((null head)
(if (pcase--self-quoting-p pat) `',pat pat))
- ((memq head '(pred guard quote \`)) pat)
+ ((memq head '(pred guard quote)) pat)
((memq head '(or and)) `(,head ,@(mapcar #'pcase--macroexpand (cdr pat))))
((eq head 'let) `(let ,(pcase--macroexpand (cadr pat)) ,@(cddr pat)))
((eq head 'app) `(app ,(nth 1 pat) ,(pcase--macroexpand (nth 2 pat))))
((eq then :pcase--dontcare) (debug) else) ;Can/should this ever happen?
(t (macroexp-if test then else))))
-(defun pcase--upat (qpattern)
- (cond
- ((eq (car-safe qpattern) '\,) (cadr qpattern))
- (t (list '\` qpattern))))
;; Note about MATCH:
;; When we have patterns like `(PAT1 . PAT2), after performing the `consp'
;; check, we want to turn all the similar patterns into ones of the form
(push (cons (cdr split) code&vars) else-rest))))
(cons (nreverse then-rest) (nreverse else-rest))))
-(defun pcase--split-consp (syma symd pat)
- (cond
- ;; A QPattern for a cons, can only go the `then' side.
- ((and (eq (car-safe pat) '\`) (consp (cadr pat)))
- (let ((qpat (cadr pat)))
- (cons `(and ,(pcase--match syma (pcase--upat (car qpat)))
- ,(pcase--match symd (pcase--upat (cdr qpat))))
- :pcase--fail)))
- ;; A QPattern but not for a cons, can only go to the `else' side.
- ((eq (car-safe pat) '\`) '(:pcase--fail . nil))
- ((and (eq (car-safe pat) 'pred)
- (pcase--mutually-exclusive-p #'consp (cadr pat)))
- '(:pcase--fail . nil))))
-(defun pcase--split-vector (syms pat)
- (cond
- ;; A QPattern for a vector of same length.
- ((and (eq (car-safe pat) '\`)
- (vectorp (cadr pat))
- (= (length syms) (length (cadr pat))))
- (let ((qpat (cadr pat)))
- (cons `(and ,@(mapcar (lambda (s)
- `(match ,(car s) .
- ,(pcase--upat (aref qpat (cdr s)))))
- syms))
- :pcase--fail)))
- ;; Other QPatterns go to the `else' side.
- ((eq (car-safe pat) '\`) '(:pcase--fail . nil))
- ((and (eq (car-safe pat) 'pred)
- (pcase--mutually-exclusive-p #'vectorp (cadr pat)))
- '(:pcase--fail . nil))))
(defun pcase--split-equal (elem pat)
;; The same match will give the same result.
- ((and (memq (car-safe pat) '(quote \`)) (equal (cadr pat) elem))
+ ((and (eq (car-safe pat) 'quote) (equal (cadr pat) elem))
'(:pcase--succeed . :pcase--fail))
;; A different match will fail if this one succeeds.
- ((and (memq (car-safe pat) '(quote \`))
+ ((and (eq (car-safe pat) 'quote)
;; (or (integerp (cadr pat)) (symbolp (cadr pat))
;; (consp (cadr pat)))
'(:pcase--fail . nil))))))
(defun pcase--split-member (elems pat)
+ ;; FIXME: The new pred-based member code doesn't do these optimizations!
;; Based on pcase--split-equal.
;; The same match (or a match of membership in a superset) will
;; (???
;; '(:pcase--succeed . nil))
;; A match for one of the elements may succeed or fail.
- ((and (eq (car-safe pat) '\`) (member (cadr pat) elems))
+ ((and (eq (car-safe pat) 'quote) (member (cadr pat) elems))
;; A different match will fail if this one succeeds.
- ((and (eq (car-safe pat) '\`)
+ ((and (eq (car-safe pat) 'quote)
;; (or (integerp (cadr pat)) (symbolp (cadr pat))
;; (consp (cadr pat)))
((and (eq 'pred (car upat))
(let ((otherpred
(cond ((eq 'pred (car-safe pat)) (cadr pat))
- ((not (eq '\` (car-safe pat))) nil)
+ ((not (eq 'quote (car-safe pat))) nil)
((consp (cadr pat)) #'consp)
((vectorp (cadr pat)) #'vectorp)
((byte-code-function-p (cadr pat))
(pcase--mutually-exclusive-p (cadr upat) otherpred)))
'(:pcase--fail . nil))
((and (eq 'pred (car upat))
- (eq '\` (car-safe pat))
+ (eq 'quote (car-safe pat))
(symbolp (cadr upat))
(or (symbolp (cadr pat)) (stringp (cadr pat)) (numberp (cadr pat)))
(get (cadr upat) 'side-effect-free)
((eq (car-safe upat) 'app)
;; A upat of the form (app FUN UPAT)
(pcase--mark-used sym)
- (let* ((fun (nth 1 upat)))
- (macroexp-let2
- macroexp-copyable-p nsym
- (if (symbolp fun)
- `(,fun ,sym)
- (let* ((vs (pcase--fgrep (mapcar #'car vars) fun))
- (env (mapcar (lambda (v) (list v (cdr (assq v vars))))
- vs))
- (call `(funcall #',fun ,sym)))
- (if env (macroexp-let* env call) call)))
- ;; We don't change `matches' to reuse the newly computed value,
- ;; because we assume there shouldn't be such redundancy in there.
- (pcase--u1 (cons (pcase--match nsym (nth 2 upat)) matches)
- code vars
- (pcase--app-subst-rest rest sym fun nsym)))))
- ((eq (car-safe upat) '\`)
- (pcase--mark-used sym)
- (pcase--q1 sym (cadr upat) matches code vars rest))
+ (let* ((fun (nth 1 upat))
+ (nsym (make-symbol "x"))
+ (body
+ ;; We don't change `matches' to reuse the newly computed value,
+ ;; because we assume there shouldn't be such redundancy in there.
+ (pcase--u1 (cons (pcase--match nsym (nth 2 upat)) matches)
+ code vars
+ (pcase--app-subst-rest rest sym fun nsym))))
+ (if (not (get nsym 'pcase-used))
+ body
+ (macroexp-let*
+ `((,nsym
+ ,(if (symbolp fun)
+ `(,fun ,sym)
+ (let* ((vs (pcase--fgrep (mapcar #'car vars) fun))
+ (env (mapcar (lambda (v) (list v (cdr (assq v vars))))
+ vs))
+ (call `(funcall #',fun ,sym)))
+ (if env (macroexp-let* env call) call)))))
+ body))))
((eq (car-safe upat) 'quote)
+ (pcase--mark-used sym)
(let* ((val (cadr upat))
(splitrest (pcase--split-rest
sym (lambda (pat) (pcase--split-equal val pat)) rest))
(else-rest (cdr splitrest)))
(pcase--if (cond
((null val) `(null ,sym))
- ((or (integerp val) (symbolp val)) `(eq ,sym ,val))
+ ((or (integerp val) (symbolp val))
+ (if (pcase--self-quoting-p val)
+ `(eq ,sym ,val)
+ `(eq ,sym ',val)))
(t `(equal ,sym ',val)))
(pcase--u1 matches code vars then-rest)
(pcase--u else-rest))))
- ((eq (car-safe upat) 'or)
- (error "Should have been hoisted already: %S" upat)
- (pcase--u1 (cons `(match ,sym ,@(cadr upat)) matches) code vars
- (append (mapcar (lambda (upat)
- `((and (match ,sym . ,upat) ,@matches)
- ,code ,@vars))
- (cddr upat))
- rest)))
- ((eq (car-safe upat) 'and)
- (error "Should have been hoisted already: %S" upat)
- (pcase--u1 (append (mapcar (lambda (upat) `(match ,sym ,@upat))
- (cdr upat))
- matches)
- code vars rest))
((eq (car-safe upat) 'not)
;; FIXME: The implementation below is naive and results in
;; inefficient code.
(pcase--u rest))
(list `((and . ,matches) ,code . ,vars))))
- (t (error "Unknown upattern `%s'" upat)))))
- (t (error "Incorrect MATCH %s" (car matches)))))
+ (t (error "Unknown internal pattern `%S'" upat)))))
+ (t (error "Incorrect MATCH %S" (car matches)))))
-(defun pcase--q1 (sym qpat matches code vars rest)
- "Return code that runs CODE if SYM matches QPAT and if MATCHES match.
-Otherwise, it defers to REST which is a list of branches of the form
+(pcase-defmacro \` (qpat)
- ((eq (car-safe qpat) '\,) (error "Can't use `,UPATTERN"))
- ((floatp qpat) (error "Floating point patterns not supported"))
+ ((eq (car-safe qpat) '\,) (cadr qpat))
((vectorp qpat)
- (let* ((len (length qpat))
- (syms (mapcar (lambda (i) (cons (make-symbol (format "xaref%s" i)) i))
- (number-sequence 0 (1- len))))
- (splitrest (pcase--split-rest
- sym
- (lambda (pat) (pcase--split-vector syms pat))
- rest))
- (then-rest (car splitrest))
- (else-rest (cdr splitrest))
- (then-body (pcase--u1
- `(,@(mapcar (lambda (s)
- (pcase--match
- (car s)
- (pcase--upat (aref qpat (cdr s)))))
- syms)
- ,@matches)
- code vars then-rest)))
- (pcase--if
- `(and (vectorp ,sym) (= (length ,sym) ,len))
- (macroexp-let* (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (s)
- (and (get (car s) 'pcase-used)
- `(,(car s) (aref ,sym ,(cdr s)))))
- syms))
- then-body)
- (pcase--u else-rest))))
+ `(and (pred vectorp)
+ (app length ,(length qpat))
+ ,@(let ((upats nil))
+ (dotimes (i (length qpat))
+ (push `(app (lambda (v) (aref v ,i)) ,(list '\` (aref qpat i)))
+ upats))
+ (nreverse upats))))
((consp qpat)
- (let* ((syma (make-symbol "xcar"))
- (symd (make-symbol "xcdr"))
- (splitrest (pcase--split-rest
- sym
- (lambda (pat) (pcase--split-consp syma symd pat))
- rest))
- (then-rest (car splitrest))
- (else-rest (cdr splitrest))
- (then-body (pcase--u1 `(,(pcase--match syma (pcase--upat (car qpat)))
- ,(pcase--match symd (pcase--upat (cdr qpat)))
- ,@matches)
- code vars then-rest)))
- (pcase--if
- `(consp ,sym)
- ;; We want to be careful to only add bindings that are used.
- ;; The byte-compiler could do that for us, but it would have to pay
- ;; attention to the `consp' test in order to figure out that car/cdr
- ;; can't signal errors and our byte-compiler is not that clever.
- ;; FIXME: Some of those let bindings occur too early (they are used in
- ;; `then-body', but only within some sub-branch).
- (macroexp-let*
- `(,@(if (get syma 'pcase-used) `((,syma (car ,sym))))
- ,@(if (get symd 'pcase-used) `((,symd (cdr ,sym)))))
- then-body)
- (pcase--u else-rest))))
- ((or (integerp qpat) (symbolp qpat) (stringp qpat))
- (let* ((splitrest (pcase--split-rest
- sym (lambda (pat) (pcase--split-equal qpat pat)) rest))
- (then-rest (car splitrest))
- (else-rest (cdr splitrest)))
- (pcase--if (cond
- ((stringp qpat) `(equal ,sym ,qpat))
- ((null qpat) `(null ,sym))
- (t `(eq ,sym ',qpat)))
- (pcase--u1 matches code vars then-rest)
- (pcase--u else-rest))))
- (t (error "Unknown QPattern %s" qpat))))
+ `(and (pred consp)
+ (app car ,(list '\` (car qpat)))
+ (app cdr ,(list '\` (cdr qpat)))))
+ ((or (stringp qpat) (integerp qpat) (symbolp qpat)) `',qpat)))
(provide 'pcase)