(defun autoload-insert-section-header (outbuf autoloads load-name file time)
- "Insert the section-header line.
-This lists the file name and which functions are in it, etc."
+ "Insert into buffer OUTBUF the section-header line for FILE.
+The header line lists the file name, its \"load name\", its autoloads,
+and the time the FILE was last updated (the time is inserted only
+if `autoload-timestamps' is non-nil, otherwise a fixed fake time is inserted)."
;; (cl-assert ;Make sure we don't insert it in the middle of another section.
;; (save-excursion
;; (or (not (re-search-backward
,bytes ,pc))
(defun byte-compile-lapcode (lap)
- "Turn lapcode into bytecode. The lapcode is destroyed."
+ "Turn lapcode LAP into bytecode. The lapcode is destroyed."
;; Lapcode modifications: changes the ID of a tag to be the tag's PC.
(let ((pc 0) ; Program counter
op off ; Operation & offset
(defun comp-clean-up-stale-eln (file)
- "Given FILE remove all its *.eln files in `native-comp-eln-load-path'.
-sharing the original source filename (including FILE)."
+ "Remove all FILE*.eln* files found in `native-comp-eln-load-path'.
+The files to be removed are those produced from the original source
+filename (including FILE)."
(when (string-match (rx "-" (group-n 1 (1+ hex)) "-" (1+ hex) ".eln" eos)
(iter-close ,valsym)))))
(defmacro iter-defun (name arglist &rest body)
- "Create a generator NAME.
+ "Create a generator NAME that accepts ARGLIST as its arguments.
When called as a function, NAME returns an iterator value that
encapsulates the state of a computation that produces a sequence
of values. Callers can retrieve each value using `iter-next'."