;; Usage:
;; ======
-;; - To trace a function say `M-x trace-function', which will ask you for the
+;; - To trace a function use `M-x trace-function', which will ask you for the
;; name of the function/subr/macro to trace.
;; - If you want to trace a function that switches buffers or does other
;; display oriented stuff use `M-x trace-function-background', which will
;; generate the trace output silently in the background without popping
;; up windows and doing other irritating stuff.
-;; - To untrace a function say `M-x untrace-function'.
-;; - To untrace all currently traced functions say `M-x untrace-all'.
+;; - `M-x trace-package' will ask you for a function name prefix, and trace
+;; (in the background) all matching functions.
+;; - `M-x trace-regexp' will ask you for a function name pattern (regexp),
+;; and trace (in the background) all matching functions.
+;; - `M-x trace-library' will ask you for a library name, and trace (in the
+;; background) all functions defined by that file.
+;; - Interactively in all cases, a prefix argument can be used to prompt
+;; for the output buffer and context arguments and, for bulk tracing
+;; commands, whether or not the traces should be automatically updated
+;; after loading lisp files.
+;; - To untrace a function use `M-x untrace-function'.
+;; - To untrace multiple functions by prefix use `M-x untrace-package'.
+;; - To untrace multiple functions by regexp use `M-x untrace-regexp'.
+;; - To untrace multiple functions by file use `M-x untrace-library'.
+;; - To untrace all currently traced functions use `M-x untrace-all'.
+;; - To list all currently traced functions use `M-x trace-currently-traced'.
;; Examples:
;; =========
;;; Change Log:
+;; 2017-06-17 Phil Sainty
+;; * New commands `trace-package', `untrace-package', `trace-regexp',
+;; `untrace-regexp', `trace-library', `untrace-library'.
+;; 2012-2014 Stefan Monnier, Glenn Morris
+;; * Adapted for nadvice.el
+;; * New `context' argument and display in trace buffer
+;; * `trace-function' renamed to (and now an alias of)
+;; `trace-function-foreground'
+;; 2005-02-27 Stefan Monnier
+;; * New `inhibit-trace' variable
+;; 1998-04-05 Stephen Eglen
+;; * New customize group `trace'
;; Revision 2.0 1993/05/18 00:41:16 hans
;; * Adapted for advice.el 2.0; it now also works
;; for GNU Emacs-19 and Lemacs
;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-macs))
(defgroup trace nil
"Tracing facility for Emacs Lisp functions."
:prefix "trace-"
(or context (lambda () "")))
`((name . ,trace-advice-name) (depth . -100))))
+(defun trace-is-traceable-p (sym)
+ "Whether the given symbol is a traceable function.
+Autoloaded functions are traceable."
+ (or (functionp sym) (macrop sym)))
(defun trace-is-traced (function)
+ "Whether FUNCTION is currently traced."
(advice-member-p trace-advice-name function))
-(defun trace--read-args (prompt)
- "Read a function name, prompting with string PROMPT.
-If `current-prefix-arg' is non-nil, also read a buffer and a \"context\"
-\(Lisp expression). Return (FUNCTION BUFFER FUNCTION-CONTEXT)."
- (cons
- (let ((default (function-called-at-point)))
- (intern (completing-read (format-prompt prompt default)
- obarray 'fboundp t nil nil
- (if default (symbol-name default)))))
- (when current-prefix-arg
- (list
- (read-buffer "Output to buffer" trace-buffer)
- (let ((exp
- (read-from-minibuffer "Context expression: "
- nil read-expression-map t
- 'read-expression-history)))
- (lambda ()
- (let ((print-circle t)
- (print-escape-newlines t))
- (concat " [" (prin1-to-string (eval exp t)) "]"))))))))
+(defun trace-currently-traced (&optional display-message)
+ "Return the list of currently traced function symbols.
+Interactively, display the list as a message."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((tracelist (cl-loop for sym being the symbols
+ if (trace-is-traced sym)
+ collect sym)))
+ (when display-message
+ (message "%S" tracelist))
+ tracelist))
+(defun trace--read-function (prompt)
+ "Read a function name, prompting with string PROMPT."
+ (let ((default (function-called-at-point)))
+ (intern (completing-read (format-prompt prompt default)
+ obarray 'trace-is-traceable-p t nil nil
+ (if default (symbol-name default))))))
+(defun trace--read-library (&optional prompt)
+ "Read a library name, prompting with string PROMPT."
+ (completing-read
+ (or prompt "Library: ")
+ (apply-partially 'locate-file-completion-table
+ load-path (get-load-suffixes))))
+(defun trace--read-extra-args ()
+ "Read a buffer and a \"context\" (Lisp expression).
+ (list
+ (read-buffer "Output to buffer" trace-buffer)
+ (let ((exp
+ (read-from-minibuffer "Context expression: "
+ nil read-expression-map t
+ 'read-expression-history "nil")))
+ (and exp
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((print-circle t)
+ (print-escape-newlines t))
+ (concat " [" (prin1-to-string (eval exp t)) "]")))))))
(defun trace-function-foreground (function &optional buffer context)
"Trace calls to function FUNCTION.
-With a prefix argument, also prompt for the trace buffer (default
-`trace-buffer'), and a Lisp expression CONTEXT. When called from
-Lisp, CONTEXT should be a function of no arguments which returns
-a value to insert into BUFFER during the trace.
+With a prefix argument, also prompt for the trace output BUFFER
+\(default `trace-buffer'), and a Lisp expression CONTEXT.
+When called from Lisp, CONTEXT should be a function of no arguments
+which returns a value to insert into BUFFER during the trace.
Tracing a function causes every call to that function to insert
into BUFFER Lisp-style trace messages that display the function's
functions that switch buffers, or do any other display-oriented
stuff - use `trace-function-background' instead.
+Calling `trace-function-foreground' again for the same FUNCTION
+will update the optional argument behaviours to respect the new
To stop tracing a function, use `untrace-function' or `untrace-all'."
- (interactive (trace--read-args "Trace function"))
+ (interactive
+ (cons (trace--read-function "Trace function")
+ (and current-prefix-arg (trace--read-extra-args))))
(trace-function-internal function buffer nil context))
"Trace calls to function FUNCTION, quietly.
This is like `trace-function-foreground', but without popping up
the output buffer or changing the window configuration."
- (interactive (trace--read-args "Trace function in background"))
+ (interactive
+ (cons (trace--read-function "Trace function in background")
+ (and current-prefix-arg (trace--read-extra-args))))
(trace-function-internal function buffer t context))
(defalias 'trace-function 'trace-function-foreground)
(defun untrace-function (function)
- "Untraces FUNCTION and possibly activates all remaining advice.
-Activation is performed with `ad-update', hence remaining advice will get
-activated only if the advice of FUNCTION is currently active. If FUNCTION
-was not traced this is a noop."
+ "Remove trace from FUNCTION. If FUNCTION was not traced this is a noop."
(list (intern (completing-read "Untrace function: "
obarray #'trace-is-traced t))))
(advice-remove function trace-advice-name))
+(defun trace-package (prefix &optional after-load buffer context)
+ "Trace all functions with names starting with PREFIX.
+For example, to trace all diff functions, do the following:
+\\[trace-package] RET diff- RET
+Background tracing is used. Switch to the trace output buffer to
+view the results. For any autoload declarations matching PREFIX,
+the associated function will be traced if and when it is defined.
+With a prefix argument, also prompt for the optional arguments.
+If AFTER-LOAD is non-nil then re-process PREFIX after loading any
+file. See `trace-function-foreground' for details of BUFFER and
+CONTEXT, and of foreground vs background tracing.
+Calling `trace-package' again for the same PACKAGE will update the
+optional argument behaviours to respect the new values.
+See also `untrace-package'."
+ ;; Derived in part from `elp-instrument-package'.
+ (interactive
+ (cons (completing-read "Prefix of package to trace: "
+ obarray #'trace-is-traceable-p)
+ (and current-prefix-arg
+ (cons (y-or-n-p "Update traces after loading files?")
+ (trace--read-extra-args)))))
+ (when (zerop (length prefix))
+ (error "Tracing all Emacs functions would render Emacs unusable"))
+ (mapc (lambda (name)
+ (trace-function-background (intern name) buffer context))
+ (all-completions prefix obarray #'trace-is-traceable-p))
+ (message
+ "Tracing to %s. Use %s to untrace a package, or %s to remove all traces."
+ (or buffer trace-buffer)
+ (substitute-command-keys "\\[untrace-package]")
+ (substitute-command-keys "\\[untrace-all]"))
+ ;; Handle `after-load' argument.
+ (when after-load
+ (trace--after-load 'prefix prefix buffer context)))
+(defun untrace-package (prefix)
+ "Remove all traces from functions with names starting with PREFIX.
+See also `trace-package'."
+ (interactive
+ (list (completing-read "Prefix of package to untrace: "
+ obarray #'trace-is-traced)))
+ (if (and (zerop (length prefix))
+ (y-or-n-p "Remove all function traces?"))
+ (untrace-all)
+ (mapc (lambda (name)
+ (untrace-function (intern name)))
+ (all-completions prefix obarray #'trace-is-traced)))
+ ;; Remove any `after-load' behaviour.
+ (trace--remove-after-load 'prefix prefix))
+(defun trace-regexp (regexp &optional after-load buffer context)
+ "Trace all functions with names matching REGEXP.
+For example, to trace indentation-related functions, you could try:
+\\[trace-regexp] RET indent\\|offset RET
+Warning: Do not attempt to trace all functions. Tracing too many
+functions at one time will render Emacs unusable.
+Background tracing is used. Switch to the trace output buffer to
+view the results. For any autoload declarations matching REGEXP,
+the associated function will be traced if and when it is defined.
+With a prefix argument, also prompt for the optional arguments.
+If AFTER-LOAD is non-nil then re-process REGEXP after loading any
+file. See `trace-function-foreground' for details of BUFFER and
+CONTEXT, and of foreground vs background tracing.
+Calling `trace-regexp' again for the same REGEXP will update the
+optional argument behaviours to respect the new values.
+See also `untrace-regexp'."
+ (interactive
+ (cons (read-regexp "Regexp matching functions to trace: ")
+ (and current-prefix-arg
+ (cons (y-or-n-p "Update traces after loading files?")
+ (trace--read-extra-args)))))
+ (when (member regexp '("" "." ".+" ".*"))
+ ;; Not comprehensive, but it catches the most likely attempts.
+ (error "Tracing all Emacs functions would render Emacs unusable"))
+ (mapatoms
+ (lambda (sym)
+ (and (trace-is-traceable-p sym)
+ (string-match-p regexp (symbol-name sym))
+ (trace-function-background sym buffer context))))
+ (message
+ "Tracing to %s. Use %s to untrace by regexp, or %s to remove all traces."
+ (or buffer trace-buffer)
+ (substitute-command-keys "\\[untrace-regexp]")
+ (substitute-command-keys "\\[untrace-all]"))
+ ;; Handle `after-load' argument.
+ (when after-load
+ (trace--after-load 'regexp regexp buffer context)))
+(defun untrace-regexp (regexp)
+ "Remove all traces from functions with names matching REGEXP.
+See also `trace-regexp'."
+ (interactive
+ (list (read-regexp "Regexp matching functions to untrace: ")))
+ (if (and (zerop (length regexp))
+ (y-or-n-p "Remove all function traces?"))
+ (untrace-all)
+ (mapatoms
+ (lambda (sym)
+ (and (trace-is-traced sym)
+ (string-match-p regexp (symbol-name sym))
+ (untrace-function sym)))))
+ ;; Remove any `after-load' behaviour.
+ (trace--remove-after-load 'regexp regexp))
+(defun trace-library (library &optional after-load buffer context)
+ "Trace functions defined by LIBRARY.
+For example, to trace tramp.el functions, you could use:
+\\[trace-library] RET tramp RET
+Background tracing is used. Switch to the trace output buffer to
+view the results. For any autoload declarations with a file name
+matching LIBRARY, the associated function will be traced if and
+when it is defined. (Autoload file names will not match if LIBRARY
+specifies a longer, more specific path.)
+With a prefix argument, also prompt for the optional arguments.
+If AFTER-LOAD is non-nil then re-process LIBRARY after loading it
+\(ensuring that all of its functions will be traced). See
+`trace-function-foreground' for details of BUFFER and CONTEXT,
+and of foreground vs background tracing.
+Calling `trace-library' again for the same LIBRARY will update the
+optional argument behaviours to respect the new values.
+See also `untrace-library'."
+ (interactive
+ (cons (trace--read-library)
+ (and current-prefix-arg
+ (cons (y-or-n-p "Update traces after loading this library?")
+ (trace--read-extra-args)))))
+ ;; Build list of library functions and autoloads.
+ (let ((defs (nconc (trace--library-defuns library)
+ (trace--library-autoloads library))))
+ ;; Trace each of those definitions.
+ (mapc (lambda (func)
+ (trace-function-background func buffer context))
+ defs))
+ ;; Handle `after-load' argument.
+ (when after-load
+ (trace--after-load 'library library buffer context)))
+(defun trace--library-defuns (library)
+ "Returns a list of loaded function definitions associated with LIBRARY."
+ (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (and (consp x)
+ (eq (car x) 'defun)
+ (cdr x)))
+ (cdr (load-history-filename-element
+ (load-history-regexp library))))))
+(defun trace--library-autoloads (library)
+ "Returns a list of all current autoloads associated with LIBRARY.
+Autoload file names will not match if LIBRARY specifies a longer,
+more specific path than that of the autoload declaration itself."
+ (let* ((functions nil)
+ (filepattern (load-history-regexp library))
+ (predicate (apply-partially 'trace--library-provides-autoload-p
+ filepattern)))
+ (mapatoms (lambda (sym)
+ (when (funcall predicate sym)
+ (push sym functions))))
+ functions))
+(defun trace--library-provides-autoload-p (filepattern sym)
+ "Whether symbol SYM is an autoload associated with FILEPATTERN.
+FILEPATTERN should be the result of calling `load-history-regexp'."
+ (when (fboundp sym)
+ (let ((f (symbol-function sym)))
+ (and (autoloadp f)
+ (string-match filepattern (cadr f))))))
+(defun untrace-library (library)
+ "Remove all traces from functions defined by LIBRARY.
+See also `trace-library'."
+ (interactive (list (trace--read-library)))
+ ;; Remove traces from known LIBRARY defuns.
+ ;; (Also process autoloads, in case LIBRARY is unloaded.)
+ (let ((defs (nconc (trace--library-defuns library)
+ (trace--library-autoloads library))))
+ (mapc (lambda (func)
+ (when (trace-is-traced func)
+ (untrace-function func)))
+ defs))
+ ;; Remove any `after-load' behaviour.
+ (trace--remove-after-load 'library library))
+(defvar trace--after-load-alist nil
+ "List of trace types to update after loading.
+Each list item has the form ((TYPE . VALUE) BUFFER CONTEXT),
+where TYPE is one of the symbols `prefix', `regexp', or `library';
+and VALUE is the respective first argument to `trace-package',
+`trace-regexp', or `trace-library'; with BUFFER and CONTEXT being
+the values of those arguments as they were passed to the same
+(defun trace--after-load (type value &optional buffer context)
+ "Arrange to update traces after libraries are loaded.
+TYPE is one of the symbols `prefix', `regexp', or `library';
+VALUE is the respective first argument to `trace-package',
+`trace-regexp', or `trace-library'; and BUFFER and CONTEXT are
+the values of those arguments as they were passed to the same
+Adds `trace--after-load-function' to `after-load-functions'."
+ ;; Remove any existing spec for this (TYPE VALUE) key.
+ (trace--remove-after-load type value)
+ ;; Add the new spec.
+ (push (list (cons type value) buffer context)
+ trace--after-load-alist)
+ ;; Arrange to call `trace--after-load-function'.
+ (add-hook 'after-load-functions #'trace--after-load-function))
+(defun trace--after-load-function (file)
+ "React to FILE being loaded. Callback for `after-load-functions'.
+See also `trace--after-load'."
+ (dolist (spec trace--after-load-alist)
+ (cl-destructuring-bind ((type . value) buffer context)
+ spec
+ (cl-case type
+ (prefix (trace-package value nil buffer context))
+ (regexp (trace-regexp value nil buffer context))
+ (library (when (string-match (load-history-regexp value) file)
+ (trace-library value nil buffer context)))))))
+(defun trace--remove-after-load (type value)
+ "Remove any (TYPE . VALUE) entry from `trace--after-load-alist'.
+Remove `trace--after-load-function' from `after-load-functions'
+if it is no longer needed."
+ (setq trace--after-load-alist
+ (cl-delete (cons type value) trace--after-load-alist
+ :key #'car :test #'equal))
+ (unless trace--after-load-alist
+ (remove-hook 'after-load-functions #'trace--after-load-function)))
+(defun trace--remove-after-load-all ()
+ "Reset `trace--after-load-alist'.
+Remove `trace--after-load-function' from `after-load-functions'"
+ (setq trace--after-load-alist nil)
+ (remove-hook 'after-load-functions #'trace--after-load-function))
(defun untrace-all ()
- "Untraces all currently traced functions."
+ "Remove traces from all currently traced functions."
- (mapatoms #'untrace-function))
+ (mapatoms #'untrace-function)
+ (trace--remove-after-load-all))
(provide 'trace)