(defun chart-bar-quickie (dir title namelst nametitle numlst numtitle
&optional max sort-pred)
- "Create a bar chart in direction DIR [`horizontal' `vertical'] named TITLE.
-NAMELST is the list of bar names and NAMETITLE is the name the of axis containing
-them. NUMLST is the list of values and NUMTITLE is the name of the value
-axis. Optional arguments: Set the chart's max element display to MAX, and sort
-lists with SORT-PRED if desired."
+ "Create a bar chart named TITLE in direction DIR [`horizontal' `vertical'].
+NAMELST is the list of bar names and NAMETITLE is the name the of axis
+containing them.
+NUMLST is the list of values and NUMTITLE is the name of the value
+Optional argument MAX limits the chart's max element display to MAX by
+passing it as second argument to `chart-trim', otherwise the chart's
+display is unlimited.
+Optional argument SORT-PRED is a predicate function passed as second
+argument to `chart-sort' to sort the lists if desired."
(let ((nc (make-instance 'chart-bar
:title title
:key-label "8-m" ; This is a text key pic