(message "Selecting a region with the mouse does `copy' automatically")
(kill-ring-save beg end)))
-(autoload 'ispell-menu-map "ispell" nil t 'keymap)
;; These are alternative definitions for the cut, paste and copy
;; menu items. Use them if your system expects these to use the clipboard.
(defvar vc-menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "Version Control"))
(define-key menu-bar-tools-menu [pcl-cvs]
- `(menu-item "PCL-CVS" ,cvs-global-menu
- :help "Module-level interface to CVS"))
+ '(menu-item "PCL-CVS" cvs-global-menu
+ :help "Module-level interface to CVS"))
(define-key menu-bar-tools-menu [vc]
(list 'menu-item "Version Control" vc-menu-map
:help "Interface to RCS, CVS, SCCS"))