For further details, please consult the manual:
+* Version 0.25.0 on 2023-09-17
+** Snappier query highlighting in Sweep top-levels
+Sweep now highlights the query you insert in the top-level immediately
+as you type it. In previous versions, query highlighting relied on a
+short timer, that could lead to a small delay before Sweep would
+update the highlighting when you change the query.
+** Sweep top-levels can now communicate via pty instead of local TCP
+Sweep top-level buffers can now communicate with their corresponding
+top-level threads via a pseudo-terminal (pty) device, instead of a
+local TCP connection. Local TCP connections remain supported for
+systems where Emacs cannot use a pty, such as MS Windows. On Unix
+systems, top-levels now use pty by default.
+** Compatibility with and support for Prettify Symbols mode
+Sweep Prolog mode is now compatible with the Prettify Symbols minor
+mode. Prettify Symbols mode, and similar features, rely on
+~font-lock-add-keywords~ to add highlighting patterns. Sweep does not
+use Font Lock keywords for its highlighting, but now it does invoke
+the relevant Font Lock keyword highlighting routines for compatibility
+with minor modes such as Prettify Symbols.
+** Minor improvements to hole highlighting
+Sweep now uses a slightly smaller "box" around holes to highlight them
+in Prolog code, such that holes are displayed with the same dimensions
+of any other text. This avoids small visual jitter when inserting or
+removing holes in a buffer.
* Version 0.24.1 on 2023-09-09
** Refine checks for extracting goals to separate predicates
@c %**end of header
-This manual is for Sweep (version 0.24.1), an Emacs package providing
+This manual is for Sweep (version 0.25.0), an Emacs package providing
an embedded SWI-Prolog runtime inside of Emacs along with an advanced
SWI-Prolog development environment.
@node Top
@top Sweep: SWI-Prolog Embedded in Emacs
-This manual is for Sweep (version 0.24.1), an Emacs package providing
+This manual is for Sweep (version 0.25.0), an Emacs package providing
an embedded SWI-Prolog runtime inside of Emacs along with an advanced
SWI-Prolog development environment.
;; Maintainer: Eshel Yaron <~eshel/>
;; Keywords: prolog languages extensions
;; URL:
-;; Package-Version: 0.24.1
+;; Package-Version: 0.25.0
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (compat ""))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.