(defun vc-git-test--run (&rest args)
- "Run git ARGS…, check for non-zero status, and return output."
+ "Run git ARGS…, check for non-zero status, and return output.
+If the exit status is non-zero, log the command output and re-throw."
- (apply 'vc-git-command t 0 nil args)
+ (condition-case err
+ (apply 'vc-git-command t 0 nil args)
+ (t (message "Error running Git: %s" err)
+ (message "(buffer-string:\n%s\n)" (buffer-string))
+ (signal (car err) (cdr err))))
(defun vc-git-test--start-branch ()
(string-trim (vc-git-test--run "branch" "--show-current")))
(defun vc-git-test--dir-headers (headers)
- "Return an alist of header values for the current `vc-dir' buffer.
+ "Return an alist of header values as they would appear in `vc-dir'.
HEADERS should be a list of (NAME ...) strings. This function will
return a list of (NAME . VALUE) pairs, where VALUE is nil if the header
is absent."
- ;; FIXME: to reproduce interactive sessions faithfully, we would need
- ;; to wait for the dir-status-files process to terminate; have not
- ;; found a reliable way to do this. As a workaround, kill pending
- ;; processes and revert the `vc-dir' buffer.
- (vc-dir-kill-dir-status-process)
- (revert-buffer)
- (mapcar
- (lambda (header)
- (let* ((pattern
- (rx bol
- (literal header) (* space) ": " (group (+ nonl))
- eol))
- (value (and (goto-char (point-min))
- (re-search-forward pattern nil t)
- (match-string 1))))
- (cons header value)))
- headers))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ ;; We invoke the backend's dir-extra-headers function directly
+ ;; because (a) that covers the logic we mean to test (b) going
+ ;; through vc-dir "like a user would" has proven fraught; see
+ ;; bug#76187 for hard-to-reproduce and hard-to-diagnose errors.
+ (insert (vc-git-dir-extra-headers default-directory) "\n")
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (header)
+ (let* ((pattern
+ (rx bol
+ (literal header) (* space) ": " (group (+ nonl))
+ eol))
+ (value (and (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward pattern nil t)
+ (match-string 1))))
+ (cons header value)))
+ headers)))
(ert-deftest vc-git-test-dir-branch-headers ()
- "Check that `vc-dir' shows expected branch-related headers."
+ "Check that dir-extra-headers recognizes various branch arrangements."
(skip-unless (executable-find vc-git-program))
;; Create a repository that will serve as the "remote".
(vc-git-test--with-repo origin-repo
;; 'git clone' this repository and test things in this clone.
(ert-with-temp-directory clone-repo
(vc-git-test--run "clone" origin-repo clone-repo)
- (vc-dir clone-repo)
- (should
- (equal
- (vc-git-test--dir-headers
- '("Branch" "Tracking" "Remote"))
- `(("Branch" . ,main-branch)
- ("Tracking" . ,(concat "origin/" main-branch))
- ("Remote" . ,origin-repo))))
- ;; Checkout a new branch: no tracking information.
- (vc-git-test--run "checkout" "-b" "feature/foo" main-branch)
- (should
- (equal
- (vc-git-test--dir-headers
- '("Branch" "Tracking" "Remote"))
- '(("Branch" . "feature/foo")
- ("Tracking" . nil)
- ("Remote" . nil))))
- ;; Push with '--set-upstream origin': tracking information
- ;; should be updated.
- (vc-git-test--run "push" "--set-upstream" "origin" "feature/foo")
- (should
- (equal
- (vc-git-test--dir-headers
- '("Branch" "Tracking" "Remote"))
- `(("Branch" . "feature/foo")
- ("Tracking" . "origin/feature/foo")
- ("Remote" . ,origin-repo))))
- ;; Checkout a new branch tracking the _local_ main branch.
- ;; Bug#68183.
- (vc-git-test--run "checkout" "-b" "feature/bar" "--track" main-branch)
- (should
- (equal
- (vc-git-test--dir-headers
- '("Branch" "Tracking" "Remote"))
- `(("Branch" . "feature/bar")
- ("Tracking" . ,main-branch)
- ("Remote" . "none (tracking local branch)"))))))))
+ (let ((default-directory clone-repo))
+ (should
+ (equal
+ (vc-git-test--dir-headers
+ '("Branch" "Tracking" "Remote"))
+ `(("Branch" . ,main-branch)
+ ("Tracking" . ,(concat "origin/" main-branch))
+ ("Remote" . ,origin-repo))))
+ ;; Checkout a new branch: no tracking information.
+ (vc-git-test--run "checkout" "-b" "feature/foo" main-branch)
+ (should
+ (equal
+ (vc-git-test--dir-headers
+ '("Branch" "Tracking" "Remote"))
+ '(("Branch" . "feature/foo")
+ ("Tracking" . nil)
+ ("Remote" . nil))))
+ ;; Push with '--set-upstream origin': tracking information
+ ;; should be updated.
+ (vc-git-test--run "push" "--set-upstream" "origin" "feature/foo")
+ (should
+ (equal
+ (vc-git-test--dir-headers
+ '("Branch" "Tracking" "Remote"))
+ `(("Branch" . "feature/foo")
+ ("Tracking" . "origin/feature/foo")
+ ("Remote" . ,origin-repo))))
+ ;; Checkout a new branch tracking the _local_ main branch.
+ ;; Bug#68183.
+ (vc-git-test--run "checkout" "-b" "feature/bar" "--track" main-branch)
+ (should
+ (equal
+ (vc-git-test--dir-headers
+ '("Branch" "Tracking" "Remote"))
+ `(("Branch" . "feature/bar")
+ ("Tracking" . ,main-branch)
+ ("Remote" . "none (tracking local branch)")))))))))
;;; vc-git-tests.el ends here