LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
BBDB, Big Brother's Insidious Database
+macOS Contacts
@end itemize
The main features of the EUDC interface are:
* LDAP:: What is LDAP ?
* BBDB:: What is BBDB ?
+* macOS Contacts:: What is macOS Contacts ?
@end menu
EUDC also offers a means to insert results from directory queries into
your own local BBDB (@pxref{Creating BBDB Records})
+@node macOS Contacts
+@section macOS Contacts
+macOS Contacts is the rolodex-like application that ships with the
+macOS operating system@footnote{Apple have changed the names of their
+operating system and some applications over time. macOS used to be
+called Mac OS X in the past, and the Contacts application was
+previously called Address Book.}.
+EUDC considers macOS Contacts as a directory server back end just like
+LDAP, though the macOS Contacts application always resides locally on
+your machine.
@node Installation
@chapter Installation
* LDAP Configuration:: EUDC needs external support for LDAP
+* macOS Contacts Configuration:: Enable the macOS Contacts backend
@end menu
@node LDAP Configuration
copied and pasted into a terminal. Set the @command{ldapsearch} debug
level to 5 by appending @code{-d 5} to the command line.
+@node macOS Contacts Configuration
+@section macOS Contacts Configuration
+macOS Contacts support is added by means of @file{eudcb-mab.el}, or
+@file{eudcb-macos-contacts.el} which are part of Emacs.
+To enable a macOS Contacts backend, first `require' the respective
+library to load it, and then set the `eudc-server' to localhost in
+your init file:
+(require 'eudcb-macos-contacts)
+(eudc-macos-contacts-set-server "localhost")
+@end lisp
+@file{eudcb-macos-contacts.el} uses the public scripting interfaces
+offered by the Contacts app via the macOS Open Scripting Architecture
+(OSA). To accomplish this, @file{eudcb-macos-contacts.el} uses an
+external command line utility named osascript, which is included with
+all macOS versions since 10.0 (which was released 2001).
+@file{eudcb-macos-contacts.el} is hence recommended for all new
+@file{eudcb-mab.el} reverse engineers the format of the database file
+used by the macOS Contacts app, and accesses its contents directly.
+While this may promise some performance advantages, it comes at the
+cost of using an undocumented interface. Hence, users of
+@file{eudcb-mab.el} are recommended to double check the compatibility
+of @file{eudcb-mab.el} before upgrading to a new version of macOS.
+@file{eudcb-mab.el} is retained for backwards compatibility with
+existing configurations, and may be removed in a future release.
@node Usage
@chapter Usage
--- /dev/null
+;;; eudcb-macos-contacts.el --- EUDC - macOS Contacts backend
+;; Copyright (C) 2020 condition-alpha.com
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This library provides an interface to the macOS Contacts app as
+;; an EUDC data source. It uses AppleScript to interface with the
+;; Contacts app on localhost, so no 3rd party tools are needed.
+;;; Usage:
+;; (require 'eudcb-macos-contacts)
+;; (eudc-macos-contacts-set-server "localhost")
+;;; Code:
+(require 'eudc)
+(require 'executable)
+;;{{{ Internal cooking
+(defvar eudc-macos-contacts-conversion-alist nil)
+;; hook ourselves into the EUDC framework
+(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-query-function
+ 'eudc-macos-contacts-query-internal
+ 'macos-contacts)
+(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-list-attributes-function
+ nil
+ 'macos-contacts)
+(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-macos-contacts-conversion-alist
+ nil
+ 'macos-contacts)
+(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-protocol-has-default-query-attributes
+ nil
+ 'macos-contacts)
+(defun eudc-macos-contacts-search-helper (str)
+ "Helper function to query the Contacts app via AppleScript.
+Searches for all persons with a case-insensitive substring match
+of STR in any of their name fields (first, middle, or last)."
+ (if (executable-find "osascript")
+ (call-process "osascript" nil t nil
+ "-e"
+ (format "
+set results to {}
+tell application \"Address Book\"
+ set pList to every person whose (name contains \"%s\")
+ repeat with pers in pList
+ repeat with emailAddr in emails of pers
+ set results to results & {name of pers & \":\" & value ¬
+ of emailAddr & \"\n\"}
+ end repeat
+ end repeat
+ get results as text
+end tell" str))
+ (message (concat "[eudc] Error in macOS Contacts backend: "
+ "`osascript' executable not found. "
+ "Is this is a macOS 10.0 or later system?"))))
+(defun eudc-macos-contacts-query-internal (query &optional return-attrs)
+ "Query macOS Contacts with QUERY.
+QUERY is a list of cons cells (ATTR . VALUE) where ATTRs should be valid
+macOS Contacts attribute names.
+RETURN-ATTRS is a list of attributes to return, defaulting to
+ (let ((macos-contacts-buffer (get-buffer-create " *macOS Contacts*"))
+ result)
+ (with-current-buffer macos-contacts-buffer
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (dolist (term query)
+ (eudc-macos-contacts-search-helper (cdr term)))
+ (delete-duplicate-lines (point-min) (point-max))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (if (not (equal (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))
+ (let* ((args (split-string (buffer-substring
+ (point) (line-end-position))
+ ":"))
+ (name (nth 0 args))
+ (email (nth 1 args)))
+ (setq result (cons `((name . ,name)
+ (email . ,email)) result))))
+ (forward-line))
+ result)))
+;;{{{ High-level interfaces (interactive functions)
+(defun eudc-macos-contacts-set-server (dummy)
+ "Set the EUDC server to macOS Contacts app.
+The server in DUMMY is not actually used, since this backend
+always and implicitly connetcs to an instance of the Contacts app
+running on the local host."
+ (interactive)
+ (eudc-set-server dummy 'macos-contacts)
+ (message "[eudc] macOS Contacts app server selected"))
+(eudc-register-protocol 'macos-contacts)
+(provide 'eudcb-macos-contacts)
+;;; eudcb-macos-contacts.el ends here