die someday \?)
(i am worried by your obsession with this topic!)
(did you watch a lot of crime and violence on television as a child \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--sexlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--sexlst
'(((doc$ doctor--areyou) (doc$ doctor--afraidof) sex \?)
((doc$ doctor--describe) (doc$ doctor--something) about your sexual history \.)
((doc$ doctor--please) (doc$ doctor--describe) your sex life \.\.\.)
((doc$ doctor--describe) your (doc$ doctor--feelings-about) your sexual partner \.)
((doc$ doctor--describe) your most (doc$ doctor--random-adjective) sexual experience \.)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) satisfied with (doc// doctor--lover) \.\.\. \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--neglst) '((why not \?)
+ (setq-local doctor--neglst '((why not \?)
((doc$ doctor--bother) i ask that \?)
(why not \?)
(why not \?)
(how come \?)
((doc$ doctor--bother) i ask that \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--beclst)
+ (setq-local doctor--beclst
'((is it because (doc// doctor-sent) that you came to me \?)
((doc$ doctor--bother) (doc// doctor-sent) \?)
(when did you first know that (doc// doctor-sent) \?)
(is the fact that (doc// doctor-sent) the real reason \?)
(does the fact that (doc// doctor-sent) explain anything else \?)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) (doc$ doctor--sure) (doc// doctor-sent) \? )))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--shortbeclst)
+ (setq-local doctor--shortbeclst
'(((doc$ doctor--bother) i ask you that \?)
(that\'s not much of an answer!)
((doc$ doctor--inter) why won\'t you talk about it \?)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) (doc$ doctor--afraidof) talking about it \?)
(don\'t be (doc$ doctor--afraidof) elaborating \.)
((doc$ doctor--please) go into more detail \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--thlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--thlst
'(((doc$ doctor--maybe) (doc$ doctor--thing) (doc$ doctor--isrelated) this \.)
((doc$ doctor--maybe) (doc$ doctor--things) (doc$ doctor--arerelated) this \.)
(is it because of (doc$ doctor--things) that you are going through all this \?)
(how do you reconcile (doc$ doctor--things) \? )
((doc$ doctor--maybe) this (doc$ doctor--isrelated) (doc$ doctor--things) \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--remlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--remlst
'((earlier you said (doc$ doctor--history) \?)
(you mentioned that (doc$ doctor--history) \?)
((doc$ doctor--whysay) (doc$ doctor--history) \? )))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--toklst)
+ (setq-local doctor--toklst
'((is this how you relax \?)
(how long have you been smoking grass \?)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) (doc$ doctor--afraidof) of being drawn to using harder stuff \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--states)
+ (setq-local doctor--states
'((do you get (doc// doctor-found) often \?)
(do you enjoy being (doc// doctor-found) \?)
(what makes you (doc// doctor-found) \?)
(how often (doc$ doctor--areyou) (doc// doctor-found) \?)
(when were you last (doc// doctor-found) \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--replist) '((i . (you))
+ (setq-local doctor--replist '((i . (you))
(my . (your))
(me . (you))
(you . (me))
(wouldn\'t . (would not))
(won\'t . (will not))
(hasn\'t . (has not))))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--stallmanlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--stallmanlst
'(((doc$ doctor--describe) your (doc$ doctor--feelings-about) him \.)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) a friend of Stallman \?)
((doc$ doctor--bother) Stallman is (doc$ doctor--random-adjective) \?)
((doc$ doctor--ibelieve) you are (doc$ doctor--afraidof) him \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--schoollst)
+ (setq-local doctor--schoollst
'(((doc$ doctor--describe) your (doc// doctor-found) \.)
((doc$ doctor--bother) your grades could (doc$ doctor--improve) \?)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) (doc$ doctor--afraidof) (doc// doctor-found) \?)
((doc$ doctor--maybe) this (doc$ doctor--isrelated) to your attitude \.)
((doc$ doctor--areyou) absent often \?)
((doc$ doctor--maybe) you should study (doc$ doctor--something) \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--improve)
+ (setq-local doctor--improve
'((improve) (be better) (be improved) (be higher)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--elizalst)
+ (setq-local doctor--elizalst
'(((doc$ doctor--areyou) (doc$ doctor--sure) \?)
((doc$ doctor--ibelieve) you have (doc$ doctor--problems) with (doc// doctor-found) \.)
((doc$ doctor--whysay) (doc// doctor-sent) \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--sportslst)
+ (setq-local doctor--sportslst
'((tell me (doc$ doctor--something) about (doc// doctor-found) \.)
((doc$ doctor--describe) (doc$ doctor--relation) (doc// doctor-found) \.)
(do you find (doc// doctor-found) (doc$ doctor--random-adjective) \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--mathlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--mathlst
'(((doc$ doctor--describe) (doc$ doctor--something) about math \.)
((doc$ doctor--maybe) your (doc$ doctor--problems) (doc$ doctor--arerelated) (doc// doctor-found) \.)
(i don\'t know much (doc// doctor-found) \, but (doc$ doctor--continue)
anyway \.)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--zippylst)
+ (setq-local doctor--zippylst
'(((doc$ doctor--areyou) Zippy \?)
((doc$ doctor--ibelieve) you have some serious (doc$ doctor--problems) \.)
((doc$ doctor--bother) you are a pinhead \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--chatlst)
+ (setq-local doctor--chatlst
'(((doc$ doctor--maybe) we could chat \.)
((doc$ doctor--please) (doc$ doctor--describe) (doc$ doctor--something) about chat mode \.)
((doc$ doctor--bother) our discussion is so (doc$ doctor--random-adjective) \?)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--abuselst)
+ (setq-local doctor--abuselst
'(((doc$ doctor--please) try to be less abusive \.)
((doc$ doctor--describe) why you call me (doc// doctor-found) \.)
(i\'ve had enough of you!)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--abusewords)
+ (setq-local doctor--abusewords
'(boring bozo clown clumsy cretin dumb dummy
fool foolish gnerd gnurd idiot jerk
lose loser louse lousy luse luser
moron nerd nurd oaf oafish reek
stink stupid tool toolish twit))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--howareyoulst)
+ (setq-local doctor--howareyoulst
'((how are you) (hows it going) (hows it going eh)
(how\'s it going) (how\'s it going eh) (how goes it)
(whats up) (whats new) (what\'s up) (what\'s new)
(how is everything) (how do you do)
(how\'s it hanging) (que pasa)
(how are you doing) (what do you say)))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--whereoutp) '(huh remem rthing))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor-subj) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor-verb) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor-obj) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--feared) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--repetitive-shortness) '(0 . 0))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--**mad**) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--rms-flag) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--eliza-flag) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--zippy-flag) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--suicide-flag) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--lover) '(your partner))
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--bak) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--lincount) 0)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--*print-upcase*) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--*print-space*) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor--howdyflag) nil)
- (set (make-local-variable 'doctor-object) nil))
+ (setq-local doctor--whereoutp '(huh remem rthing))
+ (setq-local doctor-subj nil)
+ (setq-local doctor-verb nil)
+ (setq-local doctor-obj nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--feared nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--repetitive-shortness '(0 . 0))
+ (setq-local doctor--**mad** nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--rms-flag nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--eliza-flag nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--zippy-flag nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--suicide-flag nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--lover '(your partner))
+ (setq-local doctor--bak nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--lincount 0)
+ (setq-local doctor--*print-upcase* nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--*print-space* nil)
+ (setq-local doctor--howdyflag nil)
+ (setq-local doctor-object nil))
;; Define equivalence classes of words that get treated alike.