For further details, please consult the manual:
-* Development version 0.4.8-dev
+* Version 0.5.0 on 2022-10-04
+** New special buffer for listing and working with multiple top-levels
+=sweep= is now able to create a special buffer that contains a table of
+all active top-levels, called the Top-level Menu buffer. This buffer
+has its own special major mode, ~sweeprolog-top-level-menu-mode~, which
+provides convenient commands that operate on the listed top-levels.
+** New commands for interrupting running top-levels
+=sweep= now includes a new command ~M-x sweeprolog-top-level-signal~ which
+prompts for a =sweep= top-level buffer and a Prolog goal and signals the
+specified top-level to execute the given goal. This can be used to
+interrupt long running queries.
+The ~sweeprolog-top-level-mode~ major mode provides a variant of the
+above command called ~sweeprolog-top-level-signal-current~ that operates
+on the top-level thread of the current buffer. This command is also
+newly bound to ~C-c C-c~ in top-level buffers.
** New command ~sweeprolog-document-predicate-at-point~ in ~sweeprolog-mode~ buffers
;; Maintainer: Eshel Yaron <~eshel/>
;; Keywords: prolog languages extensions
;; URL:
-;; Package-Version: 0.4.7
+;; Package-Version: 0.5.0
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28"))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.