--- /dev/null
+;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; cconv.el --- Closure conversion for statically scoped Emacs lisp.
+;; licence stuff will be added later(I don't know yet what to write here)
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This takes a piece of Elisp code, and eliminates all free variables from
+;; lambda expressions. The user entry points are cconv-closure-convert and
+;; cconv-closure-convert-toplevel(for toplevel forms).
+;; All macros should be expanded.
+;; Here is a brief explanation how this code works.
+;; Firstly, we analyse the tree by calling cconv-analyse-form.
+;; This function finds all mutated variables, all functions that are suitable
+;; for lambda lifting and all variables captured by closure. It passes the tree
+;; once, returning a list of three lists.
+;; Then we calculate the intersection of first and third lists returned by
+;; cconv-analyse form to find all mutated variables that are captured by
+;; closure.
+;; Armed with this data, we call cconv-closure-convert-rec, that rewrites the
+;; tree recursivly, lifting lambdas where possible, building closures where it
+;; is needed and eliminating mutable variables used in closure.
+;; We do following replacements :
+;; (lambda (v1 ...) ... fv1 fv2 ...) => (lambda (v1 ... fv1 fv2 ) ... fv1 fv2 .)
+;; if the function is suitable for lambda lifting (if all calls are known)
+;; (function (lambda (v1 ...) ... fv ...)) =>
+;; (curry (lambda (env v1 ...) ... env ...) env)
+;; if the function has only 1 free variable
+;; and finally
+;; (function (lambda (v1 ...) ... fv1 fv2 ...)) =>
+;; (curry (lambda (env v1 ..) .. (aref env 0) (aref env 1) ..) (vector fv1 fv2))
+;; if the function has 2 or more free variables
+;; If the function has no free variables, we don't do anything.
+;; If the variable is mutable(updated by setq), and it is used in closure
+;; we wrap it's definition with list: (list var) and we also replace
+;; var => (car var) wherever this variable is used, and also
+;; (setq var value) => (setcar var value) where it is updated.
+;; If defun argument is closure mutable, we letbind it and wrap it's
+;; definition with list.
+;; (defun foo (... mutable-arg ...) ...) =>
+;; (defun foo (... m-arg ...) (let ((m-arg (list m-arg))) ...))
+;;; Code:
+(require 'pcase)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(defconst cconv-liftwhen 3
+ "Try to do lambda lifting if the number of arguments + free variables
+is less than this number.")
+(defvar cconv-mutated
+ "List of mutated variables in current form")
+(defvar cconv-captured
+ "List of closure captured variables in current form")
+(defvar cconv-captured+mutated
+ "An intersection between cconv-mutated and cconv-captured lists.")
+(defvar cconv-lambda-candidates
+ "List of candidates for lambda lifting")
+(defun cconv-freevars (form &optional fvrs)
+ "Find all free variables of given form.
+-- FORM is a piece of Elisp code after macroexpansion.
+-- FVRS(optional) is a list of variables already found. Used for recursive tree
+Returns a list of free variables."
+ ;; If a leaf in the tree is a symbol, but it is not a global variable, not a
+ ;; keyword, not 'nil or 't we consider this leaf as a variable.
+ ;; Free variables are the variables that are not declared above in this tree.
+ ;; For example free variables of (lambda (a1 a2 ..) body-forms) are
+ ;; free variables of body-forms excluding a1, a2 ..
+ ;; Free variables of (let ((v1 ..) (v2) ..)) body-forms) are
+ ;; free variables of body-forms excluding v1, v2 ...
+ ;; and so on.
+ ;; a list of free variables already found(FVRS) is passed in parameter
+ ;; to try to use cons or push where possible, and to minimize the usage
+ ;; of append
+ ;; This function can contain duplicates(because we use 'append instead
+ ;; of union of two sets - for performance reasons).
+ (pcase form
+ (`(let ,varsvalues . ,body-forms) ; let special form
+ (let ((fvrs-1 '()))
+ (dolist (exp body-forms)
+ (setq fvrs-1 (cconv-freevars exp fvrs-1)))
+ (dolist (elm varsvalues)
+ (if (listp elm)
+ (setq fvrs-1 (delq (car elm) fvrs-1))
+ (setq fvrs-1 (delq elm fvrs-1))))
+ (setq fvrs (append fvrs fvrs-1))
+ (dolist (exp varsvalues)
+ (when (listp exp) (setq fvrs (cconv-freevars (cadr exp) fvrs))))
+ fvrs))
+ (`(let* ,varsvalues . ,body-forms) ; let* special form
+ (let ((vrs '())
+ (fvrs-1 '()))
+ (dolist (exp varsvalues)
+ (if (listp exp)
+ (progn
+ (setq fvrs-1 (cconv-freevars (cadr exp) fvrs-1))
+ (dolist (elm vrs) (setq fvrs-1 (delq elm fvrs-1)))
+ (push (car exp) vrs))
+ (progn
+ (dolist (elm vrs) (setq fvrs-1 (delq elm fvrs-1)))
+ (push exp vrs))))
+ (dolist (exp body-forms)
+ (setq fvrs-1 (cconv-freevars exp fvrs-1)))
+ (dolist (elm vrs) (setq fvrs-1 (delq elm fvrs-1)))
+ (append fvrs fvrs-1)))
+ (`((lambda . ,_) . ,_) ; first element is lambda expression
+ (dolist (exp `((function ,(car form)) . ,(cdr form)))
+ (setq fvrs (cconv-freevars exp fvrs))) fvrs)
+ (`(cond . ,cond-forms) ; cond special form
+ (dolist (exp1 cond-forms)
+ (dolist (exp2 exp1)
+ (setq fvrs (cconv-freevars exp2 fvrs)))) fvrs)
+ (`(quote . ,_) fvrs) ; quote form
+ (`(function . ((lambda ,vars . ,body-forms)))
+ (let ((functionform (cadr form)) (fvrs-1 '()))
+ (dolist (exp body-forms)
+ (setq fvrs-1 (cconv-freevars exp fvrs-1)))
+ (dolist (elm vars) (setq fvrs-1 (delq elm fvrs-1)))
+ (append fvrs fvrs-1))) ; function form
+ (`(function . ,_) fvrs) ; same as quote
+ ;condition-case
+ (`(condition-case ,var ,protected-form . ,conditions-bodies)
+ (let ((fvrs-1 '()))
+ (setq fvrs-1 (cconv-freevars protected-form '()))
+ (dolist (exp conditions-bodies)
+ (setq fvrs-1 (cconv-freevars (cadr exp) fvrs-1)))
+ (setq fvrs-1 (delq var fvrs-1))
+ (append fvrs fvrs-1)))
+ (`(,(and sym (or `defun `defconst `defvar)) . ,_)
+ ;; we call cconv-freevars only for functions(lambdas)
+ ;; defun, defconst, defvar are not allowed to be inside
+ ;; a function(lambda)
+ (error "Invalid form: %s inside a function" sym))
+ (`(,_ . ,body-forms) ; first element is a function or whatever
+ (dolist (exp body-forms)
+ (setq fvrs (cconv-freevars exp fvrs))) fvrs)
+ (_ (if (or (not (symbolp form)) ; form is not a list
+ (special-variable-p form)
+ (memq form '(nil t))
+ (keywordp form))
+ fvrs
+ (cons form fvrs)))))
+(defun cconv-closure-convert (form &optional toplevel)
+ ;; cconv-closure-convert-rec has a lot of parameters that are
+ ;; whether useless for user, whether they should contain
+ ;; specific data like a list of closure mutables or the list
+ ;; of lambdas suitable for lifting.
+ ;;
+ ;; That's why this function exists.
+ "Main entry point for non-toplevel forms.
+-- FORM is a piece of Elisp code after macroexpansion.
+-- TOPLEVEL(optional) is a boolean variable, true if we are at the root of AST
+Returns a form where all lambdas don't have any free variables."
+ (let ((cconv-mutated '())
+ (cconv-lambda-candidates '())
+ (cconv-captured '())
+ (cconv-captured+mutated '()))
+ ;; Analyse form - fill these variables with new information
+ (cconv-analyse-form form '() nil)
+ ;; Calculate an intersection of cconv-mutated and cconv-captured
+ (dolist (mvr cconv-mutated)
+ (when (memq mvr cconv-captured) ;
+ (push mvr cconv-captured+mutated)))
+ (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ form ; the tree
+ '() ;
+ '() ; fvrs initially empty
+ '() ; envs initially empty
+ '()
+ toplevel))) ; true if the tree is a toplevel form
+(defun cconv-closure-convert-toplevel (form)
+ "Entry point for toplevel forms.
+-- FORM is a piece of Elisp code after macroexpansion.
+Returns a form where all lambdas don't have any free variables."
+ ;; we distinguish toplevel forms to treat def(un|var|const) correctly.
+ (cconv-closure-convert form t))
+(defun cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ (form emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs defs-are-legal)
+ ;; This function actually rewrites the tree.
+ "Eliminates all free variables of all lambdas in given forms.
+-- FORM is a piece of Elisp code after macroexpansion.
+-- LMENVS is a list of environments used for lambda-lifting. Initially empty.
+-- EMVRS is a list that contains mutated variables that are visible
+within current environment.
+-- ENVS is an environment(list of free variables) of current closure.
+Initially empty.
+-- FVRS is a list of variables to substitute in each context.
+Initially empty.
+-- DEFS-ARE-LEGAL is a boolean variable, true if def(un|var|const)
+can be used in this form(e.g. toplevel form)
+Returns a form where all lambdas don't have any free variables."
+ ;; What's the difference between fvrs and envs?
+ ;; Suppose that we have the code
+ ;; (lambda (..) fvr (let ((fvr 1)) (+ fvr 1)))
+ ;; only the first occurrence of fvr should be replaced by
+ ;; (aref env ...).
+ ;; So initially envs and fvrs are the same thing, but when we descend to
+ ;; the 'let, we delete fvr from fvrs. Why we don't delete fvr from envs?
+ ;; Because in envs the order of variables is important. We use this list
+ ;; to find the number of a specific variable in the environment vector,
+ ;; so we never touch it(unless we enter to the other closure).
+;;(if (listp form) (print (car form)) form)
+ (pcase form
+ (`(,(and letsym (or `let* `let)) ,varsvalues . ,body-forms)
+ ; let and let* special forms
+ (let ((body-forms-new '())
+ (varsvalues-new '())
+ ;; next for variables needed for delayed push
+ ;; because we should process <value(s)>
+ ;; before we change any arguments
+ (lmenvs-new '()) ;needed only in case of let
+ (emvrs-new '()) ;needed only in case of let
+ (emvr-push) ;needed only in case of let*
+ (lmenv-push)) ;needed only in case of let*
+ (dolist (elm varsvalues) ;begin of dolist over varsvalues
+ (let (var value elm-new iscandidate ismutated)
+ (if (listp elm) ; (let (v1) ...) => (let ((v1 nil)) ...)
+ (progn
+ (setq var (car elm))
+ (setq value (cadr elm)))
+ (setq var elm))
+ ;; Check if var is a candidate for lambda lifting
+ (let ((lcandid cconv-lambda-candidates))
+ (while (and lcandid (not iscandidate))
+ (when (and (eq (caar lcandid) var)
+ (eq (caddar lcandid) elm)
+ (eq (cadr (cddar lcandid)) form))
+ (setq iscandidate t))
+ (setq lcandid (cdr lcandid))))
+ ; declared variable is a candidate
+ ; for lambda lifting
+ (if iscandidate
+ (let* ((func (cadr elm)) ; function(lambda) itself
+ ; free variables
+ (fv (delete-dups (cconv-freevars func '())))
+ (funcvars (append fv (cadadr func))) ;function args
+ (funcbodies (cddadr func)) ; function bodies
+ (funcbodies-new '()))
+ ; lambda lifting condition
+ (if (or (not fv) (< cconv-liftwhen (length funcvars)))
+ ; do not lift
+ (setq
+ elm-new
+ `(,var
+ ,(cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ func emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)))
+ ; lift
+ (progn
+ (dolist (elm2 funcbodies)
+ (push ; convert function bodies
+ (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm2 emvrs nil envs lmenvs nil)
+ funcbodies-new))
+ (if (eq letsym 'let*)
+ (setq lmenv-push (cons var fv))
+ (push (cons var fv) lmenvs-new))
+ ; push lifted function
+ (setq elm-new
+ `(,var
+ (function .
+ ((lambda ,funcvars .
+ ,(reverse funcbodies-new)))))))))
+ ;declared variable is not a function
+ (progn
+ ;; Check if var is mutated
+ (let ((lmutated cconv-captured+mutated))
+ (while (and lmutated (not ismutated))
+ (when (and (eq (caar lmutated) var)
+ (eq (caddar lmutated) elm)
+ (eq (cadr (cddar lmutated)) form))
+ (setq ismutated t))
+ (setq lmutated (cdr lmutated))))
+ (if ismutated
+ (progn ; declared variable is mutated
+ (setq elm-new
+ `(,var (list ,(cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ value emvrs
+ fvrs envs lmenvs nil))))
+ (if (eq letsym 'let*)
+ (setq emvr-push var)
+ (push var emvrs-new)))
+ (progn
+ (setq
+ elm-new
+ `(,var ; else
+ ,(cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ value emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)))))))
+ ;; this piece of code below letbinds free
+ ;; variables of a lambda lifted function
+ ;; if they are redefined in this let
+ ;; example:
+ ;; (let* ((fun (lambda (x) (+ x y))) (y 1)) (funcall fun 1))
+ ;; Here we can not pass y as parameter because it is
+ ;; redefined. We add a (closed-y y) declaration.
+ ;; We do that even if the function is not used inside
+ ;; this let(*). The reason why we ignore this case is
+ ;; that we can't "look forward" to see if the function
+ ;; is called there or not. To treat well this case we
+ ;; need to traverse the tree one more time to collect this
+ ;; data, and I think that it's not worth it.
+ (when (eq letsym 'let*)
+ (let ((closedsym '())
+ (new-lmenv '())
+ (old-lmenv '()))
+ (dolist (lmenv lmenvs)
+ (when (memq var (cdr lmenv))
+ (setq closedsym
+ (make-symbol
+ (concat "closed-" (symbol-name var))))
+ (setq new-lmenv (list (car lmenv)))
+ (dolist (frv (cdr lmenv)) (if (eq frv var)
+ (push closedsym new-lmenv)
+ (push frv new-lmenv)))
+ (setq new-lmenv (reverse new-lmenv))
+ (setq old-lmenv lmenv)))
+ (when new-lmenv
+ (setq lmenvs (remq old-lmenv lmenvs))
+ (push new-lmenv lmenvs)
+ (push `(,closedsym ,var) varsvalues-new))))
+ ;; we push the element after redefined free variables
+ ;; are processes. this is important to avoid the bug
+ ;; when free variable and the function have the same
+ ;; name
+ (push elm-new varsvalues-new)
+ (when (eq letsym 'let*) ; update fvrs
+ (setq fvrs (remq var fvrs))
+ (setq emvrs (remq var emvrs)) ; remove if redefined
+ (when emvr-push
+ (push emvr-push emvrs)
+ (setq emvr-push nil))
+ (let (lmenvs-1) ; remove var from lmenvs if redefined
+ (dolist (iter lmenvs)
+ (when (not (assq var lmenvs))
+ (push iter lmenvs-1)))
+ (setq lmenvs lmenvs-1))
+ (when lmenv-push
+ (push lmenv-push lmenvs)
+ (setq lmenv-push nil)))
+ )) ; end of dolist over varsvalues
+ (when (eq letsym 'let)
+ (let (var fvrs-1 emvrs-1 lmenvs-1)
+ ;; Here we update emvrs, fvrs and lmenvs lists
+ (dolist (vr fvrs)
+ ; safely remove
+ (when (not (assq vr varsvalues-new)) (push vr fvrs-1)))
+ (setq fvrs fvrs-1)
+ (dolist (vr emvrs)
+ ; safely remove
+ (when (not (assq vr varsvalues-new)) (push vr emvrs-1)))
+ (setq emvrs emvrs-1)
+ ; push new
+ (setq emvrs (append emvrs emvrs-new))
+ (dolist (vr lmenvs)
+ (when (not (assq (car vr) varsvalues-new))
+ (push vr lmenvs-1)))
+ (setq lmenvs (append lmenvs lmenvs-new)))
+ ;; Here we do the same letbinding as for let* above
+ ;; to avoid situation when a free variable of a lambda lifted
+ ;; function got redefined.
+ (let ((new-lmenv)
+ (var nil)
+ (closedsym nil)
+ (letbinds '())
+ (fvrs-new)) ; list of (closed-var var)
+ (dolist (elm varsvalues)
+ (if (listp elm)
+ (setq var (car elm))
+ (setq var elm))
+ (let ((lmenvs-1 lmenvs)) ; just to avoid manipulating
+ (dolist (lmenv lmenvs-1) ; the counter inside the loop
+ (when (memq var (cdr lmenv))
+ (setq closedsym (make-symbol
+ (concat "closed-"
+ (symbol-name var))))
+ (setq new-lmenv (list (car lmenv)))
+ (dolist (frv (cdr lmenv)) (if (eq frv var)
+ (push closedsym new-lmenv)
+ (push frv new-lmenv)))
+ (setq new-lmenv (reverse new-lmenv))
+ (setq lmenvs (remq lmenv lmenvs))
+ (push new-lmenv lmenvs)
+ (push `(,closedsym ,var) letbinds)
+ ))))
+ (setq varsvalues-new (append varsvalues-new letbinds))))
+ (dolist (elm body-forms) ; convert body forms
+ (push (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ body-forms-new))
+ `(,letsym ,(reverse varsvalues-new) . ,(reverse body-forms-new))))
+ ;end of let let* forms
+ ; first element is lambda expression
+ (`(,(and `(lambda . ,_) fun) . ,other-body-forms)
+ (let ((other-body-forms-new '()))
+ (dolist (elm other-body-forms)
+ (push (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ other-body-forms-new))
+ (cons
+ (cadr
+ (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ (list 'function fun) emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil))
+ (reverse other-body-forms-new))))
+ (`(cond . ,cond-forms) ; cond special form
+ (let ((cond-forms-new '()))
+ (dolist (elm cond-forms)
+ (push (let ((elm-new '()))
+ (dolist (elm-2 elm)
+ (push
+ (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm-2 emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ elm-new))
+ (reverse elm-new))
+ cond-forms-new))
+ (cons 'cond
+ (reverse cond-forms-new))))
+ (`(quote . ,_) form) ; quote form
+ (`(function . ((lambda ,vars . ,body-forms))) ; function form
+ (let (fvrs-new) ; we remove vars from fvrs
+ (dolist (elm fvrs) ;i use such a tricky way to avoid side effects
+ (when (not (memq elm vars))
+ (push elm fvrs-new)))
+ (setq fvrs fvrs-new))
+ (let* ((fv (delete-dups (cconv-freevars form '())))
+ (leave fvrs) ; leave = non nil if we should leave env unchanged
+ (body-forms-new '())
+ (letbind '())
+ (mv nil)
+ (envector nil))
+ (when fv
+ ;; Here we form our environment vector.
+ ;; If outer closure contains all
+ ;; free variables of this function(and nothing else)
+ ;; then we use the same environment vector as for outer closure,
+ ;; i.e. we leave the environment vector unchanged
+ ;; otherwise we build a new environmet vector
+ (if (eq (length envs) (length fv))
+ (let ((fv-temp fv))
+ (while (and fv-temp leave)
+ (when (not (memq (car fv-temp) fvrs)) (setq leave nil))
+ (setq fv-temp (cdr fv-temp))))
+ (setq leave nil))
+ (if (not leave)
+ (progn
+ (dolist (elm fv)
+ (push
+ (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm (remq elm emvrs) fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ envector)) ; process vars for closure vector
+ (setq envector (reverse envector))
+ (setq envs fv))
+ (setq envector `(env))) ; leave unchanged
+ (setq fvrs fv)) ; update substitution list
+ ;; the difference between envs and fvrs is explained
+ ;; in comment in the beginning of the function
+ (dolist (elm cconv-captured+mutated) ; find mutated arguments
+ (setq mv (car elm)) ; used in inner closures
+ (when (and (memq mv vars) (eq form (caddr elm)))
+ (progn (push mv emvrs)
+ (push `(,mv (list ,mv)) letbind))))
+ (dolist (elm body-forms) ; convert function body
+ (push (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ body-forms-new))
+ (setq body-forms-new
+ (if letbind `((let ,letbind . ,(reverse body-forms-new)))
+ (reverse body-forms-new)))
+ (cond
+ ;if no freevars - do nothing
+ ((null envector)
+ `(function (lambda ,vars . ,body-forms-new)))
+ ; 1 free variable - do not build vector
+ ((null (cdr envector))
+ `(curry
+ (function (lambda (env . ,vars) . ,body-forms-new))
+ ,(car envector)))
+ ; >=2 free variables - build vector
+ (t
+ `(curry
+ (function (lambda (env . ,vars) . ,body-forms-new))
+ (vector . ,envector))))))
+ (`(function . ,_) form) ; same as quote
+ ;defconst, defvar
+ (`(,(and sym (or `defconst `defvar)) ,definedsymbol . ,body-forms)
+ (if defs-are-legal
+ (let ((body-forms-new '()))
+ (dolist (elm body-forms)
+ (push (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ body-forms-new))
+ (setq body-forms-new (reverse body-forms-new))
+ `(,sym ,definedsymbol . ,body-forms-new))
+ (error "Invalid form: %s inside a function" sym)))
+ ;defun, defmacro, defsubst
+ (`(,(and sym (or `defun `defmacro `defsubst))
+ ,func ,vars . ,body-forms)
+ (if defs-are-legal
+ (let ((body-new '()) ; the whole body
+ (body-forms-new '()) ; body w\o docstring and interactive
+ (letbind '()))
+ ; find mutable arguments
+ (let ((lmutated cconv-captured+mutated) ismutated)
+ (dolist (elm vars)
+ (setq ismutated nil)
+ (while (and lmutated (not ismutated))
+ (when (and (eq (caar lmutated) elm)
+ (eq (cadar lmutated) form))
+ (setq ismutated t))
+ (setq lmutated (cdr lmutated)))
+ (when ismutated
+ (push elm letbind)
+ (push elm emvrs))))
+ ;transform body-forms
+ (when (stringp (car body-forms)) ; treat docstring well
+ (push (car body-forms) body-new)
+ (setq body-forms (cdr body-forms)))
+ (when (and (listp (car body-forms)) ; treat (interactive) well
+ (eq (caar body-forms) 'interactive))
+ (push
+ (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ (car body-forms)
+ emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil) body-new)
+ (setq body-forms (cdr body-forms)))
+ (dolist (elm body-forms)
+ (push (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ body-forms-new))
+ (setq body-forms-new (reverse body-forms-new))
+ (if letbind
+ ; letbind mutable arguments
+ (let ((varsvalues-new '()))
+ (dolist (elm letbind) (push `(,elm (list ,elm))
+ varsvalues-new))
+ (push `(let ,(reverse varsvalues-new) .
+ ,body-forms-new) body-new)
+ (setq body-new (reverse body-new)))
+ (setq body-new (append (reverse body-new) body-forms-new)))
+ `(,sym ,func ,vars . ,body-new))
+ (error "Invalid form: defun inside a function")))
+ ;condition-case
+ (`(condition-case ,var ,protected-form . ,conditions-bodies)
+ (let ((conditions-bodies-new '()))
+ (setq fvrs (remq var fvrs))
+ (dolist (elm conditions-bodies)
+ (push (let ((elm-new '()))
+ (dolist (elm-2 (cdr elm))
+ (push
+ (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm-2 emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ elm-new))
+ (cons (car elm) (reverse elm-new)))
+ conditions-bodies-new))
+ `(condition-case
+ ,var
+ ,(cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ protected-form emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ . ,(reverse conditions-bodies-new))))
+ (`(setq . ,forms) ; setq special form
+ (let (prognlist sym sym-new value)
+ (while forms
+ (setq sym (car forms))
+ (setq sym-new (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ sym
+ (remq sym emvrs) fvrs envs lmenvs nil))
+ (setq value
+ (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ (cadr forms) emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil))
+ (if (memq sym emvrs)
+ (push `(setcar ,sym-new ,value) prognlist)
+ (if (symbolp sym-new)
+ (push `(setq ,sym-new ,value) prognlist)
+ (push `(set ,sym-new ,value) prognlist)))
+ (setq forms (cddr forms)))
+ (if (cdr prognlist)
+ `(progn . ,(reverse prognlist))
+ (car prognlist))))
+ (`(,(and (or `funcall `apply) callsym) ,fun . ,args)
+ ; funcall is not a special form
+ ; but we treat it separately
+ ; for the needs of lambda lifting
+ (let ((fv (cdr (assq fun lmenvs))))
+ (if fv
+ (let ((args-new '())
+ (processed-fv '()))
+ ;; All args (free variables and actual arguments)
+ ;; should be processed, because they can be fvrs
+ ;; (free variables of another closure)
+ (dolist (fvr fv)
+ (push (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ fvr (remq fvr emvrs)
+ fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ processed-fv))
+ (setq processed-fv (reverse processed-fv))
+ (dolist (elm args)
+ (push (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ args-new))
+ (setq args-new (append processed-fv (reverse args-new)))
+ (setq fun (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ fun emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil))
+ `(,callsym ,fun . ,args-new))
+ (let ((cdr-new '()))
+ (dolist (elm (cdr form))
+ (push (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs nil)
+ cdr-new))
+ `(,callsym . ,(reverse cdr-new))))))
+ (`(,func . ,body-forms) ; first element is function or whatever
+ ; function-like forms are:
+ ; or, and, if, progn, prog1, prog2,
+ ; while, until
+ (let ((body-forms-new '()))
+ (dolist (elm body-forms)
+ (push (cconv-closure-convert-rec
+ elm emvrs fvrs envs lmenvs defs-are-legal)
+ body-forms-new))
+ (setq body-forms-new (reverse body-forms-new))
+ `(,func . ,body-forms-new)))
+ (_
+ (if (memq form fvrs) ;form is a free variable
+ (let* ((numero (position form envs))
+ (var '()))
+ (assert numero)
+ (if (null (cdr envs))
+ (setq var 'env)
+ ;replace form =>
+ ;(aref env #)
+ (setq var `(aref env ,numero)))
+ (if (memq form emvrs) ; form => (car (aref env #)) if mutable
+ `(car ,var)
+ var))
+ (if (memq form emvrs) ; if form is a mutable variable
+ `(car ,form) ; replace form => (car form)
+ form)))))
+(defun cconv-analyse-form (form vars inclosure)
+ "Find mutated variables and variables captured by closure. Analyse
+lambdas if they are suitable for lambda lifting.
+-- FORM is a piece of Elisp code after macroexpansion.
+-- MLCVRS is a structure that contains captured and mutated variables.
+ (first MLCVRS) is a list of mutated variables, (second MLCVRS) is a
+list of candidates for lambda lifting and (third MLCVRS) is a list of
+variables captured by closure. It should be (nil nil nil) initially.
+-- VARS is a list of local variables visible in current environment
+ (initially empty).
+-- INCLOSURE is a boolean variable, true if we are in closure.
+Initially false"
+ (pcase form
+ ; let special form
+ (`(,(and (or `let* `let) letsym) ,varsvalues . ,body-forms)
+ (when (eq letsym 'let)
+ (dolist (elm varsvalues) ; analyse values
+ (when (listp elm)
+ (cconv-analyse-form (cadr elm) vars inclosure))))
+ (let ((v nil)
+ (var nil)
+ (value nil)
+ (varstruct nil))
+ (dolist (elm varsvalues)
+ (if (listp elm)
+ (progn
+ (setq var (car elm))
+ (setq value (cadr elm)))
+ (progn
+ (setq var elm) ; treat the form (let (x) ...) well
+ (setq value nil)))
+ (when (eq letsym 'let*) ; analyse value
+ (cconv-analyse-form value vars inclosure))
+ (let (vars-new) ; remove the old var
+ (dolist (vr vars)
+ (when (not (eq (car vr) var))
+ (push vr vars-new)))
+ (setq vars vars-new))
+ (setq varstruct (list var inclosure elm form))
+ (push varstruct vars) ; push a new one
+ (when (and (listp value)
+ (eq (car value) 'function)
+ (eq (caadr value) 'lambda))
+ ; if var is a function
+ ; push it to lambda list
+ (push varstruct cconv-lambda-candidates))))
+ (dolist (elm body-forms) ; analyse body forms
+ (cconv-analyse-form elm vars inclosure))
+ nil)
+ ; defun special form
+ (`(,(or `defun `defmacro) ,func ,vrs . ,body-forms)
+ (let ((v nil))
+ (dolist (vr vrs)
+ (push (list vr form) vars))) ;push vrs to vars
+ (dolist (elm body-forms) ; analyse body forms
+ (cconv-analyse-form elm vars inclosure))
+ nil)
+ (`(function . ((lambda ,vrs . ,body-forms)))
+ (if inclosure ;we are in closure
+ (setq inclosure (+ inclosure 1))
+ (setq inclosure 1))
+ (let (vars-new) ; update vars
+ (dolist (vr vars) ; we do that in such a tricky way
+ (when (not (memq (car vr) vrs)) ; to avoid side effects
+ (push vr vars-new)))
+ (dolist (vr vrs)
+ (push (list vr inclosure form) vars-new))
+ (setq vars vars-new))
+ (dolist (elm body-forms)
+ (cconv-analyse-form elm vars inclosure))
+ nil)
+ (`(setq . ,forms) ; setq
+ ; if a local variable (member of vars)
+ ; is modified by setq
+ ; then it is a mutated variable
+ (while forms
+ (let ((v (assq (car forms) vars))) ; v = non nil if visible
+ (when v
+ (push v cconv-mutated)
+ ;; delete from candidate list for lambda lifting
+ (setq cconv-lambda-candidates (delq v cconv-lambda-candidates))
+ (when inclosure
+ ;; test if v is declared as argument for lambda
+ (let* ((thirdv (third v))
+ (isarg (if (listp thirdv)
+ (eq (car thirdv) 'function) nil)))
+ (if isarg
+ (when (> inclosure (cadr v)) ; when we are in closure
+ (push v cconv-captured)) ; push it to captured vars
+ ;; FIXME more detailed comments needed
+ (push v cconv-captured))))))
+ (cconv-analyse-form (cadr forms) vars inclosure)
+ (setq forms (cddr forms)))
+ nil)
+ (`((lambda . ,_) . ,_) ; first element is lambda expression
+ (dolist (exp `((function ,(car form)) . ,(cdr form)))
+ (cconv-analyse-form exp vars inclosure))
+ nil)
+ (`(cond . ,cond-forms) ; cond special form
+ (dolist (exp1 cond-forms)
+ (dolist (exp2 exp1)
+ (cconv-analyse-form exp2 vars inclosure)))
+ nil)
+ (`(quote . ,_) nil) ; quote form
+ (`(function . ,_) nil) ; same as quote
+ (`(condition-case ,var ,protected-form . ,conditions-bodies)
+ ;condition-case
+ (cconv-analyse-form protected-form vars inclosure)
+ (dolist (exp conditions-bodies)
+ (cconv-analyse-form (cadr exp) vars inclosure))
+ nil)
+ (`(,(or `defconst `defvar `defsubst) ,value)
+ (cconv-analyse-form value vars inclosure))
+ (`(,(or `funcall `apply) ,fun . ,args)
+ ;; Here we ignore fun because
+ ;; funcall and apply are the only two
+ ;; functions where we can pass a candidate
+ ;; for lambda lifting as argument.
+ ;; So, if we see fun elsewhere, we'll
+ ;; delete it from lambda candidate list.
+ ;; If this funcall and the definition of fun
+ ;; are in different closures - we delete fun from
+ ;; canidate list, because it is too complicated
+ ;; to manage free variables in this case.
+ (let ((lv (assq fun cconv-lambda-candidates)))
+ (when lv
+ (when (not (eq (cadr lv) inclosure))
+ (setq cconv-lambda-candidates
+ (delq lv cconv-lambda-candidates)))))
+ (dolist (elm args)
+ (cconv-analyse-form elm vars inclosure))
+ nil)
+ (`(,_ . ,body-forms) ; first element is a function or whatever
+ (dolist (exp body-forms)
+ (cconv-analyse-form exp vars inclosure))
+ nil)
+ (_
+ (when (and (symbolp form)
+ (not (memq form '(nil t)))
+ (not (keywordp form))
+ (not (special-variable-p form)))
+ (let ((dv (assq form vars))) ; dv = declared and visible
+ (when dv
+ (when inclosure
+ ;; test if v is declared as argument of lambda
+ (let* ((thirddv (third dv))
+ (isarg (if (listp thirddv)
+ (eq (car thirddv) 'function) nil)))
+ (if isarg
+ ;; FIXME add detailed comments
+ (when (> inclosure (cadr dv)) ; capturing condition
+ (push dv cconv-captured))
+ (push dv cconv-captured))))
+ ; delete lambda
+ (setq cconv-lambda-candidates ; if it is found here
+ (delq dv cconv-lambda-candidates)))))
+ nil)))
+(provide 'cconv)
+;;; cconv.el ends here
+;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; server.el --- Lisp code for GNU Emacs running as server process
;; Copyright (C) 1986-1987, 1992, 1994-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert (funcall server-log-time-function)
- ((null client) " ")
- ((listp client) (format " %s: " (car client)))
- (t (format " %s: " client)))
+ ((null client) " ")
+ ((listp client) (format " %s: " (car client)))
+ (t (format " %s: " client)))
(or (bolp) (newline)))))
(and (process-contact proc :server)
(eq (process-status proc) 'closed)
- (delete-file (process-get proc :server-file))))
+ (delete-file (process-get proc :server-file))))
(server-log (format "Status changed to %s: %s" (process-status proc) msg) proc)
(server-delete-client proc))
;; See if this is the last frame for this client.
(>= 1 (let ((frame-num 0))
- (dolist (f (frame-list))
- (when (eq proc (frame-parameter f 'client))
- (setq frame-num (1+ frame-num))))
- frame-num)))
+ (dolist (f (frame-list))
+ (when (eq proc (frame-parameter f 'client))
+ (setq frame-num (1+ frame-num))))
+ frame-num)))
(server-log (format "server-handle-delete-frame, frame %s" frame) proc)
(server-delete-client proc 'noframe)))) ; Let delete-frame delete the frame later.
(if (not (eq t (server-running-p server-name)))
;; Remove any leftover socket or authentication file
- (let (delete-by-moving-to-trash)
- (delete-file server-file)))
+ (let (delete-by-moving-to-trash)
+ (delete-file server-file)))
(setq server-mode nil) ;; already set by the minor mode code
(when server-use-tcp
(let ((auth-key
- ;; The auth key is a 64-byte string of random chars in the
- ;; range `!'..`~'.
- repeat 64
- collect (+ 33 (random 94)) into auth
- finally return (concat auth))))
+ ;; The auth key is a 64-byte string of random chars in the
+ ;; range `!'..`~'.
+ repeat 64
+ collect (+ 33 (random 94)) into auth
+ finally return (concat auth))))
(process-put server-process :auth-key auth-key)
(with-temp-file server-file
(set-buffer-multibyte nil)
(add-to-list 'frame-inherited-parameters 'client)
(let ((frame
(server-with-environment (process-get proc 'env)
- ;; For tgetent(3); list according to ncurses(3).
- ;; rxvt wants these
- (make-frame `((window-system . nil)
- (tty . ,tty)
- (tty-type . ,type)
- ;; Ignore nowait here; we always need to
- ;; clean up opened ttys when the client dies.
- (client . ,proc)
- ;; This is a leftover from an earlier
- ;; attempt at making it possible for process
- ;; run in the server process to use the
- ;; environment of the client process.
- ;; It has no effect now and to make it work
- ;; we'd need to decide how to make
- ;; process-environment interact with client
- ;; envvars, and then to change the
- ;; C functions `child_setup' and
- ;; `getenv_internal' accordingly.
- (environment . ,(process-get proc 'env)))))))
+ ;; For tgetent(3); list according to ncurses(3).
+ ;; rxvt wants these
+ (make-frame `((window-system . nil)
+ (tty . ,tty)
+ (tty-type . ,type)
+ ;; Ignore nowait here; we always need to
+ ;; clean up opened ttys when the client dies.
+ (client . ,proc)
+ ;; This is a leftover from an earlier
+ ;; attempt at making it possible for process
+ ;; run in the server process to use the
+ ;; environment of the client process.
+ ;; It has no effect now and to make it work
+ ;; we'd need to decide how to make
+ ;; process-environment interact with client
+ ;; envvars, and then to change the
+ ;; C functions `child_setup' and
+ ;; `getenv_internal' accordingly.
+ (environment . ,(process-get proc 'env)))))))
;; ttys don't use the `display' parameter, but callproc.c does to set
;; the DISPLAY environment on subprocesses.
;; frame because input from that display will be blocked (until exiting
;; the minibuffer). Better exit this minibuffer right away.
;; Similarly with recursive-edits such as the splash screen.
- (run-with-timer 0 nil (lexical-let ((proc proc))
- (lambda () (server-execute-continuation proc))))
+ (run-with-timer 0 nil (lambda () (server-execute-continuation proc)))
;; We use various special properties on process objects:
(setq command-line-args-left
(mapcar 'server-unquote-arg (split-string request " " t)))
(while (setq arg (pop command-line-args-left))
- (cond
- ;; -version CLIENT-VERSION: obsolete at birth.
- ((and (equal "-version" arg) command-line-args-left)
- (pop command-line-args-left))
- ;; -nowait: Emacsclient won't wait for a result.
- ((equal "-nowait" arg) (setq nowait t))
- ;; -current-frame: Don't create frames.
- ((equal "-current-frame" arg) (setq use-current-frame t))
- ;; -display DISPLAY:
- ;; Open X frames on the given display instead of the default.
- ((and (equal "-display" arg) command-line-args-left)
- (setq display (pop command-line-args-left))
- (if (zerop (length display)) (setq display nil)))
- ;; -parent-id ID:
- ;; Open X frame within window ID, via XEmbed.
- ((and (equal "-parent-id" arg) command-line-args-left)
- (setq parent-id (pop command-line-args-left))
- (if (zerop (length parent-id)) (setq parent-id nil)))
- ;; -window-system: Open a new X frame.
- ((equal "-window-system" arg)
- (setq dontkill t)
- (setq tty-name 'window-system))
- ;; -resume: Resume a suspended tty frame.
- ((equal "-resume" arg)
- (lexical-let ((terminal (process-get proc 'terminal)))
- (setq dontkill t)
- (push (lambda ()
- (when (eq (terminal-live-p terminal) t)
- (resume-tty terminal)))
- commands)))
- ;; -suspend: Suspend the client's frame. (In case we
- ;; get out of sync, and a C-z sends a SIGTSTP to
- ;; emacsclient.)
- ((equal "-suspend" arg)
- (lexical-let ((terminal (process-get proc 'terminal)))
- (setq dontkill t)
- (push (lambda ()
- (when (eq (terminal-live-p terminal) t)
- (suspend-tty terminal)))
- commands)))
- ;; -ignore COMMENT: Noop; useful for debugging emacsclient.
- ;; (The given comment appears in the server log.)
- ((and (equal "-ignore" arg) command-line-args-left
+ (cond
+ ;; -version CLIENT-VERSION: obsolete at birth.
+ ((and (equal "-version" arg) command-line-args-left)
+ (pop command-line-args-left))
+ ;; -nowait: Emacsclient won't wait for a result.
+ ((equal "-nowait" arg) (setq nowait t))
+ ;; -current-frame: Don't create frames.
+ ((equal "-current-frame" arg) (setq use-current-frame t))
+ ;; -display DISPLAY:
+ ;; Open X frames on the given display instead of the default.
+ ((and (equal "-display" arg) command-line-args-left)
+ (setq display (pop command-line-args-left))
+ (if (zerop (length display)) (setq display nil)))
+ ;; -parent-id ID:
+ ;; Open X frame within window ID, via XEmbed.
+ ((and (equal "-parent-id" arg) command-line-args-left)
+ (setq parent-id (pop command-line-args-left))
+ (if (zerop (length parent-id)) (setq parent-id nil)))
+ ;; -window-system: Open a new X frame.
+ ((equal "-window-system" arg)
+ (setq dontkill t)
+ (setq tty-name 'window-system))
+ ;; -resume: Resume a suspended tty frame.
+ ((equal "-resume" arg)
+ (let ((terminal (process-get proc 'terminal)))
+ (setq dontkill t)
+ (push (lambda ()
+ (when (eq (terminal-live-p terminal) t)
+ (resume-tty terminal)))
+ commands)))
+ ;; -suspend: Suspend the client's frame. (In case we
+ ;; get out of sync, and a C-z sends a SIGTSTP to
+ ;; emacsclient.)
+ ((equal "-suspend" arg)
+ (let ((terminal (process-get proc 'terminal)))
(setq dontkill t)
- (pop command-line-args-left)))
- ;; -tty DEVICE-NAME TYPE: Open a new tty frame at the client.
- ((and (equal "-tty" arg)
- (cdr command-line-args-left))
- (setq tty-name (pop command-line-args-left)
- tty-type (pop command-line-args-left)
- dontkill (or dontkill
- (not use-current-frame))))
- ;; -position LINE[:COLUMN]: Set point to the given
- ;; position in the next file.
- ((and (equal "-position" arg)
- command-line-args-left
- (string-match "\\+\\([0-9]+\\)\\(?::\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?"
- (car command-line-args-left)))
- (setq arg (pop command-line-args-left))
- (setq filepos
- (cons (string-to-number (match-string 1 arg))
- (string-to-number (or (match-string 2 arg) "")))))
- ;; -file FILENAME: Load the given file.
- ((and (equal "-file" arg)
- command-line-args-left)
- (let ((file (pop command-line-args-left)))
- (if coding-system
- (setq file (decode-coding-string file coding-system)))
- (setq file (expand-file-name file dir))
- (push (cons file filepos) files)
- (server-log (format "New file: %s %s"
- file (or filepos "")) proc))
- (setq filepos nil))
- ;; -eval EXPR: Evaluate a Lisp expression.
- ((and (equal "-eval" arg)
- command-line-args-left)
- (if use-current-frame
- (setq use-current-frame 'always))
- (lexical-let ((expr (pop command-line-args-left)))
- (if coding-system
- (setq expr (decode-coding-string expr coding-system)))
- (push (lambda () (server-eval-and-print expr proc))
- commands)
- (setq filepos nil)))
- ;; -env NAME=VALUE: An environment variable.
- ((and (equal "-env" arg) command-line-args-left)
- (let ((var (pop command-line-args-left)))
- ;; XXX Variables should be encoded as in getenv/setenv.
- (process-put proc 'env
- (cons var (process-get proc 'env)))))
- ;; -dir DIRNAME: The cwd of the emacsclient process.
- ((and (equal "-dir" arg) command-line-args-left)
- (setq dir (pop command-line-args-left))
+ (push (lambda ()
+ (when (eq (terminal-live-p terminal) t)
+ (suspend-tty terminal)))
+ commands)))
+ ;; -ignore COMMENT: Noop; useful for debugging emacsclient.
+ ;; (The given comment appears in the server log.)
+ ((and (equal "-ignore" arg) command-line-args-left
+ (setq dontkill t)
+ (pop command-line-args-left)))
+ ;; -tty DEVICE-NAME TYPE: Open a new tty frame at the client.
+ ((and (equal "-tty" arg)
+ (cdr command-line-args-left))
+ (setq tty-name (pop command-line-args-left)
+ tty-type (pop command-line-args-left)
+ dontkill (or dontkill
+ (not use-current-frame))))
+ ;; -position LINE[:COLUMN]: Set point to the given
+ ;; position in the next file.
+ ((and (equal "-position" arg)
+ command-line-args-left
+ (string-match "\\+\\([0-9]+\\)\\(?::\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?"
+ (car command-line-args-left)))
+ (setq arg (pop command-line-args-left))
+ (setq filepos
+ (cons (string-to-number (match-string 1 arg))
+ (string-to-number (or (match-string 2 arg) "")))))
+ ;; -file FILENAME: Load the given file.
+ ((and (equal "-file" arg)
+ command-line-args-left)
+ (let ((file (pop command-line-args-left)))
(if coding-system
- (setq dir (decode-coding-string dir coding-system)))
- (setq dir (command-line-normalize-file-name dir)))
- ;; Unknown command.
- (t (error "Unknown command: %s" arg))))
+ (setq file (decode-coding-string file coding-system)))
+ (setq file (expand-file-name file dir))
+ (push (cons file filepos) files)
+ (server-log (format "New file: %s %s"
+ file (or filepos "")) proc))
+ (setq filepos nil))
+ ;; -eval EXPR: Evaluate a Lisp expression.
+ ((and (equal "-eval" arg)
+ command-line-args-left)
+ (if use-current-frame
+ (setq use-current-frame 'always))
+ (let ((expr (pop command-line-args-left)))
+ (if coding-system
+ (setq expr (decode-coding-string expr coding-system)))
+ (push (lambda () (server-eval-and-print expr proc))
+ commands)
+ (setq filepos nil)))
+ ;; -env NAME=VALUE: An environment variable.
+ ((and (equal "-env" arg) command-line-args-left)
+ (let ((var (pop command-line-args-left)))
+ ;; XXX Variables should be encoded as in getenv/setenv.
+ (process-put proc 'env
+ (cons var (process-get proc 'env)))))
+ ;; -dir DIRNAME: The cwd of the emacsclient process.
+ ((and (equal "-dir" arg) command-line-args-left)
+ (setq dir (pop command-line-args-left))
+ (if coding-system
+ (setq dir (decode-coding-string dir coding-system)))
+ (setq dir (command-line-normalize-file-name dir)))
+ ;; Unknown command.
+ (t (error "Unknown command: %s" arg))))
(setq frame
proc 'continuation
- (lexical-let ((proc proc)
- (files files)
- (nowait nowait)
- (commands commands)
- (dontkill dontkill)
- (frame frame)
- (dir dir)
- (tty-name tty-name))
- (lambda ()
- (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create server-buffer)
- ;; Use the same cwd as the emacsclient, if possible, so
- ;; relative file names work correctly, even in `eval'.
- (let ((default-directory
- (if (and dir (file-directory-p dir))
- dir default-directory)))
- (server-execute proc files nowait commands
- dontkill frame tty-name))))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create server-buffer)
+ ;; Use the same cwd as the emacsclient, if possible, so
+ ;; relative file names work correctly, even in `eval'.
+ (let ((default-directory
+ (if (and dir (file-directory-p dir))
+ dir default-directory)))
+ (server-execute proc files nowait commands
+ dontkill frame tty-name)))))
(when (or frame files)
(server-goto-toplevel proc))
starts server process and that is all. Invoked by \\[server-edit]."
(interactive "P")
- ((or arg
- (not server-process)
- (memq (process-status server-process) '(signal exit)))
- (server-mode 1))
- (server-clients (apply 'server-switch-buffer (server-done)))
- (t (message "No server editing buffers exist"))))
+ ((or arg
+ (not server-process)
+ (memq (process-status server-process) '(signal exit)))
+ (server-mode 1))
+ (server-clients (apply 'server-switch-buffer (server-done)))
+ (t (message "No server editing buffers exist"))))
(defun server-switch-buffer (&optional next-buffer killed-one filepos)
"Switch to another buffer, preferably one that has a client.