long context_menu_value = 0;
/* display update */
-static struct frame *ns_updating_frame;
-static NSView *focus_view = NULL;
static int ns_window_num = 0;
-static NSRect uRect; // TODO: This is dead, remove it?
static BOOL gsaved = NO;
static BOOL ns_fake_keydown = NO;
external (RIF) call; whole frame, called before update_window_begin
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
EmacsView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
ns_update_auto_hide_menu_bar ();
if ([view isFullscreen] && [view fsIsNative])
// Fix reappearing tool bar in fullscreen for Mac OS X 10.7
if (! tbar_visible != ! [toolbar isVisible])
[toolbar setVisible: tbar_visible];
- ns_updating_frame = f;
- [view lockFocus];
/* drawRect may have been called for say the minibuffer, and then clip path
is for the minibuffer. But the display engine may draw more because
we have set the frame as garbaged. So reset clip path to the whole
view. */
- {
- NSBezierPath *bp;
- NSRect r = [view frame];
- NSRect cr = [[view window] frame];
- /* If a large frame size is set, r may be larger than the window frame
- before constrained. In that case don't change the clip path, as we
- will clear in to the tool bar and title bar. */
- if (r.size.height
- + FRAME_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT (f) <= cr.size.height)
- {
- bp = [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: r] retain];
- [bp setClip];
- [bp release];
- }
- }
- uRect = NSMakeRect (0, 0, 0, 0);
+ /* FIXME: I don't think we need to do this. */
+ if ([NSView focusView] == FRAME_NS_VIEW (f))
+ {
+ NSBezierPath *bp;
+ NSRect r = [view frame];
+ NSRect cr = [[view window] frame];
+ /* If a large frame size is set, r may be larger than the window frame
+ before constrained. In that case don't change the clip path, as we
+ will clear in to the tool bar and title bar. */
+ if (r.size.height
+ + FRAME_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT (f) <= cr.size.height)
+ {
+ bp = [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: r] retain];
+ [bp setClip];
+ [bp release];
+ }
+ }
external (RIF) call; for whole frame, called after update_window_end
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- EmacsView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
/* if (f == MOUSE_HL_INFO (f)->mouse_face_mouse_frame) */
MOUSE_HL_INFO (f)->mouse_face_defer = 0;
- block_input ();
- [view unlockFocus];
- [[view window] flushWindow];
- unblock_input ();
- ns_updating_frame = NULL;
-static void
-ns_focus (struct frame *f, NSRect *r, int n)
+static BOOL
+ns_clip_to_rect (struct frame *f, NSRect *r, int n)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Internal: Focus on given frame. During small local updates this is used to
- draw, however during large updates, ns_update_begin and ns_update_end are
- called to wrap the whole thing, in which case these calls are stubbed out.
- Except, on GNUstep, we accumulate the rectangle being drawn into, because
- the back end won't do this automatically, and will just end up flushing
- the entire window.
+ Clip the drawing area to rectangle r in frame f. If drawing is not
+ currently possible mark r as dirty and return NO, otherwise return
+ YES.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- if (r != NULL)
+ NSTRACE_WHEN (NSTRACE_GROUP_FOCUS, "ns_clip_to_rect");
+ if (r)
NSTRACE_RECT ("r", *r);
- }
- if (f != ns_updating_frame)
- {
- NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
- if (view != focus_view)
+ if ([NSView focusView] == FRAME_NS_VIEW (f))
- if (focus_view != NULL)
- {
- [focus_view unlockFocus];
- [[focus_view window] flushWindow];
-/*debug_lock--; */
- }
+ [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
+ if (n == 2)
+ NSRectClipList (r, 2);
+ else
+ NSRectClip (*r);
+ gsaved = YES;
- if (view)
- [view lockFocus];
- focus_view = view;
-/*if (view) debug_lock++; */
+ return YES;
- }
- /* clipping */
- if (r)
- {
- [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
- if (n == 2)
- NSRectClipList (r, 2);
- NSRectClip (*r);
- gsaved = YES;
+ {
+ NSView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ [view setNeedsDisplayInRect:r[i]];
+ }
+ return NO;
static void
-ns_unfocus (struct frame *f)
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Internal: Remove focus on given frame
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ns_reset_clipping (struct frame *f)
+/* Internal: Restore the previous graphics state, unsetting any
+ clipping areas. */
+ NSTRACE_WHEN (NSTRACE_GROUP_FOCUS, "ns_reset_clipping");
if (gsaved)
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
gsaved = NO;
- if (f != ns_updating_frame)
- {
- if (focus_view != NULL)
- {
- [focus_view unlockFocus];
- [[focus_view window] flushWindow];
- focus_view = NULL;
-/*debug_lock--; */
- }
- }
-static void
+static BOOL
ns_clip_to_row (struct window *w, struct glyph_row *row,
enum glyph_row_area area, BOOL gc)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
clip_rect.size.width = window_width;
clip_rect.size.height = row->visible_height;
- ns_focus (f, &clip_rect, 1);
+ return ns_clip_to_rect (f, &clip_rect, 1);
+static void
+ns_flush_display (struct frame *f)
+/* Force the frame to redisplay. If areas have previously been marked
+ dirty by setNeedsDisplayInRect (in ns_clip_to_rect), then this will call
+ draw_rect: which will "expose" those areas. */
+ block_input ();
+ [FRAME_NS_VIEW (f) displayIfNeeded];
+ unblock_input ();
r = [view bounds];
block_input ();
- ns_focus (f, &r, 1);
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND
- (FACE_FROM_ID (f, DEFAULT_FACE_ID)), f) set];
- NSRectFill (r);
- ns_unfocus (f);
- /* as of 2006/11 or so this is now needed */
- ns_redraw_scroll_bars (f);
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (f, &r, 1))
+ {
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND
+ (FACE_FROM_ID (f, DEFAULT_FACE_ID)), f) set];
+ NSRectFill (r);
+ ns_reset_clipping (f);
+ /* as of 2006/11 or so this is now needed */
+ ns_redraw_scroll_bars (f);
+ }
unblock_input ();
NSTRACE_WHEN (NSTRACE_GROUP_UPDATES, "ns_clear_frame_area");
r = NSIntersectionRect (r, [view frame]);
- ns_focus (f, &r, 1);
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face), f) set];
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (f, &r, 1))
+ {
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face), f) set];
- NSRectFill (r);
+ NSRectFill (r);
- ns_unfocus (f);
- return;
+ ns_reset_clipping (f);
+ }
static void
hide_bell(); // Ensure the bell image isn't scrolled.
- ns_focus (f, &dest, 1);
+ /* FIXME: scrollRect:by: is deprecated in macOS 10.14. There is
+ no obvious replacement so we may have to come up with our own. */
[FRAME_NS_VIEW (f) scrollRect: src
by: NSMakeSize (dest.origin.x - src.origin.x,
dest.origin.y - src.origin.y)];
- ns_unfocus (f);
/* Must clip because of partially visible lines. */
- ns_clip_to_row (w, row, ANY_AREA, YES);
- if (!p->overlay_p)
+ if (ns_clip_to_row (w, row, ANY_AREA, YES))
- int bx = p->bx, by = p->by, nx = p->nx, ny = p->ny;
- if (bx >= 0 && nx > 0)
+ if (!p->overlay_p)
- NSRect r = NSMakeRect (bx, by, nx, ny);
- NSRectClip (r);
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color (face->background, f) set];
- NSRectFill (r);
- }
- }
+ int bx = p->bx, by = p->by, nx = p->nx, ny = p->ny;
- if (p->which)
- {
- NSRect r = NSMakeRect (p->x, p->y, p->wd, p->h);
- EmacsImage *img = bimgs[p->which - 1];
- if (!img)
- {
- // Note: For "periodic" images, allocate one EmacsImage for
- // the base image, and use it for all dh:s.
- unsigned short *bits = p->bits;
- int full_height = p->h + p->dh;
- int i;
- unsigned char *cbits = xmalloc (full_height);
- for (i = 0; i < full_height; i++)
- cbits[i] = bits[i];
- img = [[EmacsImage alloc] initFromXBM: cbits width: 8
- height: full_height
- fg: 0 bg: 0];
- bimgs[p->which - 1] = img;
- xfree (cbits);
+ if (bx >= 0 && nx > 0)
+ {
+ NSRect r = NSMakeRect (bx, by, nx, ny);
+ NSRectClip (r);
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color (face->background, f) set];
+ NSRectFill (r);
+ }
- NSTRACE_RECT ("r", r);
+ if (p->which)
+ {
+ NSRect r = NSMakeRect (p->x, p->y, p->wd, p->h);
+ EmacsImage *img = bimgs[p->which - 1];
- NSRectClip (r);
- /* Since we composite the bitmap instead of just blitting it, we need
- to erase the whole background. */
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->background, f) set];
- NSRectFill (r);
+ if (!img)
+ {
+ // Note: For "periodic" images, allocate one EmacsImage for
+ // the base image, and use it for all dh:s.
+ unsigned short *bits = p->bits;
+ int full_height = p->h + p->dh;
+ int i;
+ unsigned char *cbits = xmalloc (full_height);
+ for (i = 0; i < full_height; i++)
+ cbits[i] = bits[i];
+ img = [[EmacsImage alloc] initFromXBM: cbits width: 8
+ height: full_height
+ fg: 0 bg: 0];
+ bimgs[p->which - 1] = img;
+ xfree (cbits);
+ }
- {
- NSColor *bm_color;
- if (!p->cursor_p)
- bm_color = ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->foreground, f);
- else if (p->overlay_p)
- bm_color = ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->background, f);
- else
- bm_color = f->output_data.ns->cursor_color;
- [img setXBMColor: bm_color];
- }
+ NSTRACE_RECT ("r", r);
- // Note: For periodic images, the full image height is "h + hd".
- // By using the height h, a suitable part of the image is used.
- NSRect fromRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, p->wd, p->h);
+ NSRectClip (r);
+ /* Since we composite the bitmap instead of just blitting it, we need
+ to erase the whole background. */
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->background, f) set];
+ NSRectFill (r);
- NSTRACE_RECT ("fromRect", fromRect);
+ {
+ NSColor *bm_color;
+ if (!p->cursor_p)
+ bm_color = ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->foreground, f);
+ else if (p->overlay_p)
+ bm_color = ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->background, f);
+ else
+ bm_color = f->output_data.ns->cursor_color;
+ [img setXBMColor: bm_color];
+ }
- [img drawInRect: r
- fromRect: fromRect
- operation: NSCompositingOperationSourceOver
- fraction: 1.0
- respectFlipped: YES
- hints: nil];
+ // Note: For periodic images, the full image height is "h + hd".
+ // By using the height h, a suitable part of the image is used.
+ NSRect fromRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, p->wd, p->h);
+ NSTRACE_RECT ("fromRect", fromRect);
+ [img drawInRect: r
+ fromRect: fromRect
+ operation: NSCompositingOperationSourceOver
+ fraction: 1.0
+ respectFlipped: YES
+ hints: nil];
- {
- NSPoint pt = r.origin;
- pt.y += p->h;
- [img compositeToPoint: pt operation: NSCompositingOperationSourceOver];
- }
+ {
+ NSPoint pt = r.origin;
+ pt.y += p->h;
+ [img compositeToPoint: pt operation: NSCompositingOperationSourceOver];
+ }
+ }
+ ns_reset_clipping (f);
- ns_unfocus (f);
r.size.height = h;
r.size.width = w->phys_cursor_width;
- /* Prevent the cursor from being drawn outside the text area. */
- ns_clip_to_row (w, glyph_row, TEXT_AREA, NO); /* do ns_focus(f, &r, 1); if remove */
- face = FACE_FROM_ID_OR_NULL (f, phys_cursor_glyph->face_id);
- if (face && NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face)
- == ns_index_color (FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (f), f))
+ /* Prevent the cursor from being drawn outside the text area. */
+ if (ns_clip_to_row (w, glyph_row, TEXT_AREA, NO))
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (face), f) set];
- hollow_color = FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (f);
- }
- else
+ face = FACE_FROM_ID_OR_NULL (f, phys_cursor_glyph->face_id);
+ if (face && NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face)
+ == ns_index_color (FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (f), f))
+ {
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (face), f) set];
+ hollow_color = FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR (f);
+ }
+ else
- /* TODO: This makes drawing of cursor plus that of phys_cursor_glyph
- atomic. Cleaner ways of doing this should be investigated.
- One way would be to set a global variable DRAWING_CURSOR
- when making the call to draw_phys..(), don't focus in that
- case, then move the ns_unfocus() here after that call. */
- NSDisableScreenUpdates ();
+ /* TODO: This makes drawing of cursor plus that of phys_cursor_glyph
+ atomic. Cleaner ways of doing this should be investigated.
+ One way would be to set a global variable DRAWING_CURSOR
+ when making the call to draw_phys..(), don't focus in that
+ case, then move the ns_reset_clipping() here after that call. */
+ NSDisableScreenUpdates ();
- switch (cursor_type)
- {
- case NO_CURSOR:
- break;
- NSRectFill (r);
- break;
- NSRectFill (r);
- [hollow_color set];
- NSRectFill (NSInsetRect (r, 1, 1));
- break;
- NSRectFill (r);
- break;
- case BAR_CURSOR:
- s = r;
- /* If the character under cursor is R2L, draw the bar cursor
- on the right of its glyph, rather than on the left. */
- cursor_glyph = get_phys_cursor_glyph (w);
- if ((cursor_glyph->resolved_level & 1) != 0)
- s.origin.x += cursor_glyph->pixel_width - s.size.width;
- NSRectFill (s);
- break;
- }
- ns_unfocus (f);
+ switch (cursor_type)
+ {
+ case NO_CURSOR:
+ break;
+ NSRectFill (r);
+ break;
+ NSRectFill (r);
+ [hollow_color set];
+ NSRectFill (NSInsetRect (r, 1, 1));
+ break;
+ NSRectFill (r);
+ break;
+ case BAR_CURSOR:
+ s = r;
+ /* If the character under cursor is R2L, draw the bar cursor
+ on the right of its glyph, rather than on the left. */
+ cursor_glyph = get_phys_cursor_glyph (w);
+ if ((cursor_glyph->resolved_level & 1) != 0)
+ s.origin.x += cursor_glyph->pixel_width - s.size.width;
+ NSRectFill (s);
+ break;
+ }
+ ns_reset_clipping (f);
- /* draw the character under the cursor */
- if (cursor_type != NO_CURSOR)
- draw_phys_cursor_glyph (w, glyph_row, DRAW_CURSOR);
+ /* draw the character under the cursor */
+ if (cursor_type != NO_CURSOR)
+ draw_phys_cursor_glyph (w, glyph_row, DRAW_CURSOR);
- NSEnableScreenUpdates ();
+ NSEnableScreenUpdates ();
+ }
- ns_focus (f, &r, 1);
- if (face)
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->foreground, f) set];
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (f, &r, 1))
+ {
+ if (face)
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color(face->foreground, f) set];
- NSRectFill(r);
- ns_unfocus (f);
+ NSRectFill(r);
+ ns_reset_clipping (f);
+ }
NSTRACE ("ns_draw_window_divider");
- ns_focus (f, ÷r, 1);
- if ((y1 - y0 > x1 - x0) && (x1 - x0 >= 3))
- /* A vertical divider, at least three pixels wide: Draw first and
- last pixels differently. */
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (f, ÷r, 1))
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color_first, f) set];
- NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0, y0, 1, y1 - y0));
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color, f) set];
- NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0 + 1, y0, x1 - x0 - 2, y1 - y0));
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color_last, f) set];
- NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x1 - 1, y0, 1, y1 - y0));
- }
- else if ((x1 - x0 > y1 - y0) && (y1 - y0 >= 3))
- /* A horizontal divider, at least three pixels high: Draw first and
- last pixels differently. */
- {
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color_first, f) set];
- NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0, y0, x1 - x0, 1));
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color, f) set];
- NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0, y0 + 1, x1 - x0, y1 - y0 - 2));
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color_last, f) set];
- NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0, y1 - 1, x1 - x0, 1));
- }
- else
- {
- /* In any other case do not draw the first and last pixels
- differently. */
- [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color, f) set];
- NSRectFill(divider);
- }
+ if ((y1 - y0 > x1 - x0) && (x1 - x0 >= 3))
+ /* A vertical divider, at least three pixels wide: Draw first and
+ last pixels differently. */
+ {
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color_first, f) set];
+ NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0, y0, 1, y1 - y0));
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color, f) set];
+ NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0 + 1, y0, x1 - x0 - 2, y1 - y0));
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color_last, f) set];
+ NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x1 - 1, y0, 1, y1 - y0));
+ }
+ else if ((x1 - x0 > y1 - y0) && (y1 - y0 >= 3))
+ /* A horizontal divider, at least three pixels high: Draw first and
+ last pixels differently. */
+ {
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color_first, f) set];
+ NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0, y0, x1 - x0, 1));
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color, f) set];
+ NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0, y0 + 1, x1 - x0, y1 - y0 - 2));
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color_last, f) set];
+ NSRectFill(NSMakeRect (x0, y1 - 1, x1 - x0, 1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* In any other case do not draw the first and last pixels
+ differently. */
+ [ns_lookup_indexed_color(color, f) set];
+ NSRectFill(divider);
+ }
- ns_unfocus (f);
+ ns_reset_clipping (f);
+ }
static void
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
*r = NSMakeRect (s->x, s->y, s->background_width, s->height);
- ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
- if (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE)
- {
- face = FACE_FROM_ID_OR_NULL (s->f,
- MOUSE_HL_INFO (s->f)->mouse_face_face_id);
- if (!face)
- face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_FACE_ID);
- }
- else
- face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, s->first_glyph->face_id);
- bgCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face), s->f);
- fgCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (face), s->f);
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (s->f, r, n))
- if (!s->row->full_width_p)
+ if (s->hl == DRAW_MOUSE_FACE)
- int overrun, leftoverrun;
- /* truncate to avoid overwriting fringe and/or scrollbar */
- overrun = max (0, (s->x + s->background_width)
- r[i].size.width -= overrun;
- /* truncate to avoid overwriting to left of the window box */
- leftoverrun = (WINDOW_BOX_LEFT_EDGE_X (s->w)
- + WINDOW_LEFT_FRINGE_WIDTH (s->w)) - s->x;
- if (leftoverrun > 0)
- {
- r[i].origin.x += leftoverrun;
- r[i].size.width -= leftoverrun;
- }
- /* XXX: Try to work between problem where a stretch glyph on
- a partially-visible bottom row will clear part of the
- modeline, and another where list-buffers headers and similar
- rows erroneously have visible_height set to 0. Not sure
- where this is coming from as other terms seem not to show. */
- r[i].size.height = min (s->height, s->row->visible_height);
+ face = FACE_FROM_ID_OR_NULL (s->f,
+ MOUSE_HL_INFO (s->f)->mouse_face_face_id);
+ if (!face)
+ face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, MOUSE_FACE_ID);
+ else
+ face = FACE_FROM_ID (s->f, s->first_glyph->face_id);
- [bgCol set];
+ bgCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (face), s->f);
+ fgCol = ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (face), s->f);
- /* NOTE: under NS this is NOT used to draw cursors, but we must avoid
- overwriting cursor (usually when cursor on a tab) */
- if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR)
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- CGFloat x, width;
+ if (!s->row->full_width_p)
+ {
+ int overrun, leftoverrun;
+ /* truncate to avoid overwriting fringe and/or scrollbar */
+ overrun = max (0, (s->x + s->background_width)
+ r[i].size.width -= overrun;
+ /* truncate to avoid overwriting to left of the window box */
+ leftoverrun = (WINDOW_BOX_LEFT_EDGE_X (s->w)
+ + WINDOW_LEFT_FRINGE_WIDTH (s->w)) - s->x;
+ if (leftoverrun > 0)
+ {
+ r[i].origin.x += leftoverrun;
+ r[i].size.width -= leftoverrun;
+ }
+ /* XXX: Try to work between problem where a stretch glyph on
+ a partially-visible bottom row will clear part of the
+ modeline, and another where list-buffers headers and similar
+ rows erroneously have visible_height set to 0. Not sure
+ where this is coming from as other terms seem not to show. */
+ r[i].size.height = min (s->height, s->row->visible_height);
+ }
+ [bgCol set];
+ /* NOTE: under NS this is NOT used to draw cursors, but we must avoid
+ overwriting cursor (usually when cursor on a tab). */
+ if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR)
+ {
+ CGFloat x, width;
- x = r[i].origin.x;
- width = s->w->phys_cursor_width;
- r[i].size.width -= width;
- r[i].origin.x += width;
+ x = r[i].origin.x;
+ width = s->w->phys_cursor_width;
+ r[i].size.width -= width;
+ r[i].origin.x += width;
- NSRectFill (r[i]);
+ NSRectFill (r[i]);
- /* Draw overlining, etc. on the cursor. */
- if (s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
- ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, bgCol, width, x);
+ /* Draw overlining, etc. on the cursor. */
+ if (s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
+ ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, bgCol, width, x);
+ else
+ ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, fgCol, width, x);
+ }
- ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, fgCol, width, x);
- }
- else
- {
- NSRectFill (r[i]);
- }
+ {
+ NSRectFill (r[i]);
+ }
- /* Draw overlining, etc. on the stretch glyph (or the part
- of the stretch glyph after the cursor). */
- ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, fgCol, r[i].size.width,
- r[i].origin.x);
+ /* Draw overlining, etc. on the stretch glyph (or the part
+ of the stretch glyph after the cursor). */
+ ns_draw_text_decoration (s, face, fgCol, r[i].size.width,
+ r[i].origin.x);
+ }
+ ns_reset_clipping (s->f);
- ns_unfocus (s->f);
s->background_filled_p = 1;
if (next->first_glyph->type != STRETCH_GLYPH)
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s->next, r);
- ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
- ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background (s->next, 1);
- ns_unfocus (s->f);
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (s->f, r, n))
+ {
+ ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background (s->next, 1);
+ ns_reset_clipping (s->f);
+ }
|| s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH))
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
- ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
- ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background (s, 1);
- ns_dumpglyphs_box_or_relief (s);
- ns_unfocus (s->f);
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (s->f, r, n))
+ {
+ ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background (s, 1);
+ ns_dumpglyphs_box_or_relief (s);
+ ns_reset_clipping (s->f);
+ }
box_drawn_p = 1;
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
- ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
- ns_dumpglyphs_image (s, r[0]);
- ns_unfocus (s->f);
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (s->f, r, n))
+ {
+ ns_dumpglyphs_image (s, r[0]);
+ ns_reset_clipping (s->f);
+ }
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
- ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (s->f, r, n))
+ {
+ if (s->for_overlaps || (s->cmp_from > 0
+ && ! s->first_glyph->u.cmp.automatic))
+ s->background_filled_p = 1;
+ else
+ ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background
+ (s, s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH);
- if (s->for_overlaps || (s->cmp_from > 0
- && ! s->first_glyph->u.cmp.automatic))
- s->background_filled_p = 1;
- else
- ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background
- (s, s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH);
+ if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR && s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
+ {
+ unsigned long tmp = NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (s->face);
+ NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face) = tmp;
+ }
- if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR && s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
- {
- unsigned long tmp = NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (s->face);
- NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face) = tmp;
- }
+ {
+ BOOL isComposite = s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH;
- {
- BOOL isComposite = s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH;
+ if (isComposite)
+ ns_draw_composite_glyph_string_foreground (s);
+ else
+ ns_draw_glyph_string_foreground (s);
+ }
- if (isComposite)
- ns_draw_composite_glyph_string_foreground (s);
- else
- ns_draw_glyph_string_foreground (s);
- }
+ {
+ NSColor *col = (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face) != 0
+ ? ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face),
+ s->f)
+ [col set];
+ /* Draw underline, overline, strike-through. */
+ ns_draw_text_decoration (s, s->face, col, s->width, s->x);
+ }
- {
- NSColor *col = (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face) != 0
- ? ns_lookup_indexed_color (NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face),
- s->f)
- [col set];
- /* Draw underline, overline, strike-through. */
- ns_draw_text_decoration (s, s->face, col, s->width, s->x);
- }
+ if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR && s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
+ {
+ unsigned long tmp = NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (s->face);
+ NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face) = tmp;
+ }
- if (s->hl == DRAW_CURSOR && s->w->phys_cursor_type == FILLED_BOX_CURSOR)
- {
- unsigned long tmp = NS_FACE_BACKGROUND (s->face);
- NS_FACE_FOREGROUND (s->face) = tmp;
+ ns_reset_clipping (s->f);
- ns_unfocus (s->f);
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
- ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
- if (s->for_overlaps || (s->cmp_from > 0
- && ! s->first_glyph->u.cmp.automatic))
- s->background_filled_p = 1;
- else
- ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background
- (s, s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH);
- /* ... */
- /* Not yet implemented. */
- /* ... */
- ns_unfocus (s->f);
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (s->f, r, n))
+ {
+ if (s->for_overlaps || (s->cmp_from > 0
+ && ! s->first_glyph->u.cmp.automatic))
+ s->background_filled_p = 1;
+ else
+ ns_maybe_dumpglyphs_background
+ (s, s->first_glyph->type == COMPOSITE_GLYPH);
+ /* ... */
+ /* Not yet implemented. */
+ /* ... */
+ ns_reset_clipping (s->f);
+ }
if (!s->for_overlaps && !box_drawn_p && s->face->box != FACE_NO_BOX)
n = ns_get_glyph_string_clip_rect (s, r);
- ns_focus (s->f, r, n);
- ns_dumpglyphs_box_or_relief (s);
- ns_unfocus (s->f);
+ if (ns_clip_to_rect (s->f, r, n))
+ {
+ ns_dumpglyphs_box_or_relief (s);
+ ns_reset_clipping (s->f);
+ }
s->num_clips = 0;
- 0, /* flush_display */
+ ns_flush_display, /* flush_display */