before running. This is controlled by the 'grep-save-buffers'
+** Some obsolete functions, variables, and faces have been removed:
+*** From subr.el: window-dot, set-window-dot, read-input, show-buffer,
+eval-current-buffer, string-to-int
+*** Many variables pointing to face symbols obsoleted in 22.1
** The variable 'text-quoting-style' no longer affects the treatment
of curved quotes in format arguments to functions like 'message' and
;;;; Obsolescent names for functions.
-(define-obsolete-function-alias 'window-dot 'window-point "22.1")
-(define-obsolete-function-alias 'set-window-dot 'set-window-point "22.1")
-(define-obsolete-function-alias 'read-input 'read-string "22.1")
-(define-obsolete-function-alias 'show-buffer 'set-window-buffer "22.1")
-(define-obsolete-function-alias 'eval-current-buffer 'eval-buffer "22.1")
-(define-obsolete-function-alias 'string-to-int 'string-to-number "22.1")
(make-obsolete 'forward-point "use (+ (point) N) instead." "23.1")
(make-obsolete 'buffer-has-markers-at nil "24.3")
(make-obsolete 'string-to-multibyte "use `decode-coding-string'." "25.2")
(make-obsolete 'string-as-multibyte "use `decode-coding-string'." "25.2")
-(defun insert-string (&rest args)
- "Mocklisp-compatibility insert function.
-Like the function `insert' except that any argument that is a number
-is converted into a string by expressing it in decimal."
- (declare (obsolete insert "22.1"))
- (dolist (el args)
- (insert (if (integerp el) (number-to-string el) el))))
-(defun makehash (&optional test)
- (declare (obsolete make-hash-table "22.1"))
- (make-hash-table :test (or test 'eql)))
(defun log10 (x)
"Return (log X 10), the log base 10 of X."
(declare (obsolete log "24.4"))