(ignore-errors (delete-file tmp-name1))
(tramp-cleanup-connection tramp-test-vec 'keep-debug 'keep-password)))))
+;; The function was introduced in Emacs 28.1.
+(ert-deftest tramp-test39-detect-external-change ()
+ "Check that an external file modification is reported."
+ (skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))
+ (skip-unless (not (tramp--test-ange-ftp-p)))
+ ;; Since Emacs 28.1.
+ (skip-unless (fboundp 'file-locked-p))
+ (dolist (quoted (if (tramp--test-expensive-test-p) '(nil t) '(nil)))
+ (dolist (create-lockfiles '(nil t))
+ (let ((tmp-name (tramp--test-make-temp-name nil quoted))
+ (remote-file-name-inhibit-cache t)
+ (remote-file-name-inhibit-locks nil)
+ tramp-allow-unsafe-temporary-files
+ (inhibit-message t)
+ ;; tramp-rclone.el and tramp-sshfs.el cache the mounted files.
+ (tramp-fuse-unmount-on-cleanup t)
+ auto-save-default
+ (backup-inhibited t)
+ noninteractive)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setq buffer-file-name tmp-name
+ buffer-file-truename tmp-name)
+ (insert "foo")
+ ;; Bug#53207: with `create-lockfiles' nil, saving the
+ ;; buffer results in a prompt.
+ (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'yes-or-no-p)
+ (lambda (_) (ert-fail "Test failed unexpectedly"))))
+ (save-buffer))
+ (should-not (file-locked-p tmp-name))
+ ;; For local files, just changing the file
+ ;; modification on disk doesn't hurt, because file
+ ;; contents in buffer and on disk are equal. For
+ ;; remote files, file contents is not compared. We
+ ;; mock an older modification time in buffer, because
+ ;; Tramp regards modification times equal if they
+ ;; differ for less than 2 seconds.
+ (set-visited-file-modtime (time-add (current-time) -60))
+ ;; Some Tramp methods cannot check the file
+ ;; modification time properly, for them it doesn't
+ ;; make sense to test.
+ (when (not (verify-visited-file-modtime))
+ (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'read-char-choice)
+ (lambda (prompt &rest _) (message "%s" prompt) ?y)))
+ (ert-with-message-capture captured-messages
+ (insert "bar")
+ (when create-lockfiles
+ (should (string-match-p
+ (format
+ "^%s changed on disk; really edit the buffer\\?"
+ (if (tramp--test-crypt-p)
+ ".+" (file-name-nondirectory tmp-name)))
+ captured-messages))
+ (should (file-locked-p tmp-name)))))
+ ;; `save-buffer' removes the file lock.
+ (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'yes-or-no-p) #'tramp--test-always)
+ ((symbol-function 'read-char-choice)
+ (lambda (&rest _) ?y)))
+ (save-buffer))
+ (should-not (file-locked-p tmp-name))))
+ ;; Cleanup.
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+ (ignore-errors (delete-file tmp-name))
+ (tramp-cleanup-connection
+ tramp-test-vec 'keep-debug 'keep-password)))))))
+;; The functions were introduced in Emacs 26.1.
(ert-deftest tramp-test40-make-nearby-temp-file ()
"Check `make-nearby-temp-file' and `temporary-file-directory'."
(skip-unless (tramp--test-enabled))