;; Maintainer: João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com>
;; Keywords: processes, languages, extensions
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.2"))
-;; Version: 1.0.2
+;; Version: 1.0.3
;; This is an Elpa :core package. Don't use functionality that is not
;; compatible with Emacs 25.2.
:initarg :events-buffer-scrollback-size
:accessor jsonrpc--events-buffer-scrollback-size
- :documentation "If non-nil, maximum size of events buffer.")
+ :documentation "Max size of events buffer. 0 disables, nil means infinite.")
:initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
:accessor jsonrpc--deferred-actions
CONNECTION is the current connection. MESSAGE is a JSON-like
plist. TYPE is a symbol saying if this is a client or server
- (with-current-buffer (jsonrpc-events-buffer connection)
- (cl-destructuring-bind (&key method id error &allow-other-keys) message
- (let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
- (subtype (cond ((and method id) 'request)
- (method 'notification)
- (id 'reply)
- (t 'message)))
- (type
- (concat (format "%s" (or type 'internal))
- (if type
- (format "-%s" subtype)))))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (prog1
- (let ((msg (format "%s%s%s %s:\n%s\n"
- type
- (if id (format " (id:%s)" id) "")
- (if error " ERROR" "")
- (current-time-string)
- (pp-to-string message))))
- (when error
- (setq msg (propertize msg 'face 'error)))
- (insert-before-markers msg))
- ;; Trim the buffer if it's too large
- (let ((max (jsonrpc--events-buffer-scrollback-size connection)))
- (when max
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (> (buffer-size) max)
- (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1)
- (forward-sexp 1)
- (forward-line 2)
- (point))))))))))))
+ (let ((max (jsonrpc--events-buffer-scrollback-size connection)))
+ (when (or (null max) (cl-plusp max))
+ (with-current-buffer (jsonrpc-events-buffer connection)
+ (cl-destructuring-bind (&key method id error &allow-other-keys) message
+ (let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
+ (subtype (cond ((and method id) 'request)
+ (method 'notification)
+ (id 'reply)
+ (t 'message)))
+ (type
+ (concat (format "%s" (or type 'internal))
+ (if type
+ (format "-%s" subtype)))))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (prog1
+ (let ((msg (format "%s%s%s %s:\n%s\n"
+ type
+ (if id (format " (id:%s)" id) "")
+ (if error " ERROR" "")
+ (current-time-string)
+ (pp-to-string message))))
+ (when error
+ (setq msg (propertize msg 'face 'error)))
+ (insert-before-markers msg))
+ ;; Trim the buffer if it's too large
+ (when max
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (> (buffer-size) max)
+ (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1)
+ (forward-sexp 1)
+ (forward-line 2)
+ (point)))))))))))))
(provide 'jsonrpc)
;;; jsonrpc.el ends here