(defvar dabbrev-maximum-expansions 16
"Maximum number of dynamic abbreviation expansions to suggest.")
+(defvar dabbrev-maximum-characters 65536
+ "Maximum number of character to scan from dynamic expansions.")
(defvar dabbrev-buffer-search-condition
'(not (or (derived-mode . special-mode) "^ "))
"Condition for searching a buffer for dynamic abbreviation expansions.
"Return dynamic expansions for ABBREV sorted by proximity to ANCHOR."
(let* ((abbrev (or abbrev (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
(anchor (or anchor (car (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))))
- (found 0) expansions more
+ (scanned 0) pos expansions more
(lambda (buffer)
- (when (< found dabbrev-maximum-expansions)
+ (when (< scanned dabbrev-maximum-characters)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
- (while (and (< found dabbrev-maximum-expansions)
+ (setq pos (point))
+ (while (and (< scanned dabbrev-maximum-characters)
(rx symbol-start
(literal abbrev)
(one-or-more (or (syntax word) (syntax symbol))))
nil t))
+ (setq scanned (+ (- (point) pos))
+ pos (point))
(let ((match (match-string-no-properties 0)))
(unless (or (equal match abbrev)
(member match more)
(member match expansions))
- (push match more)
- (setq found (1+ found)))))))))))
+ (push match more))))))))))
(when (and abbrev anchor)
;; Search the current buffer.
(setq expansions (take dabbrev-maximum-expansions
(mapcar #'cdr (sort expansions :in-place t))))
- found (length expansions))
+ scanned (- (point-max) (point-min)))
;; Then all visible buffers.
- (when (< found dabbrev-maximum-expansions)
+ (when (< scanned dabbrev-maximum-characters)
(walk-windows (compf [search] window-buffer) nil 'visible)
(setq expansions (nconc expansions more) more nil))
;; Then try other buffers.
- (when (< found dabbrev-maximum-expansions)
+ (when (< scanned dabbrev-maximum-characters)
(mapc search (match-buffers dabbrev-buffer-search-condition))
(setq expansions (nconc expansions more)))
(when-let ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))
(list (car bounds) (cdr bounds)
- (completion-table-dynamic #'dabbrev-expansions)
+ (completion-table-with-cache #'dabbrev-expansions)
'((sort-function . identity) (category . dabbrev)))
:exclusive 'no)))