;; Projects can also affect how EDE works, by changing what appears in
;; the EDE menu, or how some keys are bound.
-(unless (fboundp 'ede-target-list-p)
- (cl-deftype ede-target-list () '(list-of ede-target)))
(defclass ede-project (ede-project-placeholder)
((subproj :initform nil
:type list
:documentation "Sub projects controlled by this project.
For Automake based projects, each directory is treated as a project.")
(targets :initarg :targets
- :type ede-target-list
+ :type (list-of ede-target)
:custom (repeat (object :objectcreatefcn ede-new-target-custom))
:label "Local Targets"
:group (targets)
commands where the variable would usually appear.")
(rules :initarg :rules
:initform nil
- :type list
+ :type (list-of ede-makefile-rule)
:custom (repeat (object :objecttype ede-makefile-rule))
:label "Additional Rules"
:group (make)