(defvar cl--loop-name)
(defvar cl--loop-result) (defvar cl--loop-result-explicit)
(defvar cl--loop-result-var) (defvar cl--loop-steps)
-(defvar cl--loop-symbol-macs)
+(defvar cl--loop-symbol-macs) (defvar cl--loop-guard-cond)
(defun cl--loop-set-iterator-function (kind iterator)
(if cl--loop-iterator-function
(cl--loop-accum-var nil) (cl--loop-accum-vars nil)
(cl--loop-initially nil) (cl--loop-finally nil)
(cl--loop-iterator-function nil) (cl--loop-first-flag nil)
- (cl--loop-symbol-macs nil))
+ (cl--loop-symbol-macs nil) (cl--loop-guard-cond nil))
;; Here is more or less how those dynbind vars are used after looping
;; over cl--parse-loop-clause:
(list (or cl--loop-result-explicit
(ands (cl--loop-build-ands (nreverse cl--loop-body)))
- (while-body (nconc (cadr ands) (nreverse cl--loop-steps)))
+ (while-body
+ (nconc
+ (cadr ands)
+ (if (or (not cl--loop-guard-cond) (not cl--loop-first-flag))
+ (nreverse cl--loop-steps)
+ ;; Right after update the loop variable ensure that the loop
+ ;; condition, i.e. (car ands), is still satisfied; otherwise,
+ ;; set `cl--loop-first-flag' nil and skip the remaining
+ ;; body forms (#Bug#29799).
+ ;;
+ ;; (last cl--loop-steps) updates the loop var
+ ;; (car (butlast cl--loop-steps)) sets `cl--loop-first-flag' nil
+ ;; (nreverse (cdr (butlast cl--loop-steps))) are the
+ ;; remaining body forms.
+ (append (last cl--loop-steps)
+ `((and ,(car ands)
+ ,@(nreverse (cdr (butlast cl--loop-steps)))))
+ `(,(car (butlast cl--loop-steps)))))))
(body (append
(nreverse cl--loop-initially)
(list (if cl--loop-iterator-function
,(cl--loop-let (nreverse loop-for-sets) 'setq ands)
- (if loop-for-steps
- (push (cons (if ands 'cl-psetq 'setq)
- (apply 'append (nreverse loop-for-steps)))
- cl--loop-steps))))
+ (when loop-for-steps
+ (setq cl--loop-guard-cond t)
+ (push (cons (if ands 'cl-psetq 'setq)
+ (apply 'append (nreverse loop-for-steps)))
+ cl--loop-steps))))
((eq word 'repeat)
(let ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))