;; `temporary-file-directory' as function is introduced with Emacs 26.1.
(declare-function tramp-handle-temporary-file-directory "tramp")
+(defconst tramp-compat-emacs-compiled-version (eval-when-compile emacs-version)
+ "The Emacs version used for compilation.")
+(unless (= emacs-major-version
+ (car (version-to-list tramp-compat-emacs-compiled-version)))
+ (warn "Tramp has been compiled with Emacs %s, this is Emacs %s"
+ tramp-compat-emacs-compiled-version emacs-version))
;; For not existing functions, obsolete functions, or functions with a
;; changed argument list, there are compiler warnings. We want to
;; avoid them in cases we know what we do.