(df (make-hash-table) :type hash-table
:documentation "Dominance frontier set. Block-name -> block")
(post-num nil :type number
- :documentation "Post order number.")
- (final-frame nil :type vector
- :documentation "This is a copy of the frame when leaving the block.
-Is in use to help the SSA rename pass."))
+ :documentation "Post order number."))
(cl-defstruct (comp-edge (:copier nil) (:constructor make--comp-edge))
"An edge connecting two basic blocks."
-(defsubst comp-mvar-propagate (lval rval)
- "Propagate into LVAL properties of RVAL."
- (setf (comp-mvar-const-vld lval) (comp-mvar-const-vld rval))
- (setf (comp-mvar-constant lval) (comp-mvar-constant rval))
- (setf (comp-mvar-type lval) (comp-mvar-type rval)))
(defun comp-assign-op-p (op)
"Assignment predicate for OP."
(cl-find op comp-limple-assignments))
(frame (comp-new-frame (comp-func-frame-size comp-func) t) :type vector
:documentation "Vector of mvars."))
-(defun comp-ssa-rename-insn (insn slot-n)
- (cl-flet ((target-p (x)
- ;; Ret t if x is an mvar and target the correct slot number.
- (and (comp-mvar-p x)
- (eql slot-n (comp-mvar-slot x))))
- (new-lvalue ()
- ;; If is an assignment make a new mvar and put it as l-value.
- (let ((mvar (make-comp-ssa-mvar :slot slot-n)))
- (setf (aref (comp-ssa-frame comp-pass) slot-n) mvar)
- (setf (cadr insn) mvar))))
- (pcase insn
- (`(,(pred comp-assign-op-p) ,(pred target-p) . ,_)
- (let ((mvar (aref (comp-ssa-frame comp-pass) slot-n)))
- (cl-nsubst-if mvar #'target-p (cdr insn)))
- (new-lvalue))
- (`(phi ,n)
- (when (equal n slot-n)
- (new-lvalue)))
- (_
- (let ((mvar (aref (comp-ssa-frame comp-pass) slot-n)))
- (cl-nsubst-if mvar #'target-p (cdr insn)))))))
-(defun comp-ssa-rename-in-blocks (n)
- "Given slot number N rename in the blocks."
- (comp-dom-tree-walker (gethash 'entry (comp-func-blocks comp-func))
- (lambda (b)
- (cl-loop for insn in (comp-block-insns b)
- do (comp-ssa-rename-insn insn n))
- ;; Save a copy into final frame while leaving.
- (setf (aref (comp-block-final-frame b) n)
- (aref (comp-ssa-frame comp-pass) n)))
- nil))
+(defun comp-ssa-rename-insn (insn frame)
+ (dotimes (slot-n (comp-func-frame-size comp-func))
+ (cl-flet ((target-p (x)
+ ;; Ret t if x is an mvar and target the correct slot number.
+ (and (comp-mvar-p x)
+ (eql slot-n (comp-mvar-slot x))))
+ (new-lvalue ()
+ ;; If is an assignment make a new mvar and put it as l-value.
+ (let ((mvar (make-comp-ssa-mvar :slot slot-n)))
+ (setf (aref frame slot-n) mvar)
+ (setf (cadr insn) mvar))))
+ (pcase insn
+ (`(,(pred comp-assign-op-p) ,(pred target-p) . ,_)
+ (let ((mvar (aref frame slot-n)))
+ (setcdr insn (cl-nsubst-if mvar #'target-p (cdr insn))))
+ (new-lvalue))
+ (`(phi ,n)
+ (when (equal n slot-n)
+ (new-lvalue)))
+ (_
+ (let ((mvar (aref frame slot-n)))
+ (setcdr insn (cl-nsubst-if mvar #'target-p (cdr insn)))))))))
+(defun comp-ssa-rename ()
+ "Entry point to rename SSA within the current function."
+ (comp-log "Renaming\n")
+ (let ((frame-size (comp-func-frame-size comp-func))
+ (visited (make-hash-table)))
+ (cl-labels ((ssa-rename-rec (bb in-frame)
+ (unless (gethash bb visited)
+ (puthash bb t visited)
+ (cl-loop for insn in (comp-block-insns bb)
+ do (comp-ssa-rename-insn insn in-frame))
+ (when-let ((out-edges (comp-block-out-edges bb)))
+ (cl-loop for ed in out-edges
+ for child = (comp-edge-dst ed)
+ ;; Provide a copy of the same frame to all childs.
+ do (ssa-rename-rec child (copy-sequence in-frame)))))))
+ (ssa-rename-rec (gethash 'entry (comp-func-blocks comp-func))
+ (comp-new-frame frame-size t)))))
(defun comp-finalize-phis ()
"Fixup r-values into phis in all basic blocks."
when (eq op 'phi)
do (finalize-phi args b)))))
-(defun comp-ssa-rename ()
- "Entry point to rename SSA within the current function."
- (comp-log "Renaming\n")
- (let ((frame-size (comp-func-frame-size comp-func)))
- ;; Initialize the final frame.
- (cl-loop for b being each hash-value of (comp-func-blocks comp-func)
- do (setf (comp-block-final-frame b) (make-vector frame-size nil)))
- ;; Do the renaming for each frame slot.
- (cl-loop with comp-pass = (make-comp-ssa)
- for n from 0 below frame-size
- ;; For every slot frame rename down to the dominator tree.
- do (comp-ssa-rename-in-blocks n))))
(defun comp-ssa (funcs)
"Port FUNCS into mininal SSA form."
(cl-loop for comp-func in funcs
(setf (comp-mvar-constant lval) v)
(setf (comp-mvar-type lval) (type-of v)))))))
+(defsubst comp-mvar-propagate (lval rval)
+ "Propagate into LVAL properties of RVAL."
+ (setf (comp-mvar-const-vld lval) (comp-mvar-const-vld rval))
+ (setf (comp-mvar-constant lval) (comp-mvar-constant rval))
+ (setf (comp-mvar-type lval) (comp-mvar-type rval)))
(defun comp-propagate-insn (insn)
(pcase insn
(`(set ,lval ,rval)