(autoload 'rfc2104-hash "rfc2104")
+(autoload 'plstore-open "plstore")
+(autoload 'plstore-find "plstore")
+(autoload 'plstore-put "plstore")
+(autoload 'plstore-save "plstore")
(defvar secrets-enabled)
(defgroup auth-source nil
:type t
:custom string
:documentation "The backend protocol.")
+ (arg :initarg :arg
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "The backend arg.")
(create-function :initarg :create-function
:initform ignore
:type function
;; a file name with parameters
((stringp (plist-get entry :source))
- (auth-source-backend
- (plist-get entry :source)
- :source (plist-get entry :source)
- :type 'netrc
- :search-function 'auth-source-netrc-search
- :create-function 'auth-source-netrc-create))
+ (if (equal (file-name-extension (plist-get entry :source)) "plist")
+ (auth-source-backend
+ (plist-get entry :source)
+ :source (plist-get entry :source)
+ :type 'plstore
+ :search-function 'auth-source-plstore-search
+ :create-function 'auth-source-plstore-create
+ :arg (plstore-open (plist-get entry :source)))
+ (auth-source-backend
+ (plist-get entry :source)
+ :source (plist-get entry :source)
+ :type 'netrc
+ :search-function 'auth-source-netrc-search
+ :create-function 'auth-source-netrc-create)))
;; the Secrets API. We require the package, in order to have a
;; defined value for `secrets-enabled'.
;; (apply 'secrets-create-item (auth-get-source entry) name passwd spec)
(debug spec))
+;;; Backend specific parsing: PLSTORE backend
+(defun* auth-source-plstore-search (&rest
+ spec
+ &key backend create delete label
+ type max host user port
+ &allow-other-keys)
+ "Search the PLSTORE; spec is like `auth-source'."
+ ;; TODO
+ (assert (not delete) nil
+ "The PLSTORE auth-source backend doesn't support deletion yet")
+ (let* ((store (oref backend arg))
+ (max (or max 5000)) ; sanity check: default to stop at 5K
+ (ignored-keys '(:create :delete :max :backend :require))
+ (search-keys (loop for i below (length spec) by 2
+ unless (memq (nth i spec) ignored-keys)
+ collect (nth i spec)))
+ ;; build a search spec without the ignored keys
+ ;; if a search key is nil or t (match anything), we skip it
+ (search-spec (apply 'append (mapcar
+ (lambda (k)
+ (let ((v (plist-get spec k)))
+ (if (or (null v)
+ (eq t v))
+ nil
+ (if (stringp v)
+ (setq v (list v)))
+ (list k v))))
+ search-keys)))
+ ;; needed keys (always including host, login, port, and secret)
+ (returned-keys (mm-delete-duplicates (append
+ '(:host :login :port :secret)
+ search-keys)))
+ (items (plstore-find store search-spec))
+ (items (butlast items (- (length items) max)))
+ ;; convert the item to a full plist
+ (items (mapcar (lambda (item)
+ (let* ((plist (copy-tree (cdr item)))
+ (secret (plist-member plist :secret)))
+ (if secret
+ (setcar
+ (cdr secret)
+ (lexical-let ((v (car (cdr secret))))
+ (lambda () v))))
+ plist))
+ items))
+ ;; ensure each item has each key in `returned-keys'
+ (items (mapcar (lambda (plist)
+ (append
+ (apply 'append
+ (mapcar (lambda (req)
+ (if (plist-get plist req)
+ nil
+ (list req nil)))
+ returned-keys))
+ plist))
+ items)))
+ ;; if we need to create an entry AND none were found to match
+ (when (and create
+ (not items))
+ ;; create based on the spec and record the value
+ (setq items (or
+ ;; if the user did not want to create the entry
+ ;; in the file, it will be returned
+ (apply (slot-value backend 'create-function) spec)
+ ;; if not, we do the search again without :create
+ ;; to get the updated data.
+ ;; the result will be returned, even if the search fails
+ (apply 'auth-source-plstore-search
+ (plist-put spec :create nil)))))
+ items))
+(defun* auth-source-plstore-create (&rest spec
+ &key backend
+ secret host user port create
+ &allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((base-required '(host user port secret))
+ (base-secret '(secret))
+ ;; we know (because of an assertion in auth-source-search) that the
+ ;; :create parameter is either t or a list (which includes nil)
+ (create-extra (if (eq t create) nil create))
+ (current-data (car (auth-source-search :max 1
+ :host host
+ :port port)))
+ (required (append base-required create-extra))
+ (file (oref backend source))
+ (add "")
+ ;; `valist' is an alist
+ valist
+ ;; `artificial' will be returned if no creation is needed
+ artificial
+ secret-artificial)
+ ;; only for base required elements (defined as function parameters):
+ ;; fill in the valist with whatever data we may have from the search
+ ;; we complete the first value if it's a list and use the value otherwise
+ (dolist (br base-required)
+ (when (symbol-value br)
+ (let ((br-choice (cond
+ ;; all-accepting choice (predicate is t)
+ ((eq t (symbol-value br)) nil)
+ ;; just the value otherwise
+ (t (symbol-value br)))))
+ (when br-choice
+ (aput 'valist br br-choice)))))
+ ;; for extra required elements, see if the spec includes a value for them
+ (dolist (er create-extra)
+ (let ((name (concat ":" (symbol-name er)))
+ (keys (loop for i below (length spec) by 2
+ collect (nth i spec))))
+ (dolist (k keys)
+ (when (equal (symbol-name k) name)
+ (aput 'valist er (plist-get spec k))))))
+ ;; for each required element
+ (dolist (r required)
+ (let* ((data (aget valist r))
+ ;; take the first element if the data is a list
+ (data (or (auth-source-netrc-element-or-first data)
+ (plist-get current-data
+ (intern (format ":%s" r) obarray))))
+ ;; this is the default to be offered
+ (given-default (aget auth-source-creation-defaults r))
+ ;; the default supplementals are simple:
+ ;; for the user, try `given-default' and then (user-login-name);
+ ;; otherwise take `given-default'
+ (default (cond
+ ((and (not given-default) (eq r 'user))
+ (user-login-name))
+ (t given-default)))
+ (printable-defaults (list
+ (cons 'user
+ (or
+ (auth-source-netrc-element-or-first
+ (aget valist 'user))
+ (plist-get artificial :user)
+ "[any user]"))
+ (cons 'host
+ (or
+ (auth-source-netrc-element-or-first
+ (aget valist 'host))
+ (plist-get artificial :host)
+ "[any host]"))
+ (cons 'port
+ (or
+ (auth-source-netrc-element-or-first
+ (aget valist 'port))
+ (plist-get artificial :port)
+ "[any port]"))))
+ (prompt (or (aget auth-source-creation-prompts r)
+ (case r
+ (secret "%p password for %u@%h: ")
+ (user "%p user name for %h: ")
+ (host "%p host name for user %u: ")
+ (port "%p port for %u@%h: "))
+ (format "Enter %s (%%u@%%h:%%p): " r)))
+ (prompt (auth-source-format-prompt
+ prompt
+ `((?u ,(aget printable-defaults 'user))
+ (?h ,(aget printable-defaults 'host))
+ (?p ,(aget printable-defaults 'port))))))
+ ;; Store the data, prompting for the password if needed.
+ (setq data
+ (cond
+ ((and (null data) (eq r 'secret))
+ ;; Special case prompt for passwords.
+ (read-passwd prompt))
+ ((null data)
+ (when default
+ (setq prompt
+ (if (string-match ": *\\'" prompt)
+ (concat (substring prompt 0 (match-beginning 0))
+ " (default " default "): ")
+ (concat prompt "(default " default ") "))))
+ (read-string prompt nil nil default))
+ (t (or data default))))
+ (when data
+ (if (member r base-secret)
+ (setq secret-artificial
+ (plist-put secret-artificial
+ (intern (concat ":" (symbol-name r)))
+ data))
+ (setq artificial (plist-put artificial
+ (intern (concat ":" (symbol-name r)))
+ data))))))
+ (plstore-put (oref backend arg)
+ (sha1 (format "%s@%s:%s"
+ (plist-get artificial :user)
+ (plist-get artificial :host)
+ (plist-get artificial :port)))
+ artificial secret-artificial)
+ (if (y-or-n-p (format "Save auth info to file %s? "
+ (plstore-get-file (oref backend arg))))
+ (plstore-save (oref backend arg)))))
;;; older API
;;; (auth-source-user-or-password '("login" "password") "imap.myhost.com" t "tzz")
--- /dev/null
+;;; plstore.el --- searchable, partially encrypted, persistent plist store -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Daiki Ueno <ueno@unixuser.org>
+;; Keywords: PGP, GnuPG
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary
+;; Creating:
+;; (setq store (plstore-open (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/auth.plist")))
+;; (plstore-put store "foo" '(:host "foo.example.org" :port 80) nil)
+;; (plstore-save store)
+;; ;; :user property is secret
+;; (plstore-put store "bar" '(:host "bar.example.org") '(:user "test"))
+;; (plstore-put store "baz" '(:host "baz.example.org") '(:user "test"))
+;; (plstore-save store) ;<= will ask passphrase via GPG
+;; (plstore-close store)
+;; Searching:
+;; (setq store (plstore-open (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/auth.plist")))
+;; (plstore-find store '(:host ("foo.example.org")))
+;; (plstore-find store '(:host ("bar.example.org"))) ;<= will ask passphrase via GPG
+;; (plstore-close store)
+;;; Code:
+(require 'epg)
+(defvar plstore-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption nil)
+(defvar plstore-passphrase-alist nil)
+(defun plstore-passphrase-callback-function (_context _key-id plstore)
+ (if plstore-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption
+ (let* ((file (file-truename (plstore--get-buffer plstore)))
+ (entry (assoc file plstore-passphrase-alist))
+ passphrase)
+ (or (copy-sequence (cdr entry))
+ (progn
+ (unless entry
+ (setq entry (list file)
+ plstore-passphrase-alist
+ (cons entry
+ plstore-passphrase-alist)))
+ (setq passphrase
+ (read-passwd (format "Passphrase for PLSTORE %s: "
+ (plstore--get-buffer plstore))))
+ (setcdr entry (copy-sequence passphrase))
+ passphrase)))
+ (read-passwd (format "Passphrase for PLSTORE %s: "
+ (plstore--get-buffer plstore)))))
+(defun plstore-progress-callback-function (_context _what _char current total
+ handback)
+ (if (= current total)
+ (message "%s...done" handback)
+ (message "%s...%d%%" handback
+ (if (> total 0) (floor (* (/ current (float total)) 100)) 0))))
+(defun plstore--get-buffer (this)
+ (aref this 0))
+(defun plstore--get-alist (this)
+ (aref this 1))
+(defun plstore--get-encrypted-data (this)
+ (aref this 2))
+(defun plstore--get-secret-alist (this)
+ (aref this 3))
+(defun plstore--get-merged-alist (this)
+ (aref this 4))
+(defun plstore--set-file (this file)
+ (aset this 0 file))
+(defun plstore--set-alist (this plist)
+ (aset this 1 plist))
+(defun plstore--set-encrypted-data (this encrypted-data)
+ (aset this 2 encrypted-data))
+(defun plstore--set-secret-alist (this secret-alist)
+ (aset this 3 secret-alist))
+(defun plstore--set-merged-alist (this merged-alist)
+ (aset this 4 merged-alist))
+(defun plstore-get-file (this)
+ (buffer-file-name (plstore--get-buffer this)))
+(defun plstore-open (file)
+ "Create a plstore instance associated with FILE."
+ (let ((store (vector
+ (find-file-noselect file)
+ nil ;plist (plist)
+ nil ;encrypted data (string)
+ nil ;secret plist (plist)
+ nil ;merged plist (plist)
+ )))
+ (with-current-buffer (plstore--get-buffer store)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (looking-at ";;; public entries\n")
+ (forward-line)
+ (plstore--set-alist store (read (point-marker)))
+ (forward-sexp)
+ (forward-char)
+ (when (looking-at ";;; secret entries\n")
+ (forward-line)
+ (plstore--set-encrypted-data store (read (point-marker))))
+ (plstore--merge-secret store)))
+ store))
+(defun plstore-close (plstore)
+ "Destroy a plstore instance PLSTORE."
+ (kill-buffer (plstore--get-buffer plstore)))
+(defun plstore--merge-secret (plstore)
+ (let ((alist (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore))
+ modified-alist
+ modified-plist
+ modified-entry
+ entry
+ plist
+ placeholder)
+ (plstore--set-merged-alist
+ plstore
+ (copy-tree (plstore--get-alist plstore)))
+ (setq modified-alist (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore))
+ (while alist
+ (setq entry (car alist)
+ alist (cdr alist)
+ plist (cdr entry)
+ modified-entry (assoc (car entry) modified-alist)
+ modified-plist (cdr modified-entry))
+ (while plist
+ (setq placeholder
+ (plist-member
+ modified-plist
+ (intern (concat ":secret-"
+ (substring (symbol-name (car plist)) 1)))))
+ (if placeholder
+ (setcar placeholder (car plist)))
+ (setq modified-plist
+ (plist-put modified-plist (car plist) (car (cdr plist))))
+ (setq plist (nthcdr 2 plist)))
+ (setcdr modified-entry modified-plist))))
+(defun plstore--decrypt (plstore)
+ (if (plstore--get-encrypted-data plstore)
+ (let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP))
+ plain)
+ (epg-context-set-passphrase-callback
+ context
+ (cons #'plstore-passphrase-callback-function
+ plstore))
+ (epg-context-set-progress-callback
+ context
+ (cons #'plstore-progress-callback-function
+ (format "Decrypting %s" (plstore-get-file plstore))))
+ (setq plain
+ (epg-decrypt-string context
+ (plstore--get-encrypted-data plstore)))
+ (plstore--set-secret-alist plstore (car (read-from-string plain)))
+ (plstore--merge-secret plstore)
+ (plstore--set-encrypted-data plstore nil))))
+(defun plstore--match (entry keys skip-if-secret-found)
+ (let ((result t) key-name key-value prop-value secret-name)
+ (while keys
+ (setq key-name (car keys)
+ key-value (car (cdr keys))
+ prop-value (plist-get (cdr entry) key-name))
+ (unless (member prop-value key-value)
+ (if skip-if-secret-found
+ (progn
+ (setq secret-name
+ (intern (concat ":secret-"
+ (substring (symbol-name key-name) 1))))
+ (if (plist-member (cdr entry) secret-name)
+ (setq result 'secret)
+ (setq result nil
+ keys nil)))
+ (setq result nil
+ keys nil)))
+ (setq keys (nthcdr 2 keys)))
+ result))
+(defun plstore-find (plstore keys)
+ "Perform search on PLSTORE with KEYS.
+KEYS is a plist."
+ (let (entries alist entry match decrypt plist)
+ ;; First, go through the merged plist alist and collect entries
+ ;; matched with keys.
+ (setq alist (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore))
+ (while alist
+ (setq entry (car alist)
+ alist (cdr alist)
+ match (plstore--match entry keys t))
+ (if (eq match 'secret)
+ (setq decrypt t)
+ (when match
+ (setq plist (cdr entry))
+ (while plist
+ (if (string-match "\\`:secret-" (symbol-name (car plist)))
+ (setq decrypt t
+ plist nil))
+ (setq plist (nthcdr 2 plist)))
+ (setq entries (cons entry entries)))))
+ ;; Second, decrypt the encrypted plist and try again.
+ (when decrypt
+ (setq entries nil)
+ (plstore--decrypt plstore)
+ (setq alist (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore))
+ (while alist
+ (setq entry (car alist)
+ alist (cdr alist)
+ match (plstore--match entry keys nil))
+ (if match
+ (setq entries (cons entry entries)))))
+ (nreverse entries)))
+(defun plstore-get (plstore name)
+ "Get an entry with NAME in PLSTORE."
+ (let ((entry (assoc name (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore)))
+ plist)
+ (setq plist (cdr entry))
+ (while plist
+ (if (string-match "\\`:secret-" (symbol-name (car plist)))
+ (progn
+ (plstore--decrypt plstore)
+ (setq entry (assoc name (plstore--get-merged-alist plstore))
+ plist nil))
+ (setq plist (nthcdr 2 plist))))
+ entry))
+(defun plstore-put (plstore name keys secret-keys)
+ "Put an entry with NAME in PLSTORE.
+KEYS is a plist containing non-secret data.
+SECRET-KEYS is a plist containing secret data."
+ (let (entry
+ plist
+ secret-plist
+ symbol)
+ (if secret-keys
+ (plstore--decrypt plstore))
+ (while secret-keys
+ (setq symbol
+ (intern (concat ":secret-"
+ (substring (symbol-name (car secret-keys)) 1))))
+ (setq plist (plist-put plist symbol t)
+ secret-plist (plist-put secret-plist
+ (car secret-keys) (car (cdr secret-keys)))
+ secret-keys (nthcdr 2 secret-keys)))
+ (while keys
+ (setq symbol
+ (intern (concat ":secret-"
+ (substring (symbol-name (car keys)) 1))))
+ (setq plist (plist-put plist (car keys) (car (cdr keys)))
+ keys (nthcdr 2 keys)))
+ (setq entry (assoc name (plstore--get-alist plstore)))
+ (if entry
+ (setcdr entry plist)
+ (plstore--set-alist
+ plstore
+ (cons (cons name plist) (plstore--get-alist plstore))))
+ (when secret-plist
+ (setq entry (assoc name (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore)))
+ (if entry
+ (setcdr entry secret-plist)
+ (plstore--set-secret-alist
+ plstore
+ (cons (cons name secret-plist) (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore)))))
+ (plstore--merge-secret plstore)))
+(defvar pp-escape-newlines)
+(defun plstore-save (plstore)
+ "Save the contents of PLSTORE associated with a FILE."
+ (with-current-buffer (plstore--get-buffer plstore)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert ";;; public entries\n" (pp-to-string (plstore--get-alist plstore)))
+ (if (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore)
+ (let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP))
+ (pp-escape-newlines nil)
+ cipher)
+ (epg-context-set-armor context t)
+ (epg-context-set-passphrase-callback
+ context
+ (cons #'plstore-passphrase-callback-function
+ plstore))
+ (setq cipher (epg-encrypt-string context
+ (pp-to-string
+ (plstore--get-secret-alist plstore))
+ nil))
+ (insert ";;; secret entries\n" (pp-to-string cipher))))
+ (save-buffer)))
+(provide 'plstore)
+;;; plstore.el ends here