(groups (mapcar #'gnus-group-short-name groups))
artlist article group)
+ (when (>= gnus-verbose 7)
+ (gnus-message 7 "Search engine returned %d results"
+ (car (buffer-line-statistics))))
(goto-char (point-min))
;; Prep prefix, we want to at least be removing the root
;; filesystem separator.
;; Are we running an additional grep query?
(when-let ((grep-reg (alist-get 'grep query)))
(setq artlist (gnus-search-grep-search engine artlist grep-reg)))
+ (when (>= gnus-verbose 7)
+ (gnus-message 7 "Gnus search returning %d results"
+ (length artlist)))
;; Munge into the list of vectors expected by nnselect.
(mapcar (pcase-lambda (`(,_ ,article ,group ,score))