; modified 2/23/89, include capitalize stop words in r2b stop words,
; fixed problems with contractions (e.g. it's),
; caught multiple stop words in a row
-; modified 3/1/89, fixed capitialize-title for first words all caps
+; modified 3/1/89, fixed capitalize-title for first words all caps
; modified 3/15/89, allow use of " to delimit fields
; modified 4/18/89, properly "quote" special characters on output
(defvar r2b-additional-stop-words
- "Words other than the `capitialize-title-stop-words'
+ "Words other than the `capitalize-title-stop-words'
which are not to be used to build the citation key")
- "Words not to be capitialized in a title (unless they are the first
+ "Words not to be capitalized in a title (unless they are the first
word in the title)")
(defvar capitalize-title-stop-regexp