(defun files-tests--save-some-buffers (pred def-pred-bind exp-1 exp-2)
"Helper function to test `save-some-buffers'.
-This function creates two visiting-file buffers, BUF-1, BUF-2 in
- different directories at the same level, i.e., none of them is a
- subdir of the other; then, it modifies both buffers; finally, it calls
- `save-some-buffers' from BUF-1 with first arg t, second arg PRED
- and `save-some-buffers-default-predicate' let-bound to
+This function creates two file-visiting buffers, BUF-1, BUF-2 in
+different directories at the same level, i.e., none of them is a
+subdir of the other; then it modifies both buffers; finally, it
+calls `save-some-buffers' from BUF-1 with first arg t, second
+arg PRED and `save-some-buffers-default-predicate' let-bound to
EXP-1 and EXP-2 are the expected values of calling `buffer-modified-p'
on BUF-1 and BUF-2 after the `save-some-buffers' call.
(ert-deftest files-tests-save-some-buffers ()
"Test `save-some-buffers'.
-Test the 3 cases for the second argument PRED, i.e., nil, t or
+Test the 3 cases for the second argument PRED, i.e., nil, t, or
The value of `save-some-buffers-default-predicate' is ignored unless
PRED is nil."
(defmacro files-tests--with-buffer-offer-save (buffers-offer fn-test fn-binders args-results)
"Helper macro to test `save-some-buffers' and `save-buffers-kill-emacs'.
-This macro creates several non-visiting-file buffers in different
- directories at the same level, i.e., none of them is a subdir of the
- other; then, it modifies the buffers and sets their `buffer-offer-save'
- as specified by BUFFERS-OFFER, a list of elements
- (BUFFER OFFER-SAVE). Finally, it calls FN-TEST from the first
- buffer.
+This macro creates several non-file-visiting buffers in different
+directories at the same level, i.e., none of them is a subdir of the
+other. Then it modifies the buffers and sets their `buffer-offer-save'
+as specified by BUFFERS-OFFER, a list of elements (BUFFER OFFER-SAVE).
+Finally, it calls FN-TEST from the first buffer.
FN-TEST is the function to test: either `save-some-buffers' or
`save-buffers-kill-emacs'. This function is called with
the FN-TEST call.
ARGS-RESULTS is a list of elements (FN-ARGS CALLERS-DIR EXPECTED), where
- FN-ARGS are the arguments for FN-TEST;
- CALLERS-DIR specifies the value to let-bind
+FN-ARGS are the arguments for FN-TEST;
+CALLERS-DIR specifies the value to let-bind
EXPECTED is the expected result of the test."
(declare (debug (form symbol form form)))
(let ((dir (gensym "dir"))
(permute ,vec 0 (1- (length ,vec)))))))
(ert-deftest files-tests-buffer-offer-save ()
- "Test `save-some-buffers' for non-visiting buffers.
-Check the behavior of `save-some-buffers' for non-visiting-file
+ "Test `save-some-buffers' for non-file-visiting buffers.
+Check the behavior of `save-some-buffers' for non-file-visiting
buffers under several values of `buffer-offer-save'.
The value of `save-some-buffers-default-predicate' is ignored unless
PRED is nil."