;; As a default, ERC has the data for the official nickname services on
;; the networks Austnet, BrasNET, Dalnet, freenode, GalaxyNet, GRnet,
-;; and Slashnet. You can add more by using M-x customize-variable RET
-;; erc-nickserv-alist.
+;; Libera.Chat and Slashnet. You can add more by using
+;; M-x customize-variable RET erc-nickserv-alist.
;; Usage:
(const GalaxyNet)
(const GRnet)
(const iip)
+ (const Libera)
(const OFTC)
(const QuakeNet)
(const Rizon)
"IDENTIFY" nil "SQUERY" nil)
+ (Libera
+ "NickServ!NickServ@services."
+ ;; Libera.Chat also accepts a password at login, see the `erc'
+ ;; :password argument.
+ "This\\s-nickname\\s-is\\s-registered.\\s-Please\\s-choose"
+ "NickServ"
+ "IDENTIFY" nil nil
+ ;; See also the 901 response code message.
+ "You\\s-are\\s-now\\s-identified\\s-for\\s-")
;; OFTC's NickServ doesn't ask you to identify anymore.