If this TLS extension is not used, the connection established is
vulnerable to an attack in which an impersonator can extract
sensitive information such as HTTP session ID cookies or login
+passwords. Renegotiation was removed in TLS1.3, so this is only
+checked for earlier protocol versions.
E. Rescorla, M. Ray, S. Dispensa, N. Oskov (Feb 2010). \"Transport
Layer Security (TLS) Renegotiation Indication Extension\",
- (let ((unsafe-renegotiation (not (plist-get status :safe-renegotiation))))
- (and unsafe-renegotiation
- (format-message
- "safe renegotiation is not supported, connection not protected from impersonators"))))
+ (when (plist-member status :safe-renegotiation)
+ (let ((unsafe-renegotiation (not (plist-get status :safe-renegotiation))))
+ (and unsafe-renegotiation
+ (format-message
+ "safe renegotiation is not supported, connection not protected from impersonators")))))
;; Compression checks