--- /dev/null
+;;; w32-nt.el --- MS-Windows native build specific definitions -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 1993-1994, 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: FSF
+;; Keywords: terminals
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; w32-nt.el: this file contains MS-Windows native build specific
+;; definitions formerly included in w32-win.el.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
+(defvar dynamic-library-alist)
+(defvar libpng-version) ; image.c #ifdef HAVE_NTGUI
+(defvar libgif-version)
+(defvar libjpeg-version)
+(defvar libgnutls-version) ; gnutls.c
+(defvar tree-sitter--library-abi) ; treesit.c
+;;; Set default known names for external libraries
+(setq dynamic-library-alist
+ (list
+ '(gdiplus "gdiplus.dll")
+ '(shlwapi "shlwapi.dll")
+ '(xpm "libxpm.dll" "xpm4.dll" "libXpm-nox4.dll")
+ ;; Versions of libpng 1.4.x and later are incompatible with
+ ;; earlier versions. Set up the list of libraries according to
+ ;; the version we were compiled against. (If we were compiled
+ ;; without PNG support, libpng-version's value is -1.)
+ (if (>= libpng-version 10400)
+ (let ((major (/ libpng-version 10000))
+ (minor (mod (/ libpng-version 100) 10)))
+ (list 'png
+ ;; libpngXY.dll is the default name when building
+ ;; with CMake or from a lpngXYY tarball on w32,
+ ;; libpngXY-XY.dll is the DLL name when building
+ ;; with libtool / autotools
+ (format "libpng%d%d.dll" major minor)
+ (format "libpng%d%d-%d%d.dll" major minor major minor)))
+ '(png "libpng12d.dll" "libpng12.dll" "libpng3.dll" "libpng.dll"
+ ;; these are libpng 1.2.8 from GTK+
+ "libpng13d.dll" "libpng13.dll"))
+ '(tiff "libtiff-5.dll" "libtiff3.dll" "libtiff.dll")
+ (if (> libjpeg-version 62)
+ ;; Versions of libjpeg after 6b are incompatible with
+ ;; earlier versions, and each of versions 7, 8, and 9 is
+ ;; also incompatible with the preceding ones (the core data
+ ;; structures used for communications with the library
+ ;; gained additional members with each new version). So we
+ ;; must use only the version of the library which Emacs was
+ ;; compiled against.
+ (list 'jpeg (format "libjpeg-%d.dll" (/ libjpeg-version 10)))
+ '(jpeg "jpeg62.dll" "libjpeg.dll" "jpeg-62.dll" "jpeg.dll"))
+ ;; Versions of giflib 5.0.0 and later changed signatures of
+ ;; several functions used by Emacs, which makes those versions
+ ;; incompatible with previous ones. We select the correct
+ ;; libraries according to the version of giflib we were
+ ;; compiled against. (If we were compiled without GIF support,
+ ;; libgif-version's value is -1.)
+ (if (>= libgif-version 50100)
+ ;; Yes, giflib 5.0 uses 6 as the major version of the API,
+ ;; and giflib 5.1 uses 7, thus "libgif-7.dll" and
+ ;; "libgif-6.dll" below (giflib 4.x used 5 as the major API
+ ;; version). giflib5.dll is from the lua-files project,
+ ;; and gif.dll is from luapower.
+ '(gif "libgif-7.dll")
+ (if (>= libgif-version 50000)
+ '(gif "libgif-6.dll" "giflib5.dll" "gif.dll")
+ '(gif "libgif-5.dll" "giflib4.dll" "libungif4.dll" "libungif.dll")))
+ '(svg "librsvg-2-2.dll")
+ '(webp "libwebp-7.dll" "libwebp.dll")
+ '(webpdemux "libwebpdemux-2.dll" "libwebpdemux.dll")
+ '(sqlite3 "libsqlite3-0.dll")
+ '(gdk-pixbuf "libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll")
+ '(glib "libglib-2.0-0.dll")
+ '(gio "libgio-2.0-0.dll")
+ '(gobject "libgobject-2.0-0.dll")
+ (if (>= libgnutls-version 30400)
+ '(gnutls "libgnutls-30.dll")
+ '(gnutls "libgnutls-28.dll" "libgnutls-26.dll"))
+ '(libxml2 "libxml2-2.dll" "libxml2.dll")
+ '(zlib "zlib1.dll" "libz-1.dll")
+ '(lcms2 "liblcms2-2.dll")
+ '(gccjit "libgccjit-0.dll")
+ ;; MSYS2 distributes libtree-sitter.dll, without API version
+ ;; number, upto and including version 0.24.3-2; later versions
+ ;; come with libtree-sitter-major.minor.dll (as in
+ ;; libtree-sitter-0.24.dll). Sadly, the header files don't have
+ ;; any symbols for library version, so we can only use the
+ ;; library-language ABI version; according to
+ ;; https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3925, the
+ ;; language ABI must change when the library's ABI is modified.
+ (if (<= tree-sitter--library-abi 14)
+ '(tree-sitter "libtree-sitter-0.24.dll"
+ "libtree-sitter.dll"
+ "libtree-sitter-0.dll")
+ '(tree-sitter "libtree-sitter-0.25.dll"))))
+;;;; Selections
+(declare-function w32--set-selection "w32-win.el")
+(declare-function w32--get-selection "w32-win.el")
+(declare-function w32--selection-owner-p "w32-win.el")
+(declare-function w32-selection-exists-p "w32select.c"
+ (&optional selection terminal))
+;; Make copy&pasting in w32's console interact with the system's clipboard!
+(cl-defmethod gui-backend-set-selection (type value
+ &context (window-system nil))
+ (w32--set-selection type value))
+(cl-defmethod gui-backend-get-selection (type data-type
+ &context (window-system nil))
+ (w32--get-selection type data-type))
+(cl-defmethod gui-backend-selection-owner-p (selection
+ &context (window-system nil))
+ (w32--selection-owner-p selection))
+(cl-defmethod gui-selection-exists-p (selection
+ &context (window-system nil))
+ (w32-selection-exists-p selection))
+(provide 'term/w32-nt)
+;;; w32-nt.el ends here
"Report an error when a suspend is attempted."
(error "Suspending an Emacs running under W32 makes no sense"))
-(defvar dynamic-library-alist)
-(defvar libpng-version) ; image.c #ifdef HAVE_NTGUI
-(defvar libgif-version)
-(defvar libjpeg-version)
-(defvar libgnutls-version) ; gnutls.c
-(defvar tree-sitter--library-abi) ; treesit.c
-;;; Set default known names for external libraries
-(setq dynamic-library-alist
- (list
- '(gdiplus "gdiplus.dll")
- '(shlwapi "shlwapi.dll")
- '(xpm "libxpm.dll" "xpm4.dll" "libXpm-nox4.dll")
- ;; Versions of libpng 1.4.x and later are incompatible with
- ;; earlier versions. Set up the list of libraries according to
- ;; the version we were compiled against. (If we were compiled
- ;; without PNG support, libpng-version's value is -1.)
- (if (>= libpng-version 10400)
- (let ((major (/ libpng-version 10000))
- (minor (mod (/ libpng-version 100) 10)))
- (list 'png
- ;; libpngXY.dll is the default name when building
- ;; with CMake or from a lpngXYY tarball on w32,
- ;; libpngXY-XY.dll is the DLL name when building
- ;; with libtool / autotools
- (format "libpng%d%d.dll" major minor)
- (format "libpng%d%d-%d%d.dll" major minor major minor)))
- '(png "libpng12d.dll" "libpng12.dll" "libpng3.dll" "libpng.dll"
- ;; these are libpng 1.2.8 from GTK+
- "libpng13d.dll" "libpng13.dll"))
- '(tiff "libtiff-5.dll" "libtiff3.dll" "libtiff.dll")
- (if (> libjpeg-version 62)
- ;; Versions of libjpeg after 6b are incompatible with
- ;; earlier versions, and each of versions 7, 8, and 9 is
- ;; also incompatible with the preceding ones (the core data
- ;; structures used for communications with the library
- ;; gained additional members with each new version). So we
- ;; must use only the version of the library which Emacs was
- ;; compiled against.
- (list 'jpeg (format "libjpeg-%d.dll" (/ libjpeg-version 10)))
- '(jpeg "jpeg62.dll" "libjpeg.dll" "jpeg-62.dll" "jpeg.dll"))
- ;; Versions of giflib 5.0.0 and later changed signatures of
- ;; several functions used by Emacs, which makes those versions
- ;; incompatible with previous ones. We select the correct
- ;; libraries according to the version of giflib we were
- ;; compiled against. (If we were compiled without GIF support,
- ;; libgif-version's value is -1.)
- (if (>= libgif-version 50100)
- ;; Yes, giflib 5.0 uses 6 as the major version of the API,
- ;; and giflib 5.1 uses 7, thus "libgif-7.dll" and
- ;; "libgif-6.dll" below (giflib 4.x used 5 as the major API
- ;; version). giflib5.dll is from the lua-files project,
- ;; and gif.dll is from luapower.
- '(gif "libgif-7.dll")
- (if (>= libgif-version 50000)
- '(gif "libgif-6.dll" "giflib5.dll" "gif.dll")
- '(gif "libgif-5.dll" "giflib4.dll" "libungif4.dll" "libungif.dll")))
- '(svg "librsvg-2-2.dll")
- '(webp "libwebp-7.dll" "libwebp.dll")
- '(webpdemux "libwebpdemux-2.dll" "libwebpdemux.dll")
- '(sqlite3 "libsqlite3-0.dll")
- '(gdk-pixbuf "libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll")
- '(glib "libglib-2.0-0.dll")
- '(gio "libgio-2.0-0.dll")
- '(gobject "libgobject-2.0-0.dll")
- (if (>= libgnutls-version 30400)
- '(gnutls "libgnutls-30.dll")
- '(gnutls "libgnutls-28.dll" "libgnutls-26.dll"))
- '(libxml2 "libxml2-2.dll" "libxml2.dll")
- '(zlib "zlib1.dll" "libz-1.dll")
- '(lcms2 "liblcms2-2.dll")
- '(gccjit "libgccjit-0.dll")
- ;; MSYS2 distributes libtree-sitter.dll, without API version
- ;; number, upto and including version 0.24.3-2; later versions
- ;; come with libtree-sitter-major.minor.dll (as in
- ;; libtree-sitter-0.24.dll). Sadly, the header files don't have
- ;; any symbols for library version, so we can only use the
- ;; library-language ABI version; according to
- ;; https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/3925, the
- ;; language ABI must change when the library's ABI is modified.
- (if (<= tree-sitter--library-abi 14)
- '(tree-sitter "libtree-sitter-0.24.dll"
- "libtree-sitter.dll"
- "libtree-sitter-0.dll")
- '(tree-sitter "libtree-sitter-0.25.dll"))))
;;; multi-tty support
(defvar w32-initialized nil
"Non-nil if the w32 window system has been initialized.")
&context (window-system w32))
(w32-selection-exists-p selection))
-(when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
- ;; Make copy&pasting in w32's console interact with the system's clipboard!
- ;; We could move those cl-defmethods outside of the `when' and use
- ;; "&context (system-type (eql windows-nt))" instead!
- (cl-defmethod gui-backend-set-selection (type value
- &context (window-system nil))
- (w32--set-selection type value))
- (cl-defmethod gui-backend-get-selection (type data-type
- &context (window-system nil))
- (w32--get-selection type data-type))
- (cl-defmethod gui-backend-selection-owner-p (selection
- &context (window-system nil))
- (w32--selection-owner-p selection))
- (cl-defmethod gui-selection-exists-p (selection
- &context (window-system nil))
- (w32-selection-exists-p selection)))
;; The "Windows" keys on newer keyboards bring up the Start menu
;; whether you want it or not - make Emacs ignore these keystrokes
;; rather than beep.