(require 'help-mode) ;; for help-xref-info-regexp
(require 'thingatpt) ;; for handy thing-at-point-looking-at
(require 'lisp-mode) ;; for lisp-mode-symbol-regexp
-(require 'dired) ;; for dired-get-filename and dired-map-over-marks
+(eval-when-compile (require 'dired)) ;; for dired-map-over-marks
(require 'lisp-mnt)
(defvar compilation-error-regexp-alist)
extension (\".el\").
When called from Lisp, FILES is a list of filenames."
- (list
- (delq nil
- (mapcar
- ;; skip anything that doesn't look like an Emacs Lisp library
- (lambda (f) (if (equal (file-name-extension f) "el") f nil))
- (nreverse (dired-map-over-marks (dired-get-filename) nil)))))
+ (progn
+ ;; These Dired functions must be defined since we're in a Dired buffer.
+ (declare-function dired-get-filename "dired"
+ (&optional localp no-error-if-not-filep bof))
+ ;; These functions are used by the expansion of `dired-map-over-marks'.
+ (declare-function dired-move-to-filename "dired"
+ (&optional raise-error eol))
+ (declare-function dired-marker-regexp "dired" ())
+ (list
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar
+ ;; skip anything that doesn't look like an Emacs Lisp library
+ (lambda (f) (if (equal (file-name-extension f) "el") f nil))
+ (nreverse (dired-map-over-marks (dired-get-filename) nil))))))
(if (null files)
(error "No files to run checkdoc on")
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
(pmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
;; Override some bindings
- (define-key map "\C-\M-x" 'checkdoc-eval-defun)
- (define-key map "\C-x`" 'checkdoc-continue)
+ (define-key map "\C-\M-x" #'checkdoc-eval-defun)
+ (define-key map "\C-x`" #'checkdoc-continue)
(define-key map [menu-bar emacs-lisp eval-buffer]
- 'checkdoc-eval-current-buffer)
+ #'checkdoc-eval-current-buffer)
;; Add some new bindings under C-c ?
- (define-key pmap "x" 'checkdoc-defun)
- (define-key pmap "X" 'checkdoc-ispell-defun)
- (define-key pmap "`" 'checkdoc-continue)
- (define-key pmap "~" 'checkdoc-ispell-continue)
- (define-key pmap "s" 'checkdoc-start)
- (define-key pmap "S" 'checkdoc-ispell-start)
- (define-key pmap "d" 'checkdoc)
- (define-key pmap "D" 'checkdoc-ispell)
- (define-key pmap "b" 'checkdoc-current-buffer)
- (define-key pmap "B" 'checkdoc-ispell-current-buffer)
- (define-key pmap "e" 'checkdoc-eval-current-buffer)
- (define-key pmap "m" 'checkdoc-message-text)
- (define-key pmap "M" 'checkdoc-ispell-message-text)
- (define-key pmap "c" 'checkdoc-comments)
- (define-key pmap "C" 'checkdoc-ispell-comments)
- (define-key pmap " " 'checkdoc-rogue-spaces)
+ (define-key pmap "x" #'checkdoc-defun)
+ (define-key pmap "X" #'checkdoc-ispell-defun)
+ (define-key pmap "`" #'checkdoc-continue)
+ (define-key pmap "~" #'checkdoc-ispell-continue)
+ (define-key pmap "s" #'checkdoc-start)
+ (define-key pmap "S" #'checkdoc-ispell-start)
+ (define-key pmap "d" #'checkdoc)
+ (define-key pmap "D" #'checkdoc-ispell)
+ (define-key pmap "b" #'checkdoc-current-buffer)
+ (define-key pmap "B" #'checkdoc-ispell-current-buffer)
+ (define-key pmap "e" #'checkdoc-eval-current-buffer)
+ (define-key pmap "m" #'checkdoc-message-text)
+ (define-key pmap "M" #'checkdoc-ispell-message-text)
+ (define-key pmap "c" #'checkdoc-comments)
+ (define-key pmap "C" #'checkdoc-ispell-comments)
+ (define-key pmap " " #'checkdoc-rogue-spaces)
;; bind our submap into map
(define-key map "\C-c?" pmap)