;;; Code:
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
;; Macro-expansion of pcase is reasonably fast, so it's not a problem
;; when byte-compiling a file, but when interpreting the code, if the pcase
;; is in a loop, the repeated macro-expansion becomes terribly costly, so we
;; to a separate function if that number is too high.
;; We've already used this branch. So it is shared.
- (destructuring-bind (code prevvars res) prev
+ (let* ((code (car prev)) (cdrprev (cdr prev))
+ (prevvars (car cdrprev)) (cddrprev (cdr cdrprev))
+ (res (car cddrprev)))
(unless (symbolp res)
;; This is the first repeat, so we have to move
;; the branch to a separate function.
(and MATCH ...)
(or MATCH ...)"
(when (setq branches (delq nil branches))
- (destructuring-bind (match code &rest vars) (car branches)
+ (let* ((carbranch (car branches))
+ (match (car carbranch)) (cdarbranch (cdr carbranch))
+ (code (car cdarbranch))
+ (vars (cdr cdarbranch)))
(pcase--u1 (list match) code vars (cdr branches)))))
(defun pcase--and (match matches)
(if matches `(and ,match ,@matches) match))
(defun pcase--split-match (sym splitter match)
- (case (car match)
- ((match)
+ (cond
+ ((eq (car match) 'match)
(if (not (eq sym (cadr match)))
(cons match match)
(let ((pat (cddr match)))
(cdr pat)))))
(t (let ((res (funcall splitter (cddr match))))
(cons (or (car res) match) (or (cdr res) match))))))))
- ((or and)
+ ((memq (car match) '(or and))
(let ((then-alts '())
(else-alts '())
(neutral-elem (if (eq 'or (car match))
(pcase--u1 (cons `(match ,var or . ,(nreverse simples)) (cdr matches))
code vars
(if (null others) rest
- (cons (list*
+ (cons (cons
(pcase--and (if (cdr others)
(cons 'or (nreverse others))
(car others))
(cdr matches))
- code vars)
+ (cons code vars))
(pcase--u1 (cons (pop alts) (cdr matches)) code vars
(if (null alts) (progn (error "Please avoid it") rest)
- (cons (list*
+ (cons (cons
(pcase--and (if (cdr alts)
(cons 'or alts) (car alts))
(cdr matches))
- code vars)
+ (cons code vars))
((eq 'match (caar matches))
- (destructuring-bind (op sym &rest upat) (pop matches)
+ (let* ((popmatches (pop matches))
+ (op (car popmatches)) (cdrpopmatches (cdr popmatches))
+ (sym (car cdrpopmatches))
+ (upat (cdr cdrpopmatches)))
((memq upat '(t _)) (pcase--u1 matches code vars rest))
((eq upat 'dontcare) :pcase--dontcare)
((functionp upat) (error "Feature removed, use (pred %s)" upat))
((memq (car-safe upat) '(guard pred))
- (destructuring-bind (then-rest &rest else-rest)
- (pcase--split-rest
- sym (apply-partially #'pcase--split-pred upat) rest)
+ (let* ((splitrest
+ (pcase--split-rest
+ sym (apply-partially #'pcase--split-pred upat) rest))
+ (then-rest (car splitrest))
+ (else-rest (cdr splitrest)))
(pcase--if (if (and (eq (car upat) 'pred) (symbolp (cadr upat)))
`(,(cadr upat) ,sym)
(let* ((exp (cadr upat))
(setq all nil))))
(if all
;; Use memq for (or `a `b `c `d) rather than a big tree.
- (let ((elems (mapcar 'cadr (cdr upat))))
- (destructuring-bind (then-rest &rest else-rest)
- (pcase--split-rest
- sym (apply-partially #'pcase--split-member elems) rest)
- (pcase--if `(,(if memq-fine #'memq #'member) ,sym ',elems)
- (pcase--u1 matches code vars then-rest)
- (pcase--u else-rest))))
+ (let* ((elems (mapcar 'cadr (cdr upat)))
+ (splitrest
+ (pcase--split-rest
+ sym (apply-partially #'pcase--split-member elems) rest))
+ (then-rest (car splitrest))
+ (else-rest (cdr splitrest)))
+ (pcase--if `(,(if memq-fine #'memq #'member) ,sym ',elems)
+ (pcase--u1 matches code vars then-rest)
+ (pcase--u else-rest)))
(pcase--u1 (cons `(match ,sym ,@(cadr upat)) matches) code vars
(append (mapcar (lambda (upat)
`((and (match ,sym . ,upat) ,@matches)
((consp qpat)
(let ((syma (make-symbol "xcar"))
(symd (make-symbol "xcdr")))
- (destructuring-bind (then-rest &rest else-rest)
- (pcase--split-rest sym
- (apply-partially #'pcase--split-consp syma symd)
- rest)
+ (let* ((splitrest (pcase--split-rest
+ sym
+ (apply-partially #'pcase--split-consp syma symd)
+ rest))
+ (then-rest (car splitrest))
+ (else-rest (cdr splitrest)))
(pcase--if `(consp ,sym)
`(let ((,syma (car ,sym))
(,symd (cdr ,sym)))
code vars then-rest))
(pcase--u else-rest)))))
((or (integerp qpat) (symbolp qpat) (stringp qpat))
- (destructuring-bind (then-rest &rest else-rest)
- (pcase--split-rest sym (apply-partially 'pcase--split-equal qpat) rest)
+ (let* ((splitrest (pcase--split-rest
+ sym (apply-partially 'pcase--split-equal qpat) rest))
+ (then-rest (car splitrest))
+ (else-rest (cdr splitrest)))
(pcase--if `(,(if (stringp qpat) #'equal #'eq) ,sym ',qpat)
(pcase--u1 matches code vars then-rest)
(pcase--u else-rest))))