Setting the @env{ENV} environment variable instructs some shells to
read an initialization file. Per default, @value{tramp} has disabled
-this. You could overwrite this behaviour by evaluating
+this. You could overwrite this behavior by evaluating
to set the point in the output buffer: beginning of the output,
end of the buffer or save the point.
When 'shell-command-dont-erase-buffer' is nil, the default value,
-the behaviour of 'shell-command', 'shell-command-on-region' and
+the behavior of 'shell-command', 'shell-command-on-region' and
'async-shell-command' is as usual.
debug.el and edebug.el have been updated to heed to this variable.
-** The new variable `x-ctrl-keysym` has been added to the existing
+** The new variable 'x-ctrl-keysym' has been added to the existing
roster of X keysyms. It can be used in combination with another
variable of this kind to swap modifiers in Emacs.
*** A new library for creating and manipulating SVG images has been
-added. See the "SVG Images" section in the lispref manual for
+added. See the "SVG Images" section in the Lisp reference manual for
** New function 'undo-amalgamate-change-group' to get rid of
undo-boundaries between two states.
-** New var 'definition-prefixes' is a hashtable mapping prefixes to the
-files where corresponding definitions can be found. This can be used
-to fetch definitions that are not yet loaded, for example for 'C-h f'.
+** New var 'definition-prefixes' is a hash table mapping prefixes to
+the files where corresponding definitions can be found. This can be
+used to fetch definitions that are not yet loaded, for example for
+'C-h f'.
** New var 'syntax-ppss-table' to control the syntax-table used in
;; tracked: a list of symbols
-;; tracker: a hashtable tuned for 100 symbols to track (you should
+;; tracker: a hash table tuned for 100 symbols to track (you should
;; only access this with the :lookup2-function and the
;; :lookup2+-function)
-;; data: a hashtable with default size 10K and resize threshold 2.0
+;; data: a hash table with default size 10K and resize threshold 2.0
;; (this reflects the expected usage so override it if you know better)
;; methods to do all the work: `registry-search',
:documentation "The precious fields, a list of symbols.")
(tracker :initarg :tracker
:type hash-table
- :documentation "The field tracking hashtable.")
+ :documentation "The field tracking hash table.")
(data :initarg :data
:type hash-table
- :documentation "The data hashtable.")))
+ :documentation "The data hash table.")))
(cl-defmethod initialize-instance :before ((this registry-db) slots)
"Check whether a registry object needs to be upgraded."
(cl-defmethod registry-lookup-secondary ((db registry-db) tracksym
&optional create)
"Search for TRACKSYM in the registry-db THIS.
-When CREATE is not nil, create the secondary index hashtable if needed."
+When CREATE is not nil, create the secondary index hash table if needed."
(let ((h (gethash tracksym (oref db tracker))))
(if h
(goto-char (nth 1 test))
(should (equal (thing-at-point (nth 2 test)) (nth 3 test))))))
-;; These tests reflect the actual behaviour of
+;; These tests reflect the actual behavior of
;; `thing-at-point-bounds-of-list-at-point'.
(ert-deftest thing-at-point-bug24627 ()
"Test for ."