(defvar hi-lock-file-patterns-prefix "Hi-lock"
"String used to identify hi-lock patterns at the start of files.")
-(defvar hi-lock-archaic-interface-message-used nil
- "Non-nil if user alerted that `global-hi-lock-mode' is now the global switch.
-Earlier versions of hi-lock used `hi-lock-mode' as the global switch;
-the message is issued if it appears that `hi-lock-mode' is used assuming
-that older functionality. This variable avoids multiple reminders.")
-(defvar hi-lock-archaic-interface-deduce nil
- "If non-nil, sometimes assume that `hi-lock-mode' means `global-hi-lock-mode'.
-Assumption is made if `hi-lock-mode' used in the *scratch* buffer while
-a library is being loaded.")
(easy-menu-define hi-lock-menu nil
"Menu for hi-lock mode."
'("Hi Lock"
" Hi" ""))
:global nil
:keymap hi-lock-map
- (when (and (equal (buffer-name) "*scratch*")
- load-in-progress
- (not (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
- (not hi-lock-archaic-interface-message-used))
- (setq hi-lock-archaic-interface-message-used t)
- (if hi-lock-archaic-interface-deduce
- (global-hi-lock-mode hi-lock-mode)
- (warn "%s"
- "Possible archaic use of (hi-lock-mode).
-Use (global-hi-lock-mode 1) in .emacs to enable hi-lock for all buffers,
-use (hi-lock-mode 1) for individual buffers.")))
(if hi-lock-mode
;; Turned on.