#+language: en
#+options: ':t toc:nil author:t email:t num:t
#+startup: content
-#+macro: stable-version 4.5.0
-#+macro: release-date 2024-08-21
-#+macro: development-version 4.6.0-dev
+#+macro: stable-version 4.6.0
+#+macro: release-date 2024-10-27
+#+macro: development-version 4.7.0-dev
#+macro: file @@texinfo:@file{@@$1@@texinfo:}@@
#+macro: space @@texinfo:@: @@
#+macro: kbd @@texinfo:@kbd{@@$1@@texinfo:}@@
:custom_id: h:b14c3fcb-13dd-4144-9d92-2c58b3ed16d3
-Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
~enable-theme~ is that the former does a kind of "reset" on the face
specs. It quite literally loads (or reloads) the theme. Whereas the
~enable-theme~ function simply puts an already loaded theme to the top
-of the list of enabled items, re-using whatever state was last loaded.
+of the list of enabled items, reusing whatever state was last loaded.
As such, ~load-theme~ reads all customizations that may happen during
any given Emacs session: even after the initial setup of a theme.
:CUSTOM_ID: h:4fbfed66-5a89-447a-a07d-a03f6819c5bd
-#+vindex: modus-themes-to-toggle
-Brief: Choose to Modus themes to toggle between
+#+findex: modus-themes-toggle
+Brief: Specify which two themes to toggle between when using the command
+#+vindex: modus-themes-to-toggle
Symbol: ~modus-themes-to-toggle~ (=list= type)
Default value: ='(modus-operandi modus-vivendi)=
Possible values:
- ~modus-operandi~
-- ~modus-vivendi~
- ~modus-operandi-tinted~
-- ~modus-vivendi-tinted~
- ~modus-operandi-deuteranopia~
-- ~modus-vivendi-deuteranopia~
- ~modus-operandi-tritanopia~
+- ~modus-vivendi~
+- ~modus-vivendi-tinted~
+- ~modus-vivendi-deuteranopia~
- ~modus-vivendi-tritanopia~
-Specify two themes to toggle between using the command
+** Option for which themes to rotate
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:a10c0202-3683-4fad-9897-433c25e255f6
+#+findex: modus-themes-rotate
+Brief: Specify which themes to rotate among when using the command
+#+vindex: modus-themes-to-rotate
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-to-rotate~ (=list= type)
+Default value: =modus-themes-items= (which includes all the Modus themes)
+Possible values:
+- ~modus-operandi~
+- ~modus-operandi-tinted~
+- ~modus-operandi-deuteranopia~
+- ~modus-operandi-tritanopia~
+- ~modus-vivendi~
+- ~modus-vivendi-tinted~
+- ~modus-vivendi-deuteranopia~
+- ~modus-vivendi-tritanopia~
** Option for font mixing
+** DIY Add support for ~engrave-faces~
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:6c3f87a8-3573-43de-89e0-53f567c0ede1
+The ~engraved-faces~ package is used as part of an Org export process
+to produce decent colors in the output. Its default style though
+requires changes to use the colors of the active Modus theme.
+In the code below we show how to map everything that ~engrave-faces~
+defines to the corresponding entry in the palette of the active Modus
+theme. We then use a hook to ensure that the value is updated after we
+switch to another theme in the collection ([[#h:d87673fe-2ce1-4c80-a4b8-be36ca9f2d24][DIY Use a hook at the post-load-theme phase]]).
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-engraved-faces (&rest _)
+ (modus-themes-with-colors
+ (setq engrave-faces-themes
+ `((default .
+ (;; faces.el --- excluding: bold, italic, bold-italic, underline, and some others
+ (default :short "default" :slug "D" :foreground ,fg-main :background ,bg-main :family "Monospace")
+ (variable-pitch :short "var-pitch" :slug "vp" :foreground ,fg-main :family "Sans Serif")
+ (shadow :short "shadow" :slug "h" :foreground ,fg-dim)
+ (success :short "success" :slug "sc" :foreground ,green :weight bold)
+ (warning :short "warning" :slug "w" :foreground ,warning :weight bold)
+ (error :short "error" :slug "e" :foreground ,err :weight bold)
+ (link :short "link" :slug "l" :foreground ,fg-link)
+ (link-visited :short "link" :slug "lv" :foreground ,fg-link-visited)
+ (highlight :short "link" :slug "hi" :foreground ,info)
+ ;; font-lock.el
+ (font-lock-comment-face :short "fl-comment" :slug "c" :foreground ,comment)
+ (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face :short "fl-comment-delim" :slug "cd" :foreground ,comment)
+ (font-lock-string-face :short "fl-string" :slug "s" :foreground ,string)
+ (font-lock-doc-face :short "fl-doc" :slug "d" :foreground ,docstring)
+ (font-lock-doc-markup-face :short "fl-doc-markup" :slug "m" :foreground ,docmarkup)
+ (font-lock-keyword-face :short "fl-keyword" :slug "k" :foreground ,keyword)
+ (font-lock-builtin-face :short "fl-builtin" :slug "b" :foreground ,builtin)
+ (font-lock-function-name-face :short "fl-function" :slug "f" :foreground ,fnname)
+ (font-lock-variable-name-face :short "fl-variable" :slug "v" :foreground ,variable)
+ (font-lock-type-face :short "fl-type" :slug "t" :foreground ,type)
+ (font-lock-constant-face :short "fl-constant" :slug "o" :foreground ,constant)
+ (font-lock-warning-face :short "fl-warning" :slug "wr" :foreground ,warning :weight bold)
+ (font-lock-negation-char-face :short "fl-neg-char" :slug "nc")
+ (font-lock-preprocessor-face :short "fl-preprocessor" :slug "pp" :foreground ,preprocessor)
+ (font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct :short "fl-regexp" :slug "rc" :weight bold)
+ (font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash :short "fl-regexp-backslash" :slug "rb" :weight bold)
+ ;; org-faces.el
+ (org-block :short "org-block" :slug "ob") ; forcing no background is preferable
+ (org-block-begin-line :short "org-block-begin" :slug "obb") ; forcing no background is preferable
+ (org-block-end-line :short "org-block-end" :slug "obe") ; forcing no background is preferable
+ ;; outlines
+ (outline-1 :short "outline-1" :slug "Oa" :foreground ,fg-heading-1)
+ (outline-2 :short "outline-2" :slug "Ob" :foreground ,fg-heading-2)
+ (outline-3 :short "outline-3" :slug "Oc" :foreground ,fg-heading-3)
+ (outline-4 :short "outline-4" :slug "Od" :foreground ,fg-heading-4)
+ (outline-5 :short "outline-5" :slug "Oe" :foreground ,fg-heading-5)
+ (outline-6 :short "outline-6" :slug "Of" :foreground ,fg-heading-6)
+ (outline-7 :short "outline-7" :slug "Og" :foreground ,fg-heading-7)
+ (outline-8 :short "outline-8" :slug "Oh" :foreground ,fg-heading-8)
+ ;; highlight-numbers.el
+ (highlight-numbers-number :short "hl-number" :slug "hn" :foreground ,number)
+ ;; highlight-quoted.el
+ (highlight-quoted-quote :short "hl-qquote" :slug "hq" :foreground ,string)
+ (highlight-quoted-symbol :short "hl-qsymbol" :slug "hs" :foreground ,constant)
+ ;; rainbow-delimiters.el
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :short "rd-1" :slug "rda" :foreground ,rainbow-0)
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :short "rd-2" :slug "rdb" :foreground ,rainbow-1)
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :short "rd-3" :slug "rdc" :foreground ,rainbow-2)
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :short "rd-4" :slug "rdd" :foreground ,rainbow-3)
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :short "rd-5" :slug "rde" :foreground ,rainbow-4)
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :short "rd-6" :slug "rdf" :foreground ,rainbow-5)
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :short "rd-7" :slug "rdg" :foreground ,rainbow-6)
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face :short "rd-8" :slug "rdh" :foreground ,rainbow-7)
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face :short "rd-9" :slug "rdi" :foreground ,rainbow-8)
+ ;; ansi-color
+ (ansi-color-yellow :short "ansi-yellow" :slug "any" :foreground ,fg-term-yellow)
+ (ansi-color-red :short "ansi-red" :slug "anr" :foreground ,fg-term-red)
+ (ansi-color-black :short "ansi-black" :slug "anb" :foreground ,fg-term-black)
+ (ansi-color-green :short "ansi-green" :slug "ang" :foreground ,fg-term-green)
+ (ansi-color-blue :short "ansi-blue" :slug "anB" :foreground ,fg-term-blue)
+ (ansi-color-cyan :short "ansi-cyan" :slug "anc" :foreground ,fg-term-cyan)
+ (ansi-color-white :short "ansi-white" :slug "anw" :foreground ,fg-term-white)
+ (ansi-color-magenta :short "ansi-magenta" :slug "anm" :foreground ,fg-term-magenta)
+ (ansi-color-bright-yellow :short "ansi-bright-yellow" :slug "ANy" :foreground ,fg-term-yellow-bright)
+ (ansi-color-bright-red :short "ansi-bright-red" :slug "ANr" :foreground ,fg-term-red-bright)
+ (ansi-color-bright-black :short "ansi-bright-black" :slug "ANb" :foregroun ,fg-term-black-bright)
+ (ansi-color-bright-green :short "ansi-bright-green" :slug "ANg" :foreground ,fg-term-green-bright)
+ (ansi-color-bright-blue :short "ansi-bright-blue" :slug "ANB" :foreground ,fg-term-blue-bright)
+ (ansi-color-bright-cyan :short "ansi-bright-cyan" :slug "ANc" :foreground ,fg-term-cyan-bright)
+ (ansi-color-bright-white :short "ansi-bright-white" :slug "ANw" :foregroun ,fg-term-white-bright)
+ (ansi-color-bright-magenta :short "ansi-bright-magenta" :slug "ANm" :foregroun ,fg-term-magenta-bright)))))))
+(add-hook 'enable-theme-functions #'my-modus-themes-engraved-faces)
** DIY Stylistic variants using palette overrides
:CUSTOM_ID: h:df1199d8-eaba-47db-805d-6b568a577bf3
The reason we no longer provide this option is because it depends on a
non-~nil~ value for ~x-underline-at-descent-line~. That variable
affects ALL underlines, including those of links. The effect is
-intrusive and looks awkard in prose.
+intrusive and looks awkward in prose.
As such, the Modus themes no longer provide that option but instead
offer this piece of documentation to make the user fully aware of the
#+cindex: Remapping faces
There are cases where we need to change the buffer-local attributes of a
-face. This might be because we have our own minor mode that re-uses a
+face. This might be because we have our own minor mode that reuses a
face for a particular purpose, such as a line selection tool that
activates ~hl-line-mode~, but we wish to keep it distinct from other
buffers. This is where ~face-remap-add-relative~ can be applied and may
`(solaire-default-face ((,c :inherit default :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
- `(solaire-line-number-face ((,c :inherit solaire-default-face :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+ `(solaire-line-number-face ((,c :inherit solaire-default-face :foreground ,fg-dim)))
`(solaire-hl-line-face ((,c :background ,bg-active)))
`(solaire-org-hide-face ((,c :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,bg-dim))))))
Reload the theme for changes to take effect.
+** DIY Add support for meow-mode
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:caa5a5c4-18fb-4b9f-91f9-883f216fce41
+The ~meow~ package provides a modal editing experience. It is meant to
+build on top of the key bindings the user is already familiar with. My
+problem as an outsider is that I cannot make sense of all the contexts
+where its faces are used in, so I cannot make a good choice of which
+styles to use. The following is but a basic attempt to get started.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; This is not complete, because it is difficult for a non-user to
+;; make sense of where all the faces are used in.
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces (&rest _)
+ (modus-themes-with-colors
+ (custom-set-faces
+ ;; FIXME: What is a "region cursor" and should it differ from the position highlights below?
+ `(meow-region-cursor-1 ((,c :inherit (bold modus-themes-reset-soft) :background ,bg-char-0)))
+ `(meow-region-cursor-2 ((,c :inherit (bold modus-themes-reset-soft) :background ,bg-char-1)))
+ `(meow-region-cursor-3 ((,c :inherit (bold modus-themes-reset-soft) :background ,bg-char-2)))
+ `(meow-position-highlight-number-1 ((,c :inherit (bold modus-themes-reset-soft) :background ,bg-char-0)))
+ `(meow-position-highlight-number-2 ((,c :inherit (bold modus-themes-reset-soft) :background ,bg-char-1)))
+ `(meow-position-highlight-number-3 ((,c :inherit (bold modus-themes-reset-soft) :background ,bg-char-2))))))
+(add-hook 'enable-theme-functions #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+[[#h:d87673fe-2ce1-4c80-a4b8-be36ca9f2d24][Using a hook at the post-load-theme phase]].
+** DIY Add support for combobulate
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:e94bdd17-1c2d-41b5-86c5-83462bd8f30c
+The ~combobulate~ package provides the means to operate on text that
+is underpinned by the ~tree-sitter~ program. Because this is a
+specialized case that requires intimate knowledge of the
+technicalities, I am not adding support for this package directly at
+the theme level. Users can try this instead:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces (&rest _)
+ (modus-themes-with-colors
+ (custom-set-faces
+ `(combobulate-active-indicator-face ((,c :foreground ,fg-main)))
+ `(combobulate-dimmed-indicator-face ((,c :inherit shadow)))
+ `(combobulate-error-indicator-face ((,c :inherit error)))
+ `(combobulate-query-highlight-fiery-flames-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-intense-red)))
+ `(combobulate-query-highlight-gleaming-gold-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-intense-yellow)))
+ `(combobulate-query-highlight-majestic-mercury-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-intense-cyan)))
+ `(combobulate-query-highlight-mysterious-mauve-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-intense-magenta)))
+ `(combobulate-query-highlight-radiant-rind-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-subtle-red)))
+ `(combobulate-query-highlight-regal-ripples-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-intense-blue)))
+ `(combobulate-query-highlight-serene-shade-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-subtle-green)))
+ `(combobulate-query-highlight-silver-shadows-face ((,c :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+ `(combobulate-query-highlight-vibrant-veggie-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-intense-green)))
+ `(combobulate-query-query-anonymous-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+ `(combobulate-query-query-builtin-face ((,c :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)))
+ `(combobulate-query-query-constant-face ((,c :inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
+ `(combobulate-query-query-doc-markup-face ((,c :inherit font-lock-doc-markup-face)))
+ `(combobulate-query-query-keyword-face ((,c :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
+ `(combobulate-query-query-predicate-builtin-face ((,c :inherit bold)))
+ `(combobulate-query-query-string-face ((,c :inherit font-lock-string-face)))
+ `(combobulate-refactor-choice-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,info)))
+ `(combobulate-refactor-cursor-face ((,c :foreground ,cursor)))
+ `(combobulate-refactor-field-face ((,c :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-main :extend nil)))
+ `(combobulate-refactor-highlight-face ((,c :inherit highlight)))
+ `(combobulate-refactor-inactive-choice-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+ `(combobulate-refactor-inactive-field-face ((,c :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim :extend nil)))
+ `(combobulate-refactor-label-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-search-replace)))
+ `(combobulate-tree-branch-face ((,c :inherit shadow)))
+ `(combobulate-tree-highlighted-node-face ((,c :inherit success)))
+ `(combobulate-tree-normal-node-face ((,c :foreground ,fg-main)))
+ `(combobulate-tree-pulse-node-face ((,c :background ,bg-blue-intense :extend t))))))
+(add-hook 'enable-theme-functions #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+[[#h:d87673fe-2ce1-4c80-a4b8-be36ca9f2d24][Using a hook at the post-load-theme phase]].
+** DIY Add support for howm
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:7ea8fa66-1cd8-47b0-92b4-9998a3068f85
+The ~howm~ package is a note-taking solution for Emacs. Users can add
+support for its faces with something like the following.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces (&rest _)
+ (modus-themes-with-colors
+ (custom-set-faces
+ `(action-lock-face ((,c :inherit button)))
+ `(howm-mode-keyword-face (( )))
+ `(howm-mode-ref-face ((,c :inherit link)))
+ `(howm-mode-title-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-heading-0)))
+ `(howm-mode-wiki-face ((,c :inherit link)))
+ `(howm-reminder-deadline-face ((,c :foreground ,date-deadline)))
+ `(howm-reminder-late-deadline-face ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,date-deadline)))
+ `(howm-reminder-defer-face ((,c :foreground ,date-scheduled)))
+ `(howm-reminder-scheduled-face ((,c :foreground ,date-scheduled)))
+ `(howm-reminder-done-face ((,c :foreground ,prose-done)))
+ `(howm-reminder-todo-face ((,c :foreground ,prose-todo)))
+ `(howm-reminder-normal-face ((,c :foreground ,date-common)))
+ `(howm-reminder-today-face ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,date-common)))
+ `(howm-reminder-tomorrow-face ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,date-scheduled)))
+ `(howm-simulate-todo-mode-line-face ((,c :inherit bold)))
+ `(howm-view-empty-face (( )))
+ `(howm-view-hilit-face ((,c :inherit match)))
+ `(howm-view-name-face ((,c :inherit bold)))
+ `(iigrep-counts-face1 ((,c :foreground ,rainbow-1)))
+ `(iigrep-counts-face2 ((,c :foreground ,rainbow-2)))
+ `(iigrep-counts-face3 ((,c :foreground ,rainbow-3)))
+ `(iigrep-counts-face4 ((,c :foreground ,rainbow-4)))
+ `(iigrep-counts-face5 ((,c :foreground ,rainbow-5))))))
+(add-hook 'enable-theme-functions #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
** DIY Use a hook at the post-load-theme phase
:CUSTOM_ID: h:d87673fe-2ce1-4c80-a4b8-be36ca9f2d24
+ focus
+ fold-this
+ font-lock (generic syntax highlighting)
++ forge
+ geiser
+ git-commit
+ git-gutter (and variants)
+ gotest
+ golden-ratio-scroll-screen
+ helpful
++ hexl-mode
+ highlight-numbers
+ highlight-parentheses ([[#h:24bab397-dcb2-421d-aa6e-ec5bd622b913][Note on highlight-parentheses.el]])
+ highlight-thing
+ flyspell-correct
+ fortran-mode
+ freeze-it
-+ forge
+ git-walktree
+ goggles
+ highlight-defined
[[#h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb][Advanced customization]].
In the following example, we are assuming that the user wants to (i)
-re-use color variables provided by the themes, (ii) be able to retain
+reuse color variables provided by the themes, (ii) be able to retain
their tweaks while switching between ~modus-operandi~ and ~modus-vivendi~,
and (iii) have the option to highlight either the foreground of the
parentheses or the background as well.
(setq my-highlight-parentheses-use-background nil)
-To re-use colors from the themes, we must wrap our code in the
+To reuse colors from the themes, we must wrap our code in the
~modus-themes-with-colors~ macro. Our implementation must interface with
the variables ~highlight-parentheses-background-colors~ and/or
: xrandr --output LVDS1 --brightness 1.0 --gamma 0.76:0.75:0.68
Typography is another variable. Some font families are blurry at small
-point sizes. Others may have a regular weight that is lighter (thiner)
+point sizes. Others may have a regular weight that is lighter (thinner)
than that of their peers which may, under certain circumstances, cause a
halo effect around each glyph.
Euker, Feng Shu, Filippo Argiolas, Gautier Ponsinet, Gerry Agbobada,
Gianluca Recchia, Gonçalo Marrafa, Guilherme Semente, Gustavo
Barros, Hörmetjan Yiltiz, Ilja Kocken, Imran Khan, Iris Garcia, Ivan
- Popovych, James Ferguson, Jeremy Friesen, Jerry Zhang, Johannes
- Grødem, John Haman, John Wick, Jonas Collberg, Jorge Morais, Joshua
- O'Connor, Julio C. Villasante, Kenta Usami, Kevin Fleming, Kévin Le
- Gouguec, Kevin Kainan Li, Kostadin Ninev, Laith Bahodi, Lasse
- Lindner, Len Trigg, Lennart C.{{{space()}}} Karssen, Luis Miguel
- Castañeda, Magne Hov, Manuel Giraud, Manuel Uberti, Mark Bestley,
- Mark Burton, Mark Simpson, Marko Kocic, Markus Beppler, Matt
- Armstrong, Matthias Fuchs, Mattias Engdegård, Mauro Aranda, Maxime
- Tréca, Michael Goldenberg, Morgan Smith, Morgan Willcock, Murilo
- Pereira, Nicky van Foreest, Nicolas De Jaeghere, Nicolas Semrau,
- Olaf Meeuwissen, Oliver Epper, Pablo Stafforini, Paul Poloskov,
- Pengji Zhang, Pete Kazmier, Peter Wu, Philip Kaludercic, Pierre
- Téchoueyres, Przemysław Kryger, Robert Hepple, Roman Rudakov,
+ Popovych, Jabir Ali Ouassou, James Ferguson, Jeremy Friesen, Jerry
+ Zhang, Johannes Grødem, John Haman, John Wick, Jonas Collberg, Jorge
+ Morais, Joshua O'Connor, Julio C. Villasante, Kenta Usami, Kevin
+ Fleming, Kévin Le Gouguec, Kevin Kainan Li, Kostadin Ninev, Laith
+ Bahodi, Lasse Lindner, Len Trigg, Lennart C.{{{space()}}} Karssen,
+ Luis Miguel Castañeda, Magne Hov, Manuel Giraud, Manuel Uberti, Mark
+ Bestley, Mark Burton, Mark Simpson, Marko Kocic, Markus Beppler,
+ Matt Armstrong, Matthias Fuchs, Mattias Engdegård, Mauro Aranda,
+ Maxime Tréca, Michael Goldenberg, Morgan Smith, Morgan Willcock,
+ Murilo Pereira, Nicky van Foreest, Nicolas De Jaeghere, Nicolas
+ Semrau, Olaf Meeuwissen, Oliver Epper, Pablo Stafforini, Paul
+ Poloskov, Pengji Zhang, Pete Kazmier, Peter Wu, Philip Kaludercic,
+ Pierre Téchoueyres, Przemysław Kryger, Robert Hepple, Roman Rudakov,
Russell Sim, Ryan Phillips, Rytis Paškauskas, Rudolf Adamkovič, Sam
Kleinman, Samuel Culpepper, Saša Janiška, Shreyas Ragavan, Simon
Pugnet, Steve Downey, Tassilo Horn, Thanos Apollo, Thibaut Verron,
;; Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
;; Maintainer: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
;; URL: https://github.com/protesilaos/modus-themes
-;; Version: 4.5.0
+;; Version: 4.6.0
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
;; Keywords: faces, theme, accessibility
"Alias of `modus-themes-items'.")
(defconst modus-themes-items
- '( modus-operandi modus-vivendi
- modus-operandi-tinted modus-vivendi-tinted
- modus-operandi-deuteranopia modus-vivendi-deuteranopia
- modus-operandi-tritanopia modus-vivendi-tritanopia)
+ '( modus-operandi
+ modus-operandi-tinted
+ modus-operandi-deuteranopia
+ modus-operandi-tritanopia
+ modus-vivendi
+ modus-vivendi-tinted
+ modus-vivendi-deuteranopia
+ modus-vivendi-tritanopia)
"Symbols of the Modus themes.")
(defcustom modus-themes-to-toggle '(modus-operandi modus-vivendi)
:type `(choice
(const :tag "No toggle" nil)
(list :tag "Pick two themes to toggle between"
- (choice :tag "Theme one of two"
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (theme)
- (list 'const theme))
- modus-themes-items))
- (choice :tag "Theme two of two"
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (theme)
- (list 'const theme))
- modus-themes-items))))
+ (choice :tag "Theme one of two" ,@(mapcar (lambda (theme) (list 'const theme)) modus-themes-items))
+ (choice :tag "Theme two of two" ,@(mapcar (lambda (theme) (list 'const theme)) modus-themes-items))))
:package-version '(modus-themes . "4.0.0")
:version "30.1"
- :set #'modus-themes--set-option
- :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
+ :group 'modus-themes)
+(defcustom modus-themes-to-rotate modus-themes-items
+ "List of Modus themes to rotate among, per `modus-themes-rotate'."
+ :type `(repeat
+ (choice :tag "A theme among the `modus-themes-items'"
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (theme) (list 'const theme)) modus-themes-items)))
+ :package-version '(modus-themes . "4.6.0")
+ :version "31.1"
:group 'modus-themes)
(defvaralias 'modus-themes-post-load-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook)
:type 'hook
:package-version '(modus-themes . "4.0.0")
:version "30.1"
- :set #'modus-themes--set-option
- :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
:group 'modus-themes)
(defvaralias 'modus-themes-slanted-constructs 'modus-themes-italic-constructs)
"Return palette value of active Modus theme, else produce `user-error'.
With optional OVERRIDES return palette value plus whatever
- (if-let ((theme (modus-themes--current-theme)))
+ (if-let* ((theme (modus-themes--current-theme)))
(if overrides
(modus-themes--palette-value theme :overrides)
(modus-themes--palette-value theme))
;;;; Commands
+;;;;; Select a theme with completion
(defvar modus-themes--select-theme-history nil
"Minibuffer history of `modus-themes--select-prompt'.")
(defun modus-themes--annotate-theme (theme)
"Return completion annotation for THEME."
- (when-let ((symbol (intern-soft theme))
- (doc-string (get symbol 'theme-documentation)))
+ (when-let* ((symbol (intern-soft theme))
+ (doc-string (get symbol 'theme-documentation)))
(format " -- %s"
(propertize (car (split-string doc-string "\\."))
'face 'completions-annotations))))
(interactive (list (modus-themes--select-prompt)))
(modus-themes-load-theme theme))
+;;;;; Toggle between two themes
(defun modus-themes--toggle-theme-p ()
"Return non-nil if `modus-themes-to-toggle' are valid."
Run `modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook' after loading the theme.
Disable other themes per `modus-themes-disable-other-themes'."
+ (declare (interactive-only t))
(if-let* ((themes (modus-themes--toggle-theme-p))
(one (car themes))
(modus-themes-load-theme (if (eq (car custom-enabled-themes) one) two one))
(modus-themes-load-theme (modus-themes--select-prompt))))
+;;;;; Rotate through a list of themes
+(defun modus-themes--rotate (themes)
+ "Rotate THEMES rightward such that the car is moved to the end."
+ (if (proper-list-p themes)
+ (let* ((index (seq-position themes (modus-themes--current-theme)))
+ (offset (1+ index)))
+ (append (nthcdr offset themes) (take offset themes)))
+ (error "The `%s' is not a list" themes)))
+(defun modus-themes--rotate-p (themes)
+ "Return a new theme among THEMES if it is possible to rotate to it."
+ (if-let* ((new-theme (car (modus-themes--rotate themes))))
+ (if (eq new-theme (modus-themes--current-theme))
+ (car (modus-themes--rotate-p (modus-themes--rotate themes)))
+ new-theme)
+ (error "Cannot determine a theme among `%s'" themes)))
+(defun modus-themes-rotate (themes)
+ "Rotate to the next theme among THEMES.
+When called interactively THEMES is the value of `modus-themes-to-rotate'.
+If the current theme is already the next in line, then move to the one
+after. Perform the rotation rightwards, such that the first element in
+the list becomes the last. Do not modify THEMES in the process."
+ (interactive (list modus-themes-to-rotate))
+ (unless (proper-list-p themes)
+ "This is not a list of themes: `%s'" themes)
+ (let ((candidate (modus-themes--rotate-p themes)))
+ (if (modus-themes--modus-p candidate)
+ (progn
+ (message "Rotating to `%s'" (propertize (symbol-name candidate) 'face 'success))
+ (modus-themes-load-theme candidate))
+ (user-error "`%s' is not part of the Modus collection" candidate))))
+;;;;; Preview a theme palette
(defun modus-themes--list-colors-render (buffer theme &optional mappings &rest _)
"Render colors in BUFFER from THEME for `modus-themes-list-colors'.
Optional MAPPINGS changes the output to only list the semantic
`(all-the-icons-silver ((,c :foreground "gray50")))
`(all-the-icons-yellow ((,c :foreground ,yellow)))
;;;;; all-the-icons-dired
- `(all-the-icons-dired-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
+ `(all-the-icons-dired-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,accent-0)))
;;;;; all-the-icons-ibuffer
- `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
- `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-file-face ((,c :foreground ,blue-faint)))
- `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-mode-face ((,c :foreground ,cyan)))
- `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-size-face ((,c :foreground ,cyan-cooler)))
+ `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,accent-0)))
+ `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-file-face ((,c :foreground ,docstring)))
+ `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-mode-face ((,c :foreground ,type)))
+ `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-size-face ((,c :foreground ,variable)))
;;;;; annotate
`(annotate-annotation ((,c :inherit modus-themes-subtle-blue)))
`(annotate-annotation-secondary ((,c :inherit modus-themes-subtle-magenta)))
`(company-scrollbar-bg ((,c :background ,bg-active)))
`(company-scrollbar-fg ((,c :background ,fg-main)))
`(company-template-field ((,c :background ,bg-active)))
- `(company-tooltip ((,c :background ,bg-dim)))
+ `(company-tooltip ((,c :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :background ,bg-dim)))
`(company-tooltip-annotation ((,c :inherit completions-annotations)))
`(company-tooltip-common ((,c :inherit company-echo-common)))
`(company-tooltip-deprecated ((,c :inherit company-tooltip :strike-through t)))
`(corfu-current ((,c :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected)))
`(corfu-bar ((,c :background ,fg-dim)))
`(corfu-border ((,c :background ,bg-active)))
- `(corfu-default ((,c :background ,bg-dim)))
+ `(corfu-default ((,c :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :background ,bg-dim)))
;;;;; corfu-candidate-overlay
`(corfu-candidate-overlay-face ((t :inherit shadow)))
;;;;; corfu-quick
`(elpher-gemini-heading2 ((,c :inherit modus-themes-heading-2)))
`(elpher-gemini-heading3 ((,c :inherit modus-themes-heading-3)))
;;;;; embark
+ `(embark-collect-group-title ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,name)))
`(embark-keybinding ((,c :inherit modus-themes-key-binding)))
- `(embark-collect-marked ((,c :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
+ `(embark-keybinding-repeat ((,c :inherit bold)))
+ `(embark-selected ((,c :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
;;;;; ement (ement.el)
`(ement-room-fully-read-marker ((,c :inherit success)))
`(ement-room-membership ((,c :inherit shadow)))
`(font-lock-type-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,type)))
`(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,c :foreground ,variable)))
`(font-lock-warning-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,warning)))
+;;;;; forge
+ `(forge-dimmed ((,c :inherit shadow)))
+ `(forge-issue-completed ((,c :inherit shadow)))
+ `(forge-issue-open (( )))
+ `(forge-issue-unplanned ((,c :inherit forge-dimmed :strike-through t)))
+ `(forge-post-author ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,name)))
+ `(forge-post-date ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,date-common)))
+ `(forge-pullreq-merged ((,c :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+ `(forge-pullreq-open ((,c :foreground ,info)))
+ `(forge-pullreq-rejected ((,c :foreground ,err :strike-through t)))
+ `(forge-topic-done (( )))
+ `(forge-topic-pending ((,c :inherit italic)))
+ `(forge-topic-slug-completed ((,c :inherit forge-dimmed)))
+ `(forge-topic-slug-open ((,c :inherit forge-dimmed)))
+ `(forge-topic-slug-saved ((,c :inherit success)))
+ `(forge-topic-slug-unplanned ((,c :inherit forge-dimmed :strike-through t)))
+ `(forge-topic-unread ((,c :inherit bold)))
;;;;; geiser
`(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-current-arg ((,c :inherit bold :background ,bg-active-argument :foreground ,fg-active-argument)))
`(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-identifier ((,c :foreground ,docstring)))
`(golden-ratio-scroll-highlight-line-face ((,c :background ,bg-cyan-subtle :foreground ,fg-main)))
;;;;; helpful
`(helpful-heading ((,c :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
+;;;;; hexl-mode
+ `(hexl-address-region ((,c :foreground ,constant)))
+ `(hexl-ascii-region ((,c :foreground ,variable)))
;;;;; highlight region or ad-hoc regexp
;; HACK 2022-06-23: The :inverse-video prevents hl-line-mode from
;; overriding the background. Such an override really defeats the
`(hydra-face-pink ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
`(hydra-face-red ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,red-faint)))
`(hydra-face-teal ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-cooler)))
+;;;;; hyperbole
+ `(hbut-item-face ((,c :foreground ,info)))
+ `(hbut-face ((,c :inherit modus-themes-button)))
+ `(hbut-flash ((,c :background ,bg-search-replace)))
+ `(ibut-face ((,c :inherit button :background ,bg-link-symbolic :foreground ,fg-link-symbolic :underline ,underline-link-symbolic)))
;;;;; icomplete
`(icomplete-first-match ((,c :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
`(icomplete-selected-match ((,c :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected)))
`(nerd-icons-silver ((,c :foreground "gray50")))
`(nerd-icons-yellow ((,c :foreground ,yellow)))
;;;;; nerd-icons-completion
- `(nerd-icons-completion-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
+ `(nerd-icons-completion-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,accent-0)))
;;;;; nerd-icons-dired
- `(nerd-icons-dired-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
+ `(nerd-icons-dired-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,accent-0)))
;;;;; nerd-icons-ibuffer
- `(nerd-icons-ibuffer-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
- `(nerd-icons-ibuffer-file-face ((,c :foreground ,blue-faint)))
- `(nerd-icons-ibuffer-mode-face ((,c :foreground ,cyan)))
- `(nerd-icons-ibuffer-size-face ((,c :foreground ,cyan-cooler)))
+ `(nerd-icons-ibuffer-dir-face ((,c :foreground ,accent-0)))
+ `(nerd-icons-ibuffer-file-face ((,c :foreground ,docstring)))
+ `(nerd-icons-ibuffer-mode-face ((,c :foreground ,type)))
+ `(nerd-icons-ibuffer-size-face ((,c :foreground ,variable)))
;;;;; neotree
`(neo-banner-face ((,c :foreground ,accent-0)))
`(neo-button-face ((,c :inherit button)))
`(org-headline-todo ((,c :inherit org-todo)))
`(org-hide ((,c :foreground ,bg-main)))
`(org-indent ((,c :inherit (fixed-pitch org-hide))))
- `(org-imminent-deadline ((,c :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,date-deadline)))
+ `(org-imminent-deadline ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,date-deadline)))
`(org-latex-and-related ((,c :foreground ,type)))
`(org-level-1 ((,c :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
`(org-level-2 ((,c :inherit modus-themes-heading-2)))
`(org-priority ((,c :foreground ,prose-tag)))
`(org-property-value ((,c :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :foreground ,prose-metadata-value)))
`(org-quote ((,c :inherit org-block)))
- `(org-scheduled ((,c :foreground ,date-scheduled)))
- `(org-scheduled-previously ((,c :inherit org-scheduled)))
- `(org-scheduled-today ((,c :inherit (modus-themes-bold org-scheduled))))
+ `(org-scheduled ((,c :foreground ,date-scheduled-subtle)))
+ `(org-scheduled-previously ((,c :inherit (bold org-scheduled-today))))
+ `(org-scheduled-today ((,c :foreground ,date-scheduled)))
`(org-sexp-date ((,c :foreground ,date-common)))
`(org-special-keyword ((,c :inherit org-drawer)))
`(org-table ((,c :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :foreground ,prose-table)))
`(org-target ((,c :underline t)))
`(org-time-grid ((,c :foreground ,fg-dim)))
`(org-todo ((,c :foreground ,prose-todo)))
- `(org-upcoming-deadline ((,c :foreground ,date-deadline)))
- `(org-upcoming-distant-deadline ((,c :inherit org-upcoming-deadline)))
+ `(org-upcoming-deadline ((,c :foreground ,date-deadline-subtle)))
+ `(org-upcoming-distant-deadline ((,c :foreground ,fg-main)))
`(org-verbatim ((,c :inherit modus-themes-prose-verbatim)))
`(org-verse ((,c :inherit org-block)))
`(org-warning ((,c :inherit warning)))