(require 'ert)
(require 'comp)
+;; (require 'cl-lib)
-(setq garbage-collection-messages t)
+(defun comp-test-apply (func &rest args)
+ (unless (subrp (symbol-function func))
+ (native-compile func))
+ (apply func args))
+(defun comp-mashup (&rest args)
+ "Mash-up ARGS and return a symbol."
+ (intern (apply #'concat
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (cl-etypecase x
+ (symbol (symbol-name x))
+ (string x)))
+ args))))
+;; (setq garbage-collection-messages t)
(defvar comp-tests-var1 3)
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-varref ()
+;; (defmacro comp-ert-deftest (name &rest body)
+;; (declare (indent defun))
+;; `(progn
+;; ,@(cl-loop for speed from 0 to 3
+;; for test-name = (comp-mashup name "-speed-"
+;; (number-to-string speed))
+;; collect `(ert-deftest ,test-name ()
+;; (let ((comp-speed ,speed))
+;; ,body)))))
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-varref ()
"Testing varref."
(defun comp-tests-varref-f ()
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-varref-f)
- (should (= (comp-tests-varref-f) 3)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-varref-f) 3)))
(ert-deftest comp-tests-list ()
"Testing cons car cdr."
;; Bcdr_safe
(cdr-safe x))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-list-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-list2-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-car-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-cdr-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-car-safe-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-cdr-safe-f)
- (should (equal (comp-tests-list-f) '(1 2 3)))
- (should (equal (comp-tests-list2-f 1 2 3) '(1 2 3)))
- (should (= (comp-tests-car-f '(1 . 2)) 1))
- (should (null (comp-tests-car-f nil)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-list-f) '(1 2 3)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-list2-f 1 2 3) '(1 2 3)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-car-f '(1 . 2)) 1))
+ (should (null (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-car-f nil)))
(should (= (condition-case err
- (comp-tests-car-f 3)
+ (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-car-f 3)
(error 10))
- (should (= (comp-tests-cdr-f '(1 . 2)) 2))
- (should (null (comp-tests-cdr-f nil)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-cdr-f '(1 . 2)) 2))
+ (should (null (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-cdr-f nil)))
(should (= (condition-case err
- (comp-tests-cdr-f 3)
+ (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-cdr-f 3)
(error 10))
- (should (= (comp-tests-car-safe-f '(1 . 2)) 1))
- (should (null (comp-tests-car-safe-f 'a)))
- (should (= (comp-tests-cdr-safe-f '(1 . 2)) 2))
- (should (null (comp-tests-cdr-safe-f 'a))))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-car-safe-f '(1 . 2)) 1))
+ (should (null (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-car-safe-f 'a)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-cdr-safe-f '(1 . 2)) 2))
+ (should (null (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-cdr-safe-f 'a))))
(ert-deftest comp-tests-cons-car-cdr ()
"Testing cons car cdr."
(defun comp-tests-cons-car-f ()
(car (cons 1 2)))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-cons-car-f)
(defun comp-tests-cons-cdr-f (x)
(cdr (cons 'foo x)))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-cons-cdr-f)
- (should (= (comp-tests-cons-car-f) 1))
- (should (= (comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3) 3)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-cons-car-f) 1))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3) 3)))
(ert-deftest comp-tests-varset ()
"Testing varset."
(defun comp-tests-varset-f ()
(setq comp-tests-var1 55))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-varset-f)
- (comp-tests-varset-f)
+ (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-varset-f)
(should (= comp-tests-var1 55)))
"Testing length."
(defun comp-tests-length-f ()
(length '(1 2 3)))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-length-f)
- (should (= (comp-tests-length-f) 3)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-length-f) 3)))
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-aref-aset ()
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-aref-aset ()
"Testing aref and aset."
(defun comp-tests-aref-aset-f ()
(let ((vec [1 2 3]))
(aset vec 2 100)
(aref vec 2)))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-aref-aset-f)
- (should (= (comp-tests-aref-aset-f) 100)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-aref-aset-f) 100)))
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-symbol-value ()
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-symbol-value ()
"Testing aref and aset."
(defvar comp-tests-var2 3)
(defun comp-tests-symbol-value-f ()
(symbol-value 'comp-tests-var2))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-symbol-value-f)
- (should (= (comp-tests-symbol-value-f) 3)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-symbol-value-f) 3)))
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-concat ()
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-concat ()
"Testing concatX opcodes."
(defun comp-tests-concat-f (x)
(concat "a" "b" "c" "d"
(concat "a" "b" "c" (concat "a" "b" (concat "foo" x)))))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-concat-f)
- (should (string= (comp-tests-concat-f "bar") "abcdabcabfoobar")))
+ (should (string= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-concat-f "bar") "abcdabcabfoobar")))
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-ffuncall ()
- "Test calling conventions."
- (defun comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-f (x y z)
+(defun comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-f (x y z)
(list x y z))
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-ffuncall ()
+ "Test calling conventions."
+ (native-compile #'comp-tests-ffuncall-calle-f)
(defun comp-tests-ffuncall-caller-f ()
(comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-f 1 2 3))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-ffuncall-caller-f)
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-caller-f) '(1 2 3)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-caller-f) '(1 2 3)))
(defun comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f (a b &optional c d)
(list a b c d))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f)
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f 1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3 4)))
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f 1 2 3) '(1 2 3 nil)))
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f 1 2) '(1 2 nil nil)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f 1 2 3 4)
+ '(1 2 3 4)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f 1 2 3)
+ '(1 2 3 nil)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f 1 2)
+ '(1 2 nil nil)))
(defun comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f (a b &rest c)
(list a b c))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f)
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f 1 2) '(1 2 nil)))
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f 1 2 3) '(1 2 (3))))
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f 1 2 3 4) '(1 2 (3 4))))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f 1 2)
+ '(1 2 nil)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f 1 2 3)
+ '(1 2 (3))))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f 1 2 3 4)
+ '(1 2 (3 4))))
(defun comp-tests-ffuncall-native-f ()
"Call a primitive with no dedicate op."
(make-vector 1 nil))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-ffuncall-native-f)
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-native-f) [nil]))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-native-f) [nil]))
(defun comp-tests-ffuncall-native-rest-f ()
"Call a primitive with no dedicate op with &rest."
(vector 1 2 3))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-ffuncall-native-rest-f)
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-native-rest-f) [1 2 3]))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-native-rest-f) [1 2 3]))
(defun comp-tests-ffuncall-apply-many-f (x)
(apply #'list x))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-ffuncall-apply-many-f)
- (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-apply-many-f '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-apply-many-f '(1 2 3))
+ '(1 2 3)))
(defun comp-tests-ffuncall-lambda-f (x)
(let ((fun (lambda (x)
(1+ x))))
(funcall fun x)))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-ffuncall-lambda-f)
- (should (= (comp-tests-ffuncall-lambda-f 1) 2)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-ffuncall-lambda-f 1) 2)))
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-jump-table ()
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-jump-table ()
"Testing jump tables"
(defun comp-tests-jump-table-1-f (x)
(pcase x
('y 'b)
(_ 'c)))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-jump-table-1-f)
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-jump-table-1-f 'x) 'a))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-jump-table-1-f 'y) 'b))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-jump-table-1-f 'xxx) 'c)))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-jump-table-1-f 'x) 'a))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-jump-table-1-f 'y) 'b))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-jump-table-1-f 'xxx) 'c)))
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-conditionals ()
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-conditionals ()
"Testing conditionals."
(defun comp-tests-conditionals-1-f (x)
;; Generate goto-if-nil
;; Generate goto-if-nil-else-pop
(when x
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-conditionals-1-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-conditionals-2-f)
- (should (= (comp-tests-conditionals-1-f t) 1))
- (should (= (comp-tests-conditionals-1-f nil) 2))
- (should (= (comp-tests-conditionals-2-f t) 1340))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-conditionals-2-f nil) nil)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-conditionals-1-f t) 1))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-conditionals-1-f nil) 2))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-conditionals-2-f t) 1340))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-conditionals-2-f nil) nil)))
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-fixnum ()
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-fixnum ()
"Testing some fixnum inline operation."
(defun comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f (x)
;; Bsub1
;; Bnegate
(- x))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f)
- (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f 10) 9))
- (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f 10) 9))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
(1- most-negative-fixnum)))
(should (equal (condition-case err
(comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f 'a)
(error err))
'(wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p a)))
- (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f 10) 11))
- (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f most-positive-fixnum)
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f 10) 11))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f most-positive-fixnum)
(1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
(should (equal (condition-case err
(comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f 'a)
(error err))
'(wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p a)))
- (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f 10) -10))
- (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f 10) -10))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
(- most-negative-fixnum)))
(should (equal (condition-case err
(comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f 'a)
(error err))
'(wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p a))))
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-arith-comp ()
+(ert-deftest comp-tests-arith-comp ()
"Testing arithmetic comparisons."
(defun comp-tests-eqlsign-f (x y)
;; Beqlsign
;; Bgeq
(>= x y))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-eqlsign-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-gtr-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-lss-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-les-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-geq-f)
- (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 4 3) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 3 3) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 2 3) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 4 3) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 3 3) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 2 3) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 4 3) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 3 3) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 2 3) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 4 3) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 3 3) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 2 3) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 4 3) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 3 3) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 2 3) nil)))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-eqlsign-f 4 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-eqlsign-f 3 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-eqlsign-f 2 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-gtr-f 4 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-gtr-f 3 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-gtr-f 2 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-lss-f 4 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-lss-f 3 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-lss-f 2 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-les-f 4 3) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-les-f 3 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-les-f 2 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-geq-f 4 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-geq-f 3 3) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-geq-f 2 3) nil)))
(ert-deftest comp-tests-setcarcdr ()
"Testing setcar setcdr."
(setcdr x y)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-setcar-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-setcdr-f)
- (should (equal (comp-tests-setcar-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(3 . 10)))
- (should (equal (comp-tests-setcdr-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(10 . 3)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-setcar-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(3 . 10)))
+ (should (equal (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-setcdr-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(10 . 3)))
(should (equal (condition-case
(comp-tests-setcar-f 3 10)
'(wrong-type-argument consp 3)))
(should (equal (condition-case
- (comp-tests-setcdr-f 3 10)
+ (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-setcdr-f 3 10)
(error err))
'(wrong-type-argument consp 3))))
(setq i (1- i)))
- (native-compile #'comp-bubble-sort-f)
(let* ((list1 (mapcar 'random (make-list 1000 most-positive-fixnum)))
(list2 (copy-sequence list1)))
(should (equal (comp-bubble-sort-f list1)
(sort list2 #'<)))))
-(ert-deftest comp-tests-list-inline ()
+(ert-deftest comp-test-apply ()
"Test some inlined list functions."
(defun comp-tests-consp-f (x)
;; Bconsp
;; Bsetcar
(setcar x 3))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-consp-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-car-f)
- (should (eq (comp-tests-consp-f '(1)) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-consp-f 1) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-consp-f '(1)) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-consp-f 1) nil))
(let ((x (cons 1 2)))
- (should (= (comp-tests-car-f x) 3))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-car-f x) 3))
(should (equal x '(3 . 2)))))
(ert-deftest comp-tests-num-inline ()
;; Bnumberp
(numberp x))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-integerp-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-numberp-f)
- (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f 1) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f '(1)) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f 3.5) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f (1+ most-negative-fixnum)) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-integerp-f 1) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-integerp-f '(1)) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-integerp-f 3.5) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-integerp-f (1+ most-negative-fixnum)) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 1) t))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 'a) nil))
- (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 3.5) t)))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-numberp-f 1) t))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-numberp-f 'a) nil))
+ (should (eq (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-numberp-f 3.5) t)))
(ert-deftest comp-tests-stack ()
"Test some stack operation."
;; Binsert
(insert a b c d))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-discardn-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-insertn-f)
- (should (= (comp-tests-discardn-f 10) 2))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-discardn-f 10) 2))
(should (string= (with-temp-buffer
(comp-tests-insertn-f "a" "b" "c" "d")
(defun comp-tests-throw-f (x)
(throw 'foo x))
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-condition-case-0-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-condition-case-1-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-catch-f)
- (native-compile #'comp-tests-throw-f)
- (should (string= (comp-tests-condition-case-0-f)
+ (should (string= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-condition-case-0-f)
"arith-error Arithmetic error catched"))
- (should (string= (comp-tests-condition-case-1-f)
+ (should (string= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-condition-case-1-f)
"error foo catched"))
- (should (= (comp-tests-catch-f (lambda () (throw 'foo 3))) 3))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-catch-f
+ (lambda () (throw 'foo 3)))
+ 3))
(should (= (catch 'foo
(comp-tests-throw-f 3))))))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3))
- (should (= (comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3) 3)))
+ (should (= (comp-test-apply #'comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3) 3)))
;; Tromey's tests ;;
-(defun comp-test-apply (func &rest args)
- (unless (subrp (symbol-function func))
- (native-compile func))
- (apply func args))
;; Test Bconsp.
(defun comp-test-consp (x) (consp x))