;;; Code:
-(require 'disass)
+(require 'bytecomp)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
(defgroup comp nil
"Emacs Lisp native compiler."
:group 'lisp)
-(defun comp-recuparate-lap (fun)
- "Compile FUN if necessary and recuparate its LAP rapresentation."
- (byte-compile-close-variables
- (byte-compile-top-level (byte-compile-preprocess fun))
- byte-compile-lap-output))
+(defconst comp-debug t)
-(defun comp-compute-blocks (obj)
- "Split OBJ in basic blocks."
- obj)
+(defconst comp-passes '(comp-recuparate-lap
+ comp-limplify)
+ "Passes to be executed in order.")
+(cl-defstruct comp-args
+ mandatory nonrest rest)
+(cl-defstruct (comp-func (:copier nil))
+ "Internal rapresentation for a function."
+ (symbol-name nil
+ :documentation "Function symbol's name")
+ (func nil
+ :documentation "Original form")
+ (byte-func nil
+ :documentation "Byte compiled version")
+ (ir nil
+ :documentation "Current intermediate rappresentation")
+ (args nil :type 'comp-args))
+(cl-defstruct (comp-meta-var (:copier nil))
+ "A frame slot into the meta-stack."
+ (slot nil :type fixnum
+ :documentation "Slot position into the meta-stack")
+ (const-vld nil
+ :documentation "Valid for the following slot")
+ (constant nil
+ :documentation "When const-vld non nil this is used for constant
+ propagation")
+ (type nil
+ :documentation "When non nil is used for type propagation"))
+(cl-defstruct (comp-limple-frame (:copier nil))
+ "A LIMPLE func."
+ (sp 0 :type 'fixnum
+ :documentation "Current stack pointer")
+ (frame nil :type 'vector
+ :documentation "Meta-stack used to flat LAP"))
+(defun comp-decrypt-lambda-list (x)
+ "Decript lambda list X."
+ (make-comp-args :rest (not (= (logand x 128) 0))
+ :mandatory (logand x 127)
+ :nonrest (ash x -8)))
+(defun comp-recuparate-lap (ir)
+ "Byte compile and recuparate LAP rapresentation for IR."
+ ;; FIXME block timers here, otherwise we could spill the wrong LAP.
+ (setf (comp-func-byte-func ir)
+ (byte-compile (comp-func-symbol-name ir)))
+ (when comp-debug
+ (cl-prettyprint byte-compile-lap-output))
+ (setf (comp-func-args ir)
+ (comp-decrypt-lambda-list (aref (comp-func-byte-func ir) 0)))
+ (setf (comp-func-ir ir) byte-compile-lap-output)
+ ir)
+(defmacro comp-sp ()
+ "Current stack pointer."
+ '(comp-limple-frame-sp frame))
+(defmacro comp-slot ()
+ "Current slot into the meta-stack pointed by sp."
+ '(aref (comp-limple-frame-frame frame) (comp-sp)))
+(defmacro comp-push (n)
+ "Push slot number N into frame."
+ `(progn
+ (cl-incf (comp-sp))
+ (list '= (comp-slot) ,n)))
+(defmacro comp-push-slot (n)
+ "Push slot number N into frame."
+ `(let ((src-slot (aref (comp-limple-frame-frame frame) ,n)))
+ (cl-incf (comp-sp))
+ (setf (comp-slot)
+ (copy-sequence src-slot))
+ (setf (comp-meta-var-slot (comp-slot)) (comp-sp))
+ (list '= (comp-slot) src-slot)))
+(defmacro comp-push-const (x)
+ "Push X into frame.
+X value is known at compile time."
+ `(progn
+ (cl-incf (comp-sp))
+ (setf (comp-slot) (make-comp-meta-var :slot (comp-sp)
+ :const-vld t
+ :constant ,x))
+ (list '= (comp-slot) ,x)))
+(defmacro comp-pop (n)
+ "Pop N elements from the meta-stack."
+ `(cl-decf (comp-sp) ,n))
+(defun comp-limplify-lap-inst (inst frame)
+ "Limplify LAP instruction INST in current FRAME."
+ (let ((op (car inst)))
+ (pcase op
+ ('byte-varref
+ (comp-push `(call Fsymbol_value ,(second inst))))
+ ('byte-constant
+ (comp-push-const (second inst)))
+ ('byte-stack-ref
+ (comp-push-slot (- (comp-sp) (cdr inst))))
+ ('byte-plus
+ (comp-pop 2)
+ (comp-push `(callref Fplus 2 ,(comp-sp))))
+ ('byte-return
+ `(return ,(comp-sp)))
+ (_ 'xxx))))
+(defun comp-limplify (ir)
+ "Take IR and return LIMPLE."
+ (let* ((frame-size (aref (comp-func-byte-func ir) 3))
+ (frame (make-comp-limple-frame
+ :sp (1- (comp-args-mandatory (comp-func-args ir)))
+ :frame (let ((v (make-vector frame-size nil)))
+ (cl-loop for i below frame-size
+ do (aset v i (make-comp-meta-var :slot i)))
+ v)))
+ (limple-ir
+ (cl-loop
+ for inst in (comp-func-ir ir)
+ collect (comp-limplify-lap-inst inst frame))))
+ (setf (comp-func-ir ir) limple-ir)
+ (when comp-debug
+ (cl-prettyprint (comp-func-ir ir)))
+ ir))
(defun native-compile (fun)
"FUN is the function definition to be compiled to native code."
+ (unless lexical-binding
+ (error "Can't compile a non lexical binded function"))
(if-let ((f (symbol-function fun)))
- (comp-recuparate-lap f)
+ (progn
+ (when (byte-code-function-p f)
+ (error "Can't native compile an already bytecompiled function"))
+ (cl-loop with ir = (make-comp-func :symbol-name fun
+ :func f)
+ for pass in comp-passes
+ do (funcall pass ir)
+ finally return ir))
(error "Trying to native compile not a function")))
(provide 'comp)