font->props[FONT_FILE_INDEX] = Qnil;
- double expand, shrink, hshrink;
+ double expand, hshrink;
float full_height, min_height, hd;
const char *fontName = [[nsfont fontName] UTF8String];
int len = strlen (fontName);
hd = full_height - min_height;
/* standard height, similar to Carbon. was 0.5 by default. */
- expand = 0.0;
- shrink = 1.0;
+ expand = 0.0;
hshrink = 1.0;
- /*
- if (expand < 0.0)
- {
- shrink = 1 + expand;
- hshrink = 1 + expand / 2.0;
- expand = 0.0;
- }
- else
- shrink = hshrink = 1.0;
- */
font_info->underpos = 2; /*[sfont underlinePosition] is often clipped out */
font_info->underwidth = [sfont underlineThickness];
font_info->size = font->pixel_size;
font_info->max_bounds.lbearing = lrint (brect.origin.x);
font_info->max_bounds.rbearing =
lrint (brect.size.width - font_info->width);
- /*font_info->width + (font_info->ital ? 0.2 * font_info->height : 0); */
/* set up synthItal and the CG font */