--- /dev/null
+;;; programmer-dvorak.el --- Quail package for the programmer Dvorak layout
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Joakim Jalap <joakim.jalap@fastmail.com>
+;; Keywords: input method, Dvorak
+;; This file is released under the terms of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; This file provides an input method for the programmers Dvorak keyboard
+;;; layout by Roland Kaufman (<http://www.kaufmann.no/roland/dvorak/>).
+;;; Code:
+(require 'quail)
+ "programmer-dvorak" "English" "DVP@" t
+ "An English (ASCII) dvorak layout optimized for programming, with for example
+ brackets and parens more easily reachable."
+ nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
+;; &% [7 {5 }3 (1 =9 *0 )2 +4 ]6 !8 #` $~
+;; ;: ,< .> pP yY fF gG cC rR lL /? @^
+;; aA oO eE uU iI dD hH tT nN sS -_ \|
+;; '" qQ jJ kK xX bB mM wW vV zZ
+ ("-" ?!)
+ ("=" ?#)
+ ("`" ?$)
+ ("q" ?\;)
+ ("w" ?,)
+ ("e" ?.)
+ ("r" ?p)
+ ("t" ?y)
+ ("y" ?f)
+ ("u" ?g)
+ ("i" ?c)
+ ("o" ?r)
+ ("p" ?l)
+ ("[" ?/)
+ ("]" ?@)
+ ("a" ?a)
+ ("s" ?o)
+ ("d" ?e)
+ ("f" ?u)
+ ("g" ?i)
+ ("h" ?d)
+ ("j" ?h)
+ ("k" ?t)
+ ("l" ?n)
+ (";" ?s)
+ ("'" ?-)
+ ("\\" ?\\)
+ ("z" ?\')
+ ("x" ?q)
+ ("c" ?j)
+ ("v" ?k)
+ ("b" ?x)
+ ("n" ?b)
+ ("m" ?m)
+ ("," ?w)
+ ("." ?v)
+ ("/" ?z)
+ ("_" ?8)
+ ("+" ?`)
+ ("~" ?~)
+ ("Q" ?:)
+ ("W" ?<)
+ ("E" ?>)
+ ("R" ?P)
+ ("T" ?Y)
+ ("Y" ?F)
+ ("U" ?G)
+ ("I" ?C)
+ ("O" ?R)
+ ("P" ?L)
+ ("{" ??)
+ ("}" ?^)
+ ("A" ?A)
+ ("S" ?O)
+ ("D" ?E)
+ ("F" ?U)
+ ("G" ?I)
+ ("H" ?D)
+ ("J" ?H)
+ ("K" ?T)
+ ("L" ?N)
+ (":" ?S)
+ ("\"" ?_)
+ ("|" ?|)
+ ("Z" ?\")
+ ("X" ?Q)
+ ("C" ?J)
+ ("V" ?K)
+ ("B" ?X)
+ ("N" ?B)
+ ("M" ?M)
+ ("<" ?W)
+ (">" ?V)
+ ("?" ?Z)
+ ("1" ?&)
+ ("2" ?\[)
+ ("3" ?{)
+ ("4" ?})
+ ("5" ?\()
+ ("6" ?=)
+ ("7" ?\*)
+ ("8" ?\))
+ ("9" ?+)
+ ("0" ?\])
+ ("!" ?%)
+ ("@" ?7)
+ ("#" ?5)
+ ("$" ?3)
+ ("%" ?1)
+ ("^" ?9)
+ ("&" ?0)
+ ("*" ?2)
+ ("(" ?4)
+ (")" ?6)
+ )
+;;; programmer-dvorak.el ends here