:group 'f90)
(defconst f90-keywords-re
- ;;("allocate" "allocatable" "assign" "assignment" "backspace" "block"
- ;;"call" "case" "character" "close" "common" "complex" "contains"
- ;;"continue" "cycle" "data" "deallocate" "dimension" "do" "double" "else"
- ;;"elseif" "elsewhere" "end" "enddo" "endfile" "endif" "entry" "equivalence"
- ;;"exit" "external" "forall" "format" "function" "goto" "if" "implicit"
- ;;"include" "inquire" "integer" "intent" "interface" "intrinsic" "logical"
- ;;"module" "namelist" "none" "nullify" "only" "open" "operator" "optional" "parameter"
- ;;"pause" "pointer" "precision" "print" "private" "procedure" "program"
- ;;"public" "read" "real" "recursive" "result" "return" "rewind" "save" "select"
- ;;"sequence" "stop" "subroutine" "target" "then" "type" "use" "where"
- ;;"while" "write")
- (concat
- "\\<\\(a\\(llocat\\(able\\|e\\)\\|ssign\\(\\|ment\\)\\)\\|b\\(ackspace\\|"
- "lock\\)\\|c\\(a\\(ll\\|se\\)\\|haracter\\|lose\\|o\\(m\\(mon\\|plex\\)\\|"
- "nt\\(ains\\|inue\\)\\)\\|ycle\\)\\|d\\(ata\\|eallocate\\|imension\\|"
- "o\\(\\|uble\\)\\)\\|e\\(lse\\(\\|if\\|where\\)\\|n\\(d\\(\\|do\\|file\\|"
- "if\\)\\|try\\)\\|quivalence\\|x\\(it\\|ternal\\)\\)\\|f\\(or\\(all\\|"
- "mat\\)\\|unction\\)\\|goto\\|i\\(f\\|mplicit\\|n\\(clude\\|quire\\|t\\("
- "e\\(ger\\|nt\\|rface\\)\\|rinsic\\)\\)\\)\\|logical\\|module\\|n\\("
- "amelist\\|one\\|ullify\\)\\|o\\(nly\\|p\\(en\\|erator\\|tional\\)\\)\\|p\\(a\\("
- "rameter\\|use\\)\\|ointer\\|r\\(ecision\\|i\\(nt\\|vate\\)\\|o\\("
- "cedure\\|gram\\)\\)\\|ublic\\)\\|re\\(a[dl]\\|cursive\\|sult\\|turn\\|wind\\)\\|"
- "s\\(ave\\|e\\(lect\\|quence\\)\\|top\\|ubroutine\\)\\|t\\(arget\\|hen\\|"
- "ype\\)\\|use\\|w\\(h\\(ere\\|ile\\)\\|rite\\)\\)\\>")
+ (regexp-opt '("allocatable" "allocate" "assign" "assignment" "backspace"
+ "block" "call" "case" "character" "close" "common" "complex"
+ "contains" "continue" "cycle" "data" "deallocate"
+ "dimension" "do" "double" "else" "elseif" "elsewhere" "end"
+ "enddo" "endfile" "endif" "entry" "equivalence" "exit"
+ "external" "forall" "format" "function" "goto" "if"
+ "implicit" "include" "inquire" "integer" "intent"
+ "interface" "intrinsic" "logical" "module" "namelist" "none"
+ "nullify" "only" "open" "operator" "optional" "parameter"
+ "pause" "pointer" "precision" "print" "private" "procedure"
+ "program" "public" "read" "real" "recursive" "result" "return"
+ "rewind" "save" "select" "sequence" "stop" "subroutine"
+ "target" "then" "type" "use" "where" "while" "write"
+ ;; F95 keywords.
+ "elemental" "pure") 'words)
"Regexp for F90 keywords.")
(defconst f90-keywords-level-3-re
- ;; ("allocate" "allocatable" "assign" "assignment" "backspace" "close"
- ;; "deallocate" "dimension" "endfile" "entry" "equivalence" "external"
- ;; "inquire" "intent" "intrinsic" "nullify" "only" "open" "operator"
- ;; "optional" "parameter" "pause" "pointer" "print" "private" "public"
- ;; "read" "recursive" "result" "rewind" "save" "select" "sequence"
- ;; "target" "write")
- (concat
- "\\<\\(a\\(llocat\\(able\\|e\\)\\|ssign\\(\\|ment\\)\\)\\|backspace\\|"
- "close\\|d\\(eallocate\\|imension\\)\\|e\\(n\\(dfile\\|try\\)\\|"
- "quivalence\\|xternal\\)\\|"
- "in\\(quire\\|t\\(ent\\|rinsic\\)\\)\\|nullify\\|"
- "o\\(nly\\|p\\(en\\|erator\\|tional\\)\\)\\|"
- "p\\(a\\(rameter\\|use\\)\\|ointer\\|ri\\(nt\\|vate\\)\\|ublic\\)\\|re\\("
- "ad\\|cursive\\|sult\\|wind\\)\\|s\\(ave\\|e\\(lect\\|quence\\)\\)\\|target\\|"
- "write\\)\\>")
-"Keyword-regexp for font-lock level >= 3.")
+ (regexp-opt
+ '("allocatable" "allocate" "assign" "assignment" "backspace"
+ "close" "deallocate" "dimension" "endfile" "entry" "equivalence"
+ "external" "inquire" "intent" "intrinsic" "nullify" "only" "open"
+ "operator" "optional" "parameter" "pause" "pointer" "print" "private"
+ "public" "read" "recursive" "result" "rewind" "save" "select"
+ "sequence" "target" "write"
+ ;; F95 keywords.
+ "elemental" "pure") 'words)
+ "Keyword-regexp for font-lock level >= 3.")
(defconst f90-procedures-re
- ;; ("abs" "achar" "acos" "adjustl" "adjustr" "aimag" "aint" "all" "allocated"
- ;; "anint" "any" "asin" "associated" "atan" "atan2" "bit_size" "btest"
- ;; "ceiling" "char" "cmplx" "conjg" "cos" "cosh" "count" "cshift"
- ;; "date_and_time" "dble" "digits" "dim" "dot_product" "dprod" "eoshift"
- ;; "epsilon" "exp" "exponent" "floor" "fraction" "huge" "iachar" "iand"
- ;; "ibclr" "ibits" "ibset" "ichar" "ieor" "index" "int" "ior" "ishft"
- ;; "ishftc" "kind" "lbound" "len" "len_trim" "lge" "lgt" "lle" "llt" "log"
- ;; "logical" "log10" "matmul" "max" "maxexponent" "maxloc" "maxval" "merge"
- ;; "min" "minexponent" "minloc" "minval" "mod" "modulo" "mvbits" "nearest"
- ;; "nint" "not" "pack" "precision" "present" "product" "radix"
- ;; "random_number" "random_seed" "range" "real" "repeat" "reshape"
- ;; "rrspacing" "scale" "scan" "selected_int_kind" "selected_real_kind"
- ;; "set_exponent" "shape" "sign" "sin" "sinh" "size" "spacing" "spread"
- ;; "sqrt" "sum" "system_clock" "tan" "tanh" "tiny" "transfer" "transpose"
- ;; "trim" "ubound" "unpack" "verify")
- ;; A left parenthesis to avoid highlighting non-procedures.
- ;; Real is taken out here to avoid highlighting declarations.
- (concat
- "\\<\\(a\\(bs\\|c\\(har\\|os\\)\\|djust[lr]\\|i\\(mag\\|nt\\)\\|ll\\(\\|"
- "ocated\\)\\|n\\(int\\|y\\)\\|s\\(in\\|sociated\\)\\|tan2?\\)\\|b\\("
- "it_size\\|test\\)\\|c\\(eiling\\|har\\|mplx\\|o\\(njg\\|sh?\\|unt\\)\\|"
- "shift\\)\\|d\\(ate_and_time\\|ble\\|i\\(gits\\|m\\)\\|ot_product\\|prod"
- "\\)\\|e\\(oshift\\|psilon\\|xp\\(\\|onent\\)\\)\\|f\\(loor\\|"
- "raction\\)\\|huge\\|i\\(a\\(char\\|nd\\)\\|b\\(clr\\|its\\|set\\)\\|"
- "char\\|eor\\|n\\(dex\\|t\\)\\|or\\|shftc?\\)\\|kind\\|l\\(bound\\|"
- "en\\(\\|_trim\\)\\|g[et]\\|l[et]\\|og\\(\\|10\\|ical\\)\\)\\|m\\(a\\("
- "tmul\\|x\\(\\|exponent\\|loc\\|val\\)\\)\\|erge\\|in\\(\\|exponent\\|"
- "loc\\|val\\)\\|od\\(\\|ulo\\)\\|vbits\\)\\|n\\(earest\\|int\\|ot\\)\\|"
- "p\\(ack\\|r\\(e\\(cision\\|sent\\)\\|oduct\\)\\)\\|r\\(a\\(dix\\|n\\("
- "dom_\\(number\\|seed\\)\\|ge\\)\\)\\|e\\(peat\\|shape\\)\\|rspacing\\)\\|"
- "s\\(ca\\(le\\|n\\)\\|e\\(lected_\\(int_kind\\|real_kind\\)\\|"
- "t_exponent\\)\\|hape\\|i\\(gn\\|nh?\\|ze\\)\\|p\\(acing\\|read\\)\\|"
- "qrt\\|um\\|ystem_clock\\)\\|t\\(anh?\\|iny\\|r\\(ans\\(fer\\|pose\\)\\|"
- "im\\)\\)\\|u\\(bound\\|npack\\)\\|verify\\)[ \t]*(")
+ (concat "\\<"
+ (regexp-opt
+ '("abs" "achar" "acos" "adjustl" "adjustr" "aimag" "aint"
+ "all" "allocated" "anint" "any" "asin" "associated"
+ "atan" "atan2" "bit_size" "btest" "ceiling" "char" "cmplx"
+ "conjg" "cos" "cosh" "count" "cshift" "date_and_time" "dble"
+ "digits" "dim" "dot_product" "dprod" "eoshift" "epsilon"
+ "exp" "exponent" "floor" "fraction" "huge" "iachar" "iand"
+ "ibclr" "ibits" "ibset" "ichar" "ieor" "index" "int" "ior"
+ "ishft" "ishftc" "kind" "lbound" "len" "len_trim" "lge" "lgt"
+ "lle" "llt" "log" "log10" "logical" "matmul" "max"
+ "maxexponent" "maxloc" "maxval" "merge" "min" "minexponent"
+ "minloc" "minval" "mod" "modulo" "mvbits" "nearest" "nint"
+ "not" "pack" "precision" "present" "product" "radix"
+ ;; Real is taken out here to avoid highlighting declarations.
+ "random_number" "random_seed" "range" ;; "real"
+ "repeat" "reshape" "rrspacing" "scale" "scan"
+ "selected_int_kind" "selected_real_kind" "set_exponent"
+ "shape" "sign" "sin" "sinh" "size" "spacing" "spread" "sqrt"
+ "sum" "system_clock" "tan" "tanh" "tiny" "transfer"
+ "transpose" "trim" "ubound" "unpack" "verify"
+ ;; F95 intrinsic functions.
+ "null" "cpu_time") t)
+ ;; A left parenthesis to avoid highlighting non-procedures.
+ "[ \t]*(")
"Regexp whose first part matches F90 intrinsic procedures.")
(defconst f90-operators-re
-;; "and" "or" "not" "eqv" "neqv" "eq" "ne" "lt" "le" "gt" "ge" "true" "false"
- (concat
- "\\.\\(and\\|eqv?\\|false\\|g[et]\\|l[et]\\|n\\(e\\(\\|qv\\)\\|"
- "ot\\)\\|or\\|true\\)\\.")
+ (concat "\\."
+ (regexp-opt '("and" "eq" "eqv" "false" "ge" "gt" "le" "lt" "ne"
+ "neqv" "not" "or" "true") t)
+ "\\.")
"Regexp matching intrinsic operators.")
(defconst f90-hpf-keywords-re
- ;; Intrinsic procedures
- ;; ("all_prefix" "all_scatter" "all_suffix" "any_prefix" "any_scatter"
- ;; "any_suffix" "copy_prefix" "copy_scatter" "copy_suffix" "count_prefix"
- ;; "count_scatter" "count_suffix" "grade_down" "grade_up" "hpf_alignment"
- ;; "hpf_template" "hpf_distribution" "iall" "iall_prefix" "iall_scatter"
- ;; "iall_suffix" "iany" "iany_prefix" "iany_scatter" "iany_suffix" "iparity"
- ;; "iparity_prefix" "iparity_scatter" "iparity_suffix" "leadz"
- ;; "maxval_prefix" "maxval_scatter" "maxval_suffix" "minval_prefix"
- ;; "minval_scatter" "minval_suffix" "parity" "parity_prefix"
- ;; "parity_scatter" "parity_suffix" "popcnt" "poppar" "product_prefix"
- ;; "product_scatter" "product_suffix" "sum_prefix" "sum_scatter"
- ;; "sum_suffix" "ilen" "number_of_processors" "processors_shape")
- ;; Directives
- ;; ("align" "distribute" "dynamic" "inherit" "template" "processors"
- ;; "realign" "redistribute" "independent")
- ;; Keywords
- ;; ("pure" "extrinsic" "new" "with" "onto" "block" "cyclic")
- (concat
- "\\<\\(a\\(l\\(ign\\|l_\\(prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\)\\|ny_\\("
- "prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\)\\|block\\|c\\(o\\(py_\\(prefix\\|"
- "s\\(catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\|unt_\\(prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\)\\|"
- "yclic\\)\\|d\\(istribute\\|ynamic\\)\\|extrinsic\\|grade_\\(down\\|"
- "up\\)\\|hpf_\\(alignment\\|distribution\\|template\\)\\|i\\(a\\(ll\\(\\|"
- "_\\(prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\)\\|ny\\(\\|_\\(prefix\\|s\\("
- "catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\)\\)\\|len\\|n\\(dependent\\|herit\\)\\|parity\\(\\|"
- "_\\(prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\)\\)\\|leadz\\|m\\(axval_\\("
- "prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\|inval_\\(prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|"
- "uffix\\)\\)\\)\\|n\\(ew\\|umber_of_processors\\)\\|onto\\|p\\(arity\\(\\|"
- "_\\(prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\)\\|op\\(cnt\\|par\\)\\|ro\\("
- "cessors\\(\\|_shape\\)\\|duct_\\(prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|uffix\\)\\)\\)\\|"
- "ure\\)\\|re\\(align\\|distribute\\)\\|sum_\\(prefix\\|s\\(catter\\|"
- "uffix\\)\\)\\|template\\|with\\)\\>")
+ (regexp-opt
+ ;; Intrinsic procedures
+ '("all_prefix" "all_scatter" "all_suffix" "any_prefix"
+ "any_scatter" "any_suffix" "copy_prefix" "copy_scatter"
+ "copy_suffix" "count_prefix" "count_scatter" "count_suffix"
+ "grade_down" "grade_up"
+ "hpf_alignment" "hpf_distribution" "hpf_template" "iall" "iall_prefix"
+ "iall_scatter" "iall_suffix" "iany" "iany_prefix" "iany_scatter"
+ "iany_suffix" "ilen" "iparity" "iparity_prefix"
+ "iparity_scatter" "iparity_suffix" "leadz" "maxval_prefix"
+ "maxval_scatter" "maxval_suffix" "minval_prefix" "minval_scatter"
+ "minval_suffix" "number_of_processors" "parity"
+ "parity_prefix" "parity_scatter" "parity_suffix" "popcnt" "poppar"
+ "processors_shape" "product_prefix" "product_scatter"
+ "product_suffix" "sum_prefix" "sum_scatter" "sum_suffix"
+ ;; Directives
+ "align" "distribute" "dynamic" "independent" "inherit" "processors"
+ "realign" "redistribute" "template"
+ ;; Keywords
+ "block" "cyclic" "extrinsic" "new" "onto" "pure" "with") 'words)
"Regexp for all HPF keywords, procedures and directives.")
;; Highlighting patterns
(defvar f90-font-lock-keywords-1
- '("\\<\\(end[ \t]*\\(program\\|module\\|function\\|subroutine\\|type\\)\\)\\>[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?"
- (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (3 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
- '("\\<\\(program\\|call\\|module\\|subroutine\\|function\\|use\\)\\>[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?"
- (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
;; Special highlighting of "module procedure foo-list"
- '("\\<\\(module[ \t]*procedure\\)\\>" (1 font-lock-keyword-face t))
+ '("\\<\\(module[ \t]*procedure\\)\\>" (1 font-lock-keyword-face))
;; Highlight definition of new type
'("\\<\\(type\\)[ \t]*\\(.*::[ \t]*\\|[ \t]+\\)\\(\\sw+\\)"
(1 font-lock-keyword-face) (3 font-lock-function-name-face))
+ ;; Other functions and declarations.
+ '("\\<\\(\\(?:end[ \t]*\\)?\\(program\\|module\\|function\\|subroutine\\|type\\)\\|use\\|call\\)\\>[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (3 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
"\\<\\(\\(end[ \t]*\\)?\\(interface\\|block[ \t]*data\\)\\|contains\\)\\>")
"This does fairly subdued highlighting of comments and function calls.")
- (list f90-procedures-re '(1 font-lock-keyword-face t))
- "\\<real\\>" ; Avoid overwriting real defs.
+ (list f90-procedures-re '(1 font-lock-keyword-face keep))
+ "\\<real\\>" ; Avoid overwriting real defs.
"Highlights all F90 keywords and intrinsic procedures.")
(message "Indenting %s %s..."
(car program) (car (cdr program)))
- (f90-indent-region (point) (mark))
+ (indent-region (point) (mark))
(message "Indenting %s %s...done"
(car program) (car (cdr program))))
(message "Indenting the whole file...")
- (f90-indent-region (point) (mark))
+ (indent-region (point) (mark))
(message "Indenting the whole file...done")))))
;; autofill and break-line
(if (not no-update) (f90-update-line))
(newline 1)
(if f90-beginning-ampersand (insert "&")))))
- (f90-indent-line))
+ (indent-according-to-mode))
(defun f90-find-breakpoint ()
"From fill-column, search backward for break-delimiter."