"Statement keywords followed directly by a substatement."
t '("do" "else")
c++ '("do" "else" "try")
+ objc '("do" "else" "@finally" "@try")
java '("do" "else" "finally" "try")
idl nil)
"Statement keywords followed by a paren sexp and then by a substatement."
t '("for" "if" "switch" "while")
c++ '("for" "if" "switch" "while" "catch")
+ objc '("for" "if" "switch" "while" "@catch" "@synchronized")
java '("for" "if" "switch" "while" "catch" "synchronized")
idl nil
pike '("for" "if" "switch" "while" "foreach")
(c-lang-defconst c-simple-stmt-kwds
"Statement keywords followed by an expression or nothing."
t '("break" "continue" "goto" "return")
+ objc '("break" "continue" "goto" "return" "@throw")
;; Note: `goto' is not valid in Java, but the keyword is still reserved.
java '("break" "continue" "goto" "return" "throw")
idl nil