that you often should place this item after the text you want on
the line.
- `r>': Like `r', but it also indents the region.
+ - (r> PROMPT <NAME> <NOINSERT>): Like (r ...), but is also indents
+ the region.
- `n>': Inserts a newline and indents line.
- `o': Like `%' but leaves the point before the newline.
- nil: It is ignored.
(goto-char tempo-region-stop)
(cdr element))))
+ ((and (consp element)
+ (eq (car element) 'r>)) (if on-region
+ (progn
+ (goto-char tempo-region-stop)
+ (indent-region (mark) (point) nil))
+ (tempo-insert-prompt-compat
+ (cdr element))))
((and (consp element)
(eq (car element) 's)) (tempo-insert-named (car (cdr element))))
((and (consp element)