--- /dev/null
+;;; semantic-stltest --- Test Semantic's C++ parser on the STL
+;;; Copyright (C) 2012 David Engster
+;; Author: David Engster <deng@randomsample.de>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; Semantic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Test completions on STL classes and namespaces.
+;; This test is not run by default since it requires a full STL installation.
+;; It can also be used very well to benchmark the C++ parser.
+(defvar semantic-stltest-vector-buf
+ "#include <vector>\nint main(void) { std::vector<int> foo; foo.TESTHERE \n}")
+(defvar semantic-stltest-vector-members
+ '("begin" "end" "rbegin" "rend" "size" "max_size" "resize" "capacity"
+ "empty" "reserve" "at" "front" "back" "assign" "push_back" "pop_back"
+ "insert" "erase" "swap" "clear" "iterator" "const_iterator" "reverse_iterator"
+ "const_reverse_iterator" "reference" "const_reference" "size_type"
+ "value_type" "difference_type" "allocator_type" "pointer" "const_pointer"))
+(defvar semantic-stltest-string-buf
+ "#include <string>\nint main(void) { std::string foo; foo.TESTHERE \n}")
+(defvar semantic-stltest-string-members
+ '("allocator_type" "append" "assign" "at" "begin" "c_str" "capacity" "clear"
+ "compare" "const_iterator" "const_pointer" "const_reference" "const_reverse_iterator"
+ "copy" "data" "difference_type" "empty" "end" "erase" "find" "find_first_not_of"
+ "find_first_of" "find_last_not_of" "find_last_of" "get_allocator" "insert"
+ "iterator" "length" "max_size" "npos" "pointer" "push_back" "rbegin" "reference"
+ "rend" "replace" "reserve" "resize" "reverse_iterator" "size" "size_type" "substr"
+ "swap" "traits_type" "value_type"))
+(defvar semantic-stltest-map-buf
+ "#include <map>\n#include <string>\nint main(void) { std::map<int,std::string> foo; foo.TESTHERE \n}")
+(defvar semantic-stltest-map-members
+ '("allocator_type" "at" "begin" "clear" "const_iterator" "const_pointer"
+ "const_reference" "const_reverse_iterator" "count" "difference_type" "empty"
+ "end" "equal_range" "erase" "find" "get_allocator" "insert" "iterator" "key_comp"
+ "key_compare" "key_type" "lower_bound" "mapped_type" "max_size" "pointer" "rbegin"
+ "reference" "rend" "reverse_iterator" "size" "size_type" "swap" "upper_bound" "value_comp"
+ "value_compare" "value_type"))
+(defvar semantic-stltest-map-buf
+ "#include <map>\n#include <string>\nint main(void) { std::map<int,std::string> foo; foo.TESTHERE \n}")
+(defvar semantic-stltest-map-members
+ '("allocator_type" "at" "begin" "clear" "const_iterator" "const_pointer"
+ "const_reference" "const_reverse_iterator" "count" "difference_type" "empty"
+ "end" "equal_range" "erase" "find" "get_allocator" "insert" "iterator" "key_comp"
+ "key_compare" "key_type" "lower_bound" "mapped_type" "max_size" "pointer" "rbegin"
+ "reference" "rend" "reverse_iterator" "size" "size_type" "swap" "upper_bound" "value_comp"
+ "value_compare" "value_type"))
+(defvar semantic-stltest-iostream-buf
+ "#include <iostream>\nint main(void) { std::TESTHERE \n}")
+(defvar semantic-stltest-iostream-members
+ '("ios_base" "ios" "istream" "ostream" "iostream" "ifstream" "ofstream" "fstream" "istringstream"
+ "ostringstream" "stringstream" "streambuf" "filebuf" "stringbuf" "cin" "cout" "cerr" "clog" "fpos"
+ "streamoff" "streampos" "streamsize" "boolalpha" "dec" "endl" "ends" "fixed" "flush" "hex" "internal"
+ "left" "noboolalpha" "noshowbase" "noshowpoint" "noshowpos" "noskipws" "nounitbuf" "nouppercase" "oct"
+ "right" "scientific" "showbase" "showpoint" "showpos" "skipws" "unitbuf" "uppercase" "ws"))
+(defun semantic-stltest (class)
+ "Test completions on CLASS."
+ (semantic-mode 1)
+ (with-current-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect "/tmp/stltest.cpp")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (symbol-value (intern
+ (concat "semantic-stltest-" class "-buf"))))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward "TESTHERE")
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+ (let* ((out (or (semantic-analyze-possible-completions (point))
+ (error "%s: Did not get any tags." class)))
+ (names (mapcar 'semantic-tag-name out)))
+ (dolist (cur (symbol-value (intern
+ (concat "semantic-stltest-" class "-members"))))
+ (unless (member cur names)
+ (error "Did not find %s in %s class." cur class)))))
+ (message "STL %s PASSED." class))
+(setq-default semanticdb-new-database-class 'semanticdb-project-database)
+(semantic-stltest "vector")
+(semantic-stltest "string")
+(semantic-stltest "map")
+;; I know, not a class...
+(semantic-stltest "iostream")